Tarotscope For All Signs July 2022 – What Tarot Vibe is Yours?
Hello Beautiful Soul,
It’s July already! Here’s your July 2022 Tarotscope. Each Tarot card represents a flavour for your month plus a vibe you can work with to use to your advantage.
Much love
Michele Knight-Waite
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King of Pentacles
You are the one that possesses the keys to your being. You carry the passport to your own happiness. — Diane von Furstenberg
With Mars, your ruler going into Earthy Taurus, and a Capricorn Super Full Moon, you can put your power and strength into security and sensuality. There’s a grounded quality joining your life. You know what practical things you need to do to achieve your goals. It’s time to build on the familiar, to focus on what you’ve already started.
The King of Pentacles reminds you that as long as you take it one step at a time, you are capable of achieving your desires. You are in control of your domain and can construct a pathway to a solid, firm future.
You’re scaling the peak to victory. Keep going, have confidence, and KNOW you can do it. July allows you to feel strong, aware that you have earned the right to feel secure within yourself.
Ace of Pentacles
My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.
Maya Angelou
Mars, the Planet of Action, passion, and power, enters your sign in July. A burst of energy spurs you onward. The Ace of Pentacles assures you that you are heading for a peak experience.
Expect tingles of excitement as a shift in the air throws you into a fresh, vibrant phase. Your energy levels should be high as you navigate life with confidence and persistence. Opportunities abound this month, and you have the enthusiasm to grab em.
Ace of Pentacles reminds us to look after our money and our roots. You have the potential for huge abundance in your life, not just financial abundance, but emotional happiness too. Do you pay enough attention to the mundane, the day to day stuff that ultimately becomes the foundation of whatever you are building? Are you in charge of your finances? Do you need to ground yourself?
What you want to achieve is inches away this month. To attain your goal, it’s essential to look at your belief system about success. Does your subconscious believe you don’t deserve it? Are you scared of failure? Is there a voice from your past who lacked faith in you?
AP gives you the courage to believe in yourself, and to nail down the details so that you can win the prize.
The Lovers
A spirit that lives in this world
and does not wear the shirt of love,
such an existence is a deep disgrace.
Be foolishly in love,
because love is all there is.
There is no way into presence
except through a love exchange.
If someone asks, But what is love?
answer, Dissolving the will.’ Rumi
July speaks to you of love, not just love of others (Venus in your sign until the 16th) but also love of yourself. Do you believe you are loved, lovable, and worthy of abundance and security? Are there any patterns you need to kick out of your belief system? Love is the essence of life. We limit our happiness by restricting love for safety, fear, or self-protection. There is much to love. Let love flow through you this month, love of nature, cats, friends, lovers, or just the miracle of life.
Do you love yourself the way Goddess, Cosmos, Universe, One consciousness loves you? Do you love yourself as much as you would expect your ideal lover to love you? in July, practice loving yourself.
The Lovers card brings a renewed relationship with all things loving. When Venus shifts signs, they give you access to a more profound sense of security. The Lovers card confirms that you are ready to express and experience deeper intimacy.
The Star
I see the stars come out of the sky
Yeah, the bright and hollow sky
You know it looks so good tonight
Iggy Pop
Yay! Cancer season is in full swing for most of July. The Star Tarot card represents healing, inspiration, and creativity. July allows you to express yourself wholly, wildly, and unashamedly.
Venus, the planet of love, is joining your cosmic party and sprinkles a profound sense of belonging. When you feel at peace and at home in yourself, anything is possible. You can nurture your soul and others while feeling in touch with your creative spark.
The Star reveals that the storm has passed and that this is your time to express yourself freely.
The Sun
Here comes the Sun
Here comes the Sun and I say
It’s all right’
The Beatles
Yay! We are heading into Leo season. What other card can there be but the glorious Sun! Your cosmic battery is about to be recharged as you flow into your strength. Life has a bright and joyful flavour as you remember what it feel like to beam with positivity.
The Sun is your ruler, giving you extra energy when they return to your sign. The Sun Tarot card is such a joyful card, it rebalances us and reboots us to a time of innocent enthusiasm and pleasure.
We can always be sure (unless we live in the Arctic circle!) that the Sun will rise and offer us another chance. The Sun is courageous, optimistic, and downright happy. July brings another turn around the Sun and a bright new path.
The Sun is urging you to hang out with, be playful with, souls that make you laugh. Happiness is coming your way as the Cosmos switches the light on in your heart.
Three of Cups
‘Of all possessions, a friend is the most precious.’
Friendship and networking are keywords for you in July. You are recharged and thrilled by mixing with those that inspire and get you. You are moving out of a time of self-reflection and into community connections.
People are contagious (Research on emotional contagion shows us that we ‘catch’ emotions from others.) Who we mingle with and give our time to significantly impacts our mood, life path, and vibration. Thankfully July offers you a chance to meet and connect with like-minded souls.
Find people to laugh with. A good giggle is similar to a mini-aerobic workout. It increases your breathing rate and raises your body temperature too. It works the stomach muscles, massages your internal organs and sends a surge of oxygen around your body.
