Protecting your aura

Whether we are a city dweller or live closer to nature, the most important sacred space we have is the space we inhabit – in other words, our aura. Now, the thing is we can choose what we bring in to this space or even allow to enter it. To do this however, we need to have respect for boundaries – our own, and to do whatever is necessary when these boundaries are crossed or invaded.

We all know people who have a negative impact on our energy. This can be due to them being unnecessarily demanding, negative or impossible to please. These kinds of connections drain us and then there’s the more obvious ‘energy vampires’ who seem to take so much from us they leave us feeling depleted and lacking in confidence. The fact is, we are going to encounter these kinds of people throughout our lives and we need to keep our ‘sacred space’ – the energy field that surrounds us, replenished and strengthened so we can deal with them – whether this means cutting off contact with them completely or being unafraid to say ‘No’ to them. This all comes back to boundaries. Boundaries not only keep you and your energy safe, they allow others the opportunity to grow and become more respectful when dealing with others. Had you thought of it that way? Boundaries allow you to communicate honestly but not hurtfully and allow you to come from a place of integrity which builds trust between you and others.

Even Urban Shamans can easily re-charge their sacred space – you don’t even need to be outside although if you can go to a park or open space this will give you an extra boost. All you need do is close your eyes and stand in an open window so you can feel the breeze on you and concentrate on filtering out the city noise and finding the sounds of nature be it the sound of rain, birdsong or the wind in the trees or just feeling the fresh air and sunlight on your face. Raise your arms and imagine light and air flowing through them and recharging first your inner core and then flowing out to cleanse and energise your aura. Feel when the energy reaches the boundaries of your ‘space’ and imagine it creating a shining, radiant energy field that nothing can permeate unless you choose to let it in. Imagine someone negative is standing in front of you. See their negative energy re-bounding away back towards them leaving you unaffected. If necessary imagine yourself saying ‘No’ to their usual demands or tactfully telling them that you are going to be busy for a while and won’t have time to see them. See your Sacred Space glowing stronger as you do this.

When you are ready, lower your arms and open your eyes. Now know you can re-charge this sacred space around you whenever you feel the need to but that now your boundaries are firmly in place. You can now approach negative people and situations with a fresh sense of confidence. Strong boundaries build strong souls.



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