Spiritual Fitness – the legacy of Caroline Reynolds

It’s a year since my very beautiful friend and soul sister and the author of the incredible book “spiritual fitness” Caroline Reynolds passed over.  She crossed over as she had lived; with grace and courage, selflessly passing her message of love to anyone who came into her orbit right through to her last moments in this incarnation.

Caroline was sent into my life like a guardian angel when I was 17 and was one of the key people to help me transform my life. We both helped each other in our spiritual journey and we both had a friendship based on lot’s of laughter.During her lifetime, she wrote the book Spiritual Fitness which encapsulated a message that she wanted to share with as many people as possible; one that is so important and profound that I wanted in honour of her memory and her legacy in repeating here.

Carolyn said that spirituality is not about us being perfect, but is a constant, lifelong process of moving towards what she called ‘heart-filled integrity’. 

She also urged us to see our spirituality as a kind of structure that would support us through the ups and downs of life and one that we needed to carefully craft day by day.  It wasn’t something that we could achieve overnight, or develop by getting round to it once in a while, but that the reward of a regular discipline would be the lifting of an immense burden of strain that would be replaced by and outpouring of ‘creativity and love’.

Ultimately, she wanted us to really get that what we know becomes far less important than what we do.  That spirituality is less of an intellectual process and more of an  active enquiry into the nature of love itself, and that the real treasure of our existence is who we become in the process.

Before she crossed over, Caroline said that she wanted me to spread the message in her book, and so I am going to do just that, taking the most important parts and talking about them here.

It seems the perfect time to start doing this, not just because it is the anniversary of her passing, but also because her positive and ultimately soul affirming words can help us find the strength and divinity that lives in each and every one of us that will allow us all to shine.  That’s what Caroline wanted us to do.

Hear Caroline talk about Spiritual Fitness


Find Spiritual Fitness on Amazon

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