4 Tips to transform your psychic energy.

When I talk about psychic energy I am talking about where we put our intuition and intention and what that creates. What are we perceiving our life to be and how can we change it to work for us? I have found it’s the small things in life which create our reality. Shifting our intentions and thoughts can turn our lives and energy around and transform us in deep and profound ways. Here are 4 tips to transform your psychic energy.
1/ The power of you – Our thoughts determine how we feel and what we feel emits out like a calling signal! Our inner voice is probably one of the most powerful creators of our reality. How do you treat yourself in your head? When you make a mistake do you put yourself down? Do you think you are unlovable or do you have some other negative thought that repeats itself? Turn your inner voice into something more positive. Challenge each negative thought and replace it with unconditional love and support, be your own best friend! In fact become your own ‘spirit guide’ and allow your inner voice to tune into your higher self, one consciousness or whatever positive symbol works for you. What would your higher self say to you about you? Become the love that we all are and see how life changes when you support you!
2/Recharge your psychic batteries – It’s easy to loose our energy in the chaos of life. Many of us live manic lives, especially in this modern world of new technology where we can be hooked on our phones and emails. I absolutely adore technology but this is a place where I really have to be disciplined because it’s too easy for me to sit down at my computer and then realise that hours have passed. Make a conscious effort to get out and walk in nature to reclaim your psychic space and give yourself the chance for reflection and to be in a space of mindfulness. Getting into nature and being in the moment shifts us back into our power.
3/Develop a few simple positive rituals that ground and focus you. This is all about you deciding what works for you. When I have a bath for instance I turn it into an opportunity to cleanse my energy. I can literally feel a good soak restoring my psychic energy and when I pull the plug I visualise all negative energy being washed away. I also love to light candles. It only takes a couple of minutes to centre your psychic energy, rub a candle with scented oil, trace any key words on the side of the candle with your fingers (such as Love or protection) and then light it. It’s amazing how such little things can change our mood and have a positive impact. Every time I light a candle I visualise protection and love filling my home. Sending small intentions out all the time reinforces our vibration.
4/ Be an energy conservationist! Imagine that you have a psychic energy allowance and you want to use that psychic energy in the most efficient way. A bit of reflection will reveal how much you allocate each day on regret, going over the past, focusing on what’s wrong (and especially what you can’t control), plus all of the other goodies like anger and envy. See what happens when you redirect that psychic energy into areas that bring you benefits. Say, for example, you realise that you are leaking a lot of psychic energy on regularly revisiting a career disappointment that happened in the past, such as a job you didn’t get or a project that failed. What happens if you pull that energy back and plough it into studying for a new skill or developing a new idea?
Loads of love,
Michele x
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My New Tarot Deck
I’ve been creating my Knight-Waite tarot deck for three years.
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It will launch in 2023, but why not take a little sneak peek at the cards below?
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I really appreciate your tip to make some time to go out into nature and get our psychic energy back. My wife told me that her new job has been sucking a lot of the energy out of her because of how much time she has to spend in front of her monitor. I will be sure to tell my wife that we should try and walk together in nature so she can get her energy back!