Shamanism and Alternative Healing for Pets

This article on exploring shamanism as an alternative healing for pets was inspired by Mr. Boo, Michele Knight’s princely pup who is feeling a tad under-the-weather.

Most of us who have pets, including Michele, are devoted to our animals.  We are not pet owners.  Rather, we are family, providers and friends to the animals who participate in our lives.

Because we feel so deeply about our animal family, many of us are seeking unique ways to help them.  Although shamanism is ancient, it can prove to be an innovative method to alternative healing for pets.

Please note, this article on alternative healing for pets using shamanic philosophies is only suggestive.  Seek professional medical advice if necessary.

There are various opinions about what shamanism is.  Simplified, shamanism is a state of being that recognizes the core and primal spirit in all life.  Shamanism is an instinctive form of practice and thought.  Animism (acknowledgment of a spirit in all things alive) is the prime tenet of a shaman’s spiritual practice and path.

That said, shamanism can be a perfect complement to alternative healing for pets because it is rooted in animalistic wisdom.
So how can shamanism help heal your pet?

It’s decidedly simple.  When called to practice, shamans pick up a single energetic thread of life – the main thread – and follow this thread to its origin.  They understand that there is a core animalistic thread.  Once that core thread is identified, it can be communicated with and healing can begin.

For example, a core thread for domestic dogs is the lineage of the noble wolf.  Shamanism affirms this original energetic bloodline within domestic dogs and communicates with the wolf on the dog’s behalf.

Bearing this in mind, you can serve as a shaman to your pet.  Here are some suggestions for incorporating shamanism as an alternative healing for pets.

  • If your pet is not feeling well, you can take the active role of shaman and perform a shamanic healing on your animal family member.
  • Be in a comfortable environment with your pet.  Have one or two of his/her favorite items (like a chew toy, blanket).  This enhances the sense of comfort and ease.
  • Speak your intent clearly and express gratitude.  A verbal or mental statement such as “We are all connected, and I am one with (my pet’s name here). Healing is activated in this circle of energy, and we are grateful for the work that is done.”
  • Touch your pet lovingly.  As you do so, move your awareness into a deeper, meditative state.  Begin to calm yourself as you continue to calm and stroke your pet. With each stroke, move your mind and spirit to a deeper level of consciousness.  Both you and your pet are diving into sacred shamanic energies.
  • When you feel yourself submerged in a calm yet powerful energetic field, begin to focus your awareness on your pet – but do not see him/her as ill.  Rather, see your pet as complete, whole and healthy.  Part of shaman magic comes from seeing potentials (not what you see in front of you) so see vitality in your dog (even if he/she is sick).
  • Now focus on the prime animal bloodline (that core thread of life) of your pet.  Tap into the root, or the original family line.  This is where the power lies.  In domestic animals this power lays dormant, but it can be summoned and activated to facilitate healing.

Here are some suggestions for ancient bloodlines connected to domestic pets:

  • Dog = Wolf, Fox
  • Cat = Lion, Tiger, Puma, etc.
  • Bird = Eagle, Owl, Hawk
  • Fish = Shark, Sturgeon
  • Snake = Cobra, Kundalini
  • Lizards = Dragons

You may tap into different prime lineage.  That’s okay.  Go with what compels you – that’s what shamans do.

  • Once you identify your pet’s original power line, focus on this energy and begin to communicate with this primal, indwelling spirit.
  • Activate this primal power surging through your pet.  See it running through the veins of your pet as waves of ancient healing, helping and strong ancestral love for your animal.
  • Continue working with these ancient animal energies – see the energies comingling.  Respect and participate in the energetic mix.
  • When you feel a dip in the intensity of this excursive, it is a natural cue to begin to wrap up your work.
  • Thank all the energies and spirits who came to help and connect.  Begin to pull back into your every-day consciousness.
  • Stroke your pet, and speak lovingly to him/her.  Explain to your pet what just took place (he/she already knows – but it helps to galvanize the experience for  both you and your pet).
  • These practices are intense.  Spend the next hour or so just calmly relaxing with your pet.  Indulge your pet with your undivided attention and love – this adds to the effectiveness of healing.

It’s important to be open-minded when you are practice this alternative healing for pets.  Let the shamanic ways move you.  Stay in a creative state as you work with these shamanic and animal realms.

For example, if you are working with your dog, and recognize Wolf energy, see that energy emerging from your dog.  See wolf spirit come alive in your dog, making him/her more active, alive and full of wild vitality.  See other wolves coming in packs to connect with your dog, and assure him/her healing is available within the energetic wolf tribe.

There is no limit to the potential power inherent in alternative healing for pets using shamanic methods.  Give it a try, and see for yourself.  Odds are, not only your pet will receive a healing – so will you!

Note: This article is not a substitute for medical advice. Consult a qualified medical practitioner if you feel your pet needs medical attention.

Written by Avia Venefica of

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