5 Steps to give yourself a psychic reading. Tarot cards, crystals and pendulums can all help you develop your psychic skills, but the most direct and powerful way to connect with your intuition is to go direct to the source – your own mind.
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The use of psychometry goes back as far as the use of any psychic skill, but more recently a greater understanding of the nature of the universe revealed by quantum physics has given us a better way of explaining exactly what’s at work.
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Michele’s Psychic Vlop episodes 1-5. Michele combines psychic lessons, tarot card readings mixed in with an insight into her day to day life.
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Speaking to a psychic can be a liberating and inspirational experience. It is a time when one spirit connects to another in love, and from there intuitive messages and information can be accessed in order to deliver a specific and detailed reading very personal to you.
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Often people ask me if a phone reading can ever be as good as a face to face reading. Personally I have always felt that it has the potential to be more powerful as you have a direct channel. Your mind cannot get caught up with unconscious visual clues, you just link into the energy […]
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Getting the answers you seek or expanding your psychic skills can be done anywhere – and in 60 seconds with these 30 soul-skill expanding exercises.
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Need an answer to something quickly? Just want to work on your psychic skills but feel you have no time? Then get ready to discover truths, uncover answers and expand your clairvoyant abilities as you go about your everyday business.
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Getting the answers you seek or expanding your psychic skills can be done anywhere – and in these 1 minute psychic classes explore and discover different levels of your psychic ability
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Expanding your psychic abilities is as easy as asking the question in the right place – or the place that’s right for you!
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Finding the solution to any difficulty or mess we find ourselves in begins with taking these 7 simple steps back towards success.
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Have a burning question?
Your psychic email reading aims to answer specific questions as well as giving you a general overview of what is going on around you empowering you to follow your own wisdom and intuition.
Your home really is your temple. It is the place where you can recharge, increase your energy and plot your destiny. If you feel unhappy in your home it can have all manner of negative effects.
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We’re all intuitive but how can you test your intuition and improve it? Here are some quick and easy exercises designed to kick-start your psychic abilities.
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What can you expect in a psychic phone reading? All of my psychics should give you specific details about your situation or tell you something specific about your past without you telling them anything.
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We love hearing from you and getting your feedback on our psychic team and your experience of our psychic readings. Here are some of the latest testimonials. Please email us if you would like to share your feedback.
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