Your 8 Card Tarot Reading – Pick A Card with Michele Knight-Waite
Your 8 Card Tarot Reading – Pick A Card
with Michele Knight -Waite
Hello Beautiful Soul,
Fancy a little intuitive advice? In this Tarot reading, you can choose two cards (or as many as jump out at you!). Relax, take a breath and cast your eyes over the backs of the 8 Tarot cards. Which ones capture your attention? Make sure you don’t overanalyze it, use your psychic senses rather than your mind. Go with your first choices.
Much love
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Tarot Card One – The 3 of Swords
There seem to have been at least three significant disappointments along the way. You are carrying a pain so familiar that you might not even be aware that it’s there! If you look at this card you see that the swords are symmetrical, they merrily pierce your tender heart. What pain are you hanging onto? Do you believe your fate will always be one of defeats and setbacks? Have you not recovered from a betrayal? The pain of the 3 of swords can be buried and go back to the distant past.
FEAR NOT! The three swords have come into your life today to give you a message. When you let go of the past, when you regain your faith in your journey and your ability to create your reality, the pain heals. You are ready to let go, to recover, and experience abundance and joy. Your mission is to tackle any negative thinking, to honour your wounds but to commit to thriving. Your past does not define your future. Do something kind and lovely for yourself today. Write a list of your desires and know that they are possible. You got this!
Tarot Card Two – The King of Swords
The King of Swords is clear thinking and can cut to the chase. Once they focus on a goal, they go straight for it. You may meet someone like this, or you may tap into these qualities in yourself. Others could be enticed by a highly intelligent person, but they might be too extreme or dominant in their views for you.
Clever, bright and honest he isn’t very good at expressing his emotions. Male/female/X or gender fluid this character is very set in their ways. If you need to be a warrior and carve out the truth, then this card tells you that you have the strength. If you feel that someone has cut off from you, it’s probably a blessing in disguise as you liberate yourself from a controlling force.
Tarot Card Three – 2 of Wands
There is an opportunity lurking about that may have more potential than you initially realise. Is it time to consider how and why you make the decisions and choices you make? What motivates you? Security? Fear? Fearlessness? Adventure or your heart?
The Two of Wands has come into your life to expand your horizons. It’s time to move forward. The seeds of possibility have been sown. You have called upon the Universe to bring you your dreams, you have become more aware of your personal energy, and now is the time to act, to follow the spark of your soul. Take responsibility and step toward your calling.
Tarot Card Four – 6 of Wands
The six of Wands guarantee you that triumph is coming. You are winning in a situation, achieving your ambition and recognised for who you are. On top of that, you are starting to believe in yourself!
When we think we can achieve a dream and deserve it, we unlock a magical doorway to success. Ok, we also have to make the moves and do the work.
The 6 of Wands reveals that you will have an incredible moment of victory with a dose of well-deserved recognition. Don’t rest on your laurels, though.
What do victory, success, and recognition mean to you? All of these experiences can be internal as well as external. When we overcome anxiety or change an ingrained pattern or habit, that to is a success. Think about what challenge you want to win next.
Tarot Card Five – Strength
Strength! You are far stronger than you know. Strength is not brute force or angry rage. Strength can be quiet, warm, persistent. There is great strength in compassion and gentleness. What strength do you need right now? The Universe is empowering you and filling you with the courage you need to find your strength. Tune into the card and sense what important information it has for you.
Strength comes to you this week to remind you that you are safe and have an unconquerable spirit. If there are situations in your life where people are trying to control or dominate you, if you feel angry or stressed out, reach into your inner warrior of love.
The Strength card shows that true power is gentle. Losing your cool is not necessarily the best use of your energy, in fact, you could that could mean you are falling into someone’s trap! Watch, learn, think before you react.
Rouse your empathy for yourself, know that your vulnerability is also your strength. Whatever has been causing you to feel ‘weak’ or bogged down can be overcome now. Take time to think outside the box and see the different ways you can handle any challenges around you. You can transform a situation.
Tarot Card Six – The Empress
Ah, Empress! Can you feel the power surging through your being? You are about to channel vast creativity, sensuality and wonder. Perhaps others see you as a mother figure or you are enquiring about a woman who stands in her magnificence? In either case, this is a majestic card
Even if you are a natural Empress is can be easy to be worn down by the responsibilities of life. If this card is you, you probably naturally nurture and care for those that cross your path.
In the immediate future expect a surge of energy that reminds you of who you are and how far for have come. opportunities are coming your way. You are glorious in your domain. KNOW your fabulousness.
Tarot Card Seven – The Ace Of Pentacles
It’s all to play for this week as a diamond thought or possibility is dangled before you. You’ve been inching towards building your self-esteem and healing past wounds, and it’s now time to take care of the details. Know that you deserve success and that you have earned it.
Influencers, powerful souls, and wise ones are all drawn to you. Commit to your dreams, fight any fears or self-doubt. You have come this far and the next stage will likely feel simpler. The Ace of Pentacles assures you that you can and will do it. Ground yourself, look after yourself, and plant your seeds deeply. An abundance spurt it on the way!
Tarot Card Eight – Ten of Cups
All the strands of the love you have put into the cosmos are coming together. Your boundless compassion and ability to overcome hardship with an open heart has drawn the right spiritual squad to you.
Over the coming days and weeks, you will know who your beloveds are, the souls that uplift your spirit and make your heart soar.
Our energy is constantly impacted by others. Who we join forces with ultimately enhances or hinders our dreams and goals. You are about to experience a sense of relief and gratitude as others uplift, connect and work with you for your highest good.
If you don’t feel you have met your soul team then open your arms to the possibility. Shake up routines and go to places and join groups with fellow love warriors, either way empowering connections are on the way.
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My New Tarot Deck
I’ve been creating my Knight-Waite tarot deck for three years.
It has been such a labour of love, I can’t wait to unleash it!
It will launch in 2023, but why not take a little sneak peek at the cards below?
We have no affiliation whatsoever with the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck, the rights in which are owned and/or controlled by the Penguin Random House Group. Any similarity in trade names is coincidental only: we are not licensed by, endorsed by, or in any other way connected with Rider-Waite, the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck, or the Penguin Random House Group.