What do psychic mediums want us to know?

A psychic medium is someone who is able to bridge the gap between those of us here and those who have passed over.  Not so very long ago, psychic mediums would have been tried as witches or shunned as being people to be afraid of, but these days, thanks to the work of many psychic mediums who are now household names, such as Jams Van Praagh and, closer to home, Gordon Smith, psychic mediums can use their gifts to bring comfort and even messages that help us understand how to make the most of our journey here.

Having a reading from a psychic medium

Many people have readings from professional psychic mediums because they want to make a connection with loved ones who have passed over.  Many professional psychic mediums see their job as providing comfort and also happiness when they give accurate information that lets us know that our loved ones have indeed crossed over into a new phase of existence.

Psychic Medium messages

Visiting a psychic medium in the hope of making a connection with a loved one who had passed over became very popular during and after both World Wars and, at the start of its popularity, psychic mediums simply passed whatever messages that they could.  But a few soon recognised that those who had passed had a lot more to tell us.

Celebrating life

I have had the pleasure of interviewing James Van Praagh, an internationally famous psychic medium, author and co-executive producer of the popular TV series, Ghost Whisperer, about his life and work.  During this fascinating interview in which we both talked about the spiritual discoveries that our very different paths had helped us make , James shared what a lifetime of working as a psychic medium and going through a near death experience of his own had taught him – how to live life.

We are here to learn

Conducting hundreds of sessions as a psychic medium had made James realise that those who had passed wanted us to know that we are here to learn and to evolve spiritually, and that when we pass over, there is no judgement – only a review of how well we did at school.

And we get to choose our lessons

We also choose many of the lessons that we want to learn in this lifetime and have agreements with people, who we then later meet as soul mates or members of our soul family, with whom we go on to share certain experiences that help us with our spiritual growth.

The greatest comfort of all

Perhaps that message is the greatest comfort of all – that everything really does happen for our highest good and that, no matter what happens to us along the way, we have total freedom in terms of our spiritual growth. It also means that it is good for us to sometimes relax our judgement about whether something that happens to us is bad – or even good.  It’s all just designed to help us grow – and in turn, as I firmly believe, evolve the whole.

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