No matter how obscure your passion is, others out there share it. Connect with those who adore what you adore and inspire and support you.
Eight of Pentacles
‘And what is it to work with love?
It is to weave the cloth with threads drawn from your heart, even as if your beloved were to wear that cloth.
It is to build a house with affection, even as if your beloved were to dwell in that house.
It is to sow seeds with tenderness and reap the harvest with joy, even as if your beloved were to eat the fruit’ Kahil Gibran
Time to use your talents to satisfy you and those around you. The Eight of Pentacles gives you a potential career shift, as you can pivot into committing to what you do. Your energy focuses on a job, hobby, or grand passion. It doesn’t have to be a paid-for job; it is where you choose to put your time and energy.
July radiates your attention towards work. Work (whatever that means to you) stimulates you and dangles possibilities. Your talents increase as you become more confident and brave in putting yourself forward.
If you are looking for a new vocation or adding fulfillment and self-expression to your journey, then now is the time.
If you feel stuck in your career read this https://staging.micheleknight.com/articles/quantum/quantum-creating/quantum-creating-and-your-career/
Knight of Wands
‘Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing.’
Helen Keller
With a slew of planets in your 9th house of adventure and expansion, you’re all set to fearlessly Swashbuckle your way into July.
Tempted by all things unique, adventurous, and different, you’re ready to leave the past behind, to feast on life, and express your soul.
You’ve probably spent some time pondering over the direction you would like to take, and now you are ready for action. Make sure you water your horse and take care of the details or you could find yourself galloping into unknown territory ill-prepared. All you need to do is make a plan and add a dose of practicality to your gung-ho effervescent new energy.
Don’t worry; your psychic detective antenna is strong. You can still look deeply into people, places, and possibilities with your usual deep insight. However, the difference is your spirit, tinged with optimism, allows you to take a leap of faith.
6 of Cups
“Do not allow people to dim your shine because they are blinded. Tell them to put some sunglasses on.”
— Lady Gaga
Jupiter, your ruler, goes retrograde at the end of this month. It’s time to return to old pleasures. Have you let go of creative inspiration? Are there people, places, or experiences you have dropped? Have you been too busy to connect with your own needs?
Look back over the years to the times when you felt fulfilled, when your spirit expanded, and you breathed in the sweet smell of wonder just for being in the moment.
The past may be an unknown country, but that makes the trip back even more worthwhile.
Mix with people who know you, who you have an innocent, pure connection with. It’s time to reclaim treasures lost to the past. You might meet a soul you have a unique connection with, they feel familiar to you and radiate goodness.
The Moon
Moon in the mirror
Look below you
Moon’s looking back
And they’re loving and longing and telling no lies
Joni Mitchell
The Full Moon in Capricorn this month delivers a peak experience. For the first couple weeks of July, focus your energy on what you want that peak experience to be.
Pay attention to your emotions, hunches, and any synchronicities coming your way. Your dreams are packed with signs and symbols (so write them down) You have greater insight into your buried emotions.
On top of that, Mercury and Venus are in your relationship zone. Love, intimate moments, and exploring affectionate connections abound. Your heart is open to new experiences. Let your intuition guide you.
Like the Moon, we all have cycles and phases. July is your cycle of intuition and emotion.
4 of Wands
‘Your home is your temple. It’s the place where you can recharge, increase your energy and plot your destiny.’ Michele Knight
Mars, the planet of passion, power, and potential, is entering your 4th house of home and family. You have the energy and focus to push ahead with any changes, redecoration, or transformation in these areas.
A word of caution, Mars is an enthusiastic, temperamental powerhouse. If you have been dissatisfied with a flatmate or family member, it is much easier to lose your cool. You’re eager to resolve any house or family issues and won’t pull any punches. Channel your energy into decluttering, organising, or just dancing in your kitchen. Get the Mars force moving!
A get-together, party, or celebration lights up your July.
King of Swords
“Is it true; is it kind, or is it necessary?” Socrates
Mars, in your 3rd house of communication this month, allows you to speak your truth fearlessly ( don’t forget to coat it in that extraordinary kindness of yours). Your mind, your ideas, and long overdue conversations are ready to be put into action.
Being a Pisces, sometimes your thoughts get lost or entangled with your emotions. You have so much empathy that you end up understanding everyone else’s point of view or swimming away and evading telling it like it is in case you hurt someone, or they hurt you. A certain amount of detachment this month will do you know harm.
July empowers you to cut through the crap and communicate with clarity, boundaries, and honesty. A ton of brilliant visions can become a reality. Trust your inner voice and follow through on your opinions. The King of Swords assures you that you can dare to tell it like it is.
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My New Tarot Deck
I’ve been creating my Knight-Waite tarot deck for three years.
It has been such a labour of love, I can’t wait to unleash it!
It will launch in 2023, but why not take a little sneak peek at the cards below?
We have no affiliation whatsoever with the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck, the rights in which are owned and/or controlled by the Penguin Random House Group. Any similarity in trade names is coincidental only: we are not licensed by, endorsed by, or in any other way connected with Rider-Waite, the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck, or the Penguin Random House Group.