Psychic Readings: Face to face or over the phone?

Psychic Readings: Face to face or over the phone?

Gone are the crystal balls, dimmed lights and head scarfs (mainly!). Psychic readings have taken a 21st century leap and many of us use psychics, soul coaches and astrologers as part of our life enhancing tool kit. A good psychic reading can be a real soul rejuvenator. To get our mojo back, reconnect us to our inner wisdom and hopefully throw in a few unexpected revelations to turbo charge our way through life’s obstacles. If you’re thinking about having a psychic reading, it’s very important that you pick someone you trust.

Some people like to find psychic readers who work locally to where they live for a face to face psychic reading.  Other people are happy to travel long distances for consultations with famous psychic readers on the recommendation of friends.

Loads of companies have sprung up that offer psychic readings over the phone and lots of people are lapping up this new way of experiencing the mystical. So which is less risky, a face to face psychic reading, or one done over the telephone?

Trust in psychic readings

No one wants a dodgy psychic reading so keep your wits about you! Trust is the most important thing in a psychic reading. You need to be able to trust that whoever you are having a psychic reading with is a genuine clairvoyant, is working on a high spiritual plane to give a good, honest, empowering reading, and who can help you work out what you need to do to move forward in your own life.While also not making the decisions for you. A good psychic helps you step into your own super powers and liberates you to connect with your own intuition.

Sadly, there are many people out there who aren’t really psychic, or who aren’t working for the highest good of the person when they do a reading. There are a small number of outright scammers giving the whole industry a bad name so do your research and use your gut instinct.

No risk telephone readings

These days, when we are buying anything we like to go by word of mouth. Choosing phone psychics when you want to have a psychic reading or picking a reader can be a daunting process. In fact that’s why I started this website because I wanted to draw together the very best psychics and have a space where people could learn and grow for free with free tarot readings and tons of articles on how to develop psychic skills as well as what I have learned along the way that helped me transform my life. I wanted to share my knowledge and that included my knowledge of what a good psychic is.

Back in the day so many people wanted psychic readings from me that I couldn’t keep up, so I created this space that offered telephone psychic readings and picked the psychics myself by testing all of them and now also getting regular customers to test them as well so they have about 4 tests before we unleash them onto you! That way, I could honestly tell people that, even though I couldn’t give them a reading myself, I could point them towards someone I genuinely thought was brilliant.

Money back psychic reading satisfaction

One of the most important things for me is that I wanted everyone to be happy and empowered! I wanted people to feel that they weren’t risking anything by coming to one of the fab psychics here so I set it up so that, if people booked a credit card reading with one of my readers and they weren’t totally happy within the first five minutes, they could either try another reader or have their money back – no questions asked. Chemistry is so important and there are so many styles and sorts of psychic readings it’s essential to find the right one for you. It took me 20 years to find the right hairdresser never mind psychic! Psychic readings are an intimate thing and getting the right mix is as important as getting the detailed information.

No risks all round

It’s asking a lot for a psychic reader to blow someone away within the first five minutes of a psychic reading, but I knew it was possible, and I knew mine could do it.  That means, within the first five minutes, they should say something that convinces you that they aren’t just guessing or keeping you stringing along – that they’ve linked in with you and your situation using genuine psychic skills and giving you detailed psychic information not boring generalities. Because of that we have gone from strength to strength and most of the people who have a psychic reading here everyday are people that are returning and have had a reading with us before.

Less risky than face to face

In many ways, having a psychic reading by telephone is less risky than having a psychic reading face to face.  Any psychic who works using the telephone is regulated by an industry watchdog who insists on strict standards being upheld.  Add to that knowing that you can have your money back if you aren’t happy within five minutes and you can see why it’s less of a risk to pick up the phone.  And you can do it all from the comfort of your own sofa!

Whatever you decide I send you a ton of love on your journey and do hope you find the articles and free readings on this site useful to help you heal, re-empower, navigate through difficult situations and inspire you for your future adventures.



2 thoughts on “Psychic Readings: Face to face or over the phone?

    1. Hi my name is Samantha im really upset because my partner who I was with for 17 years has finished with me today his name is called Denis I wrote a big letter to him can you do readings for me and tell me what is going to happen please

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