The Psychic power of in-between days

Whether you celebrated the season in the traditional manner or not, Christmas is now passed and we’re hovering in that period before New Year kicks in.  All the hectic, crazy build up to Christmas is over but we can’t quite get going on 2011 yet. 

Actually, times like this can be very powerful.  Spiritually speaking, places and times that hover between one world and the next,  one time and another, or one place and somewhere else are considered to be portals that are chock full of potential.

If, like me, you have spent most of 2010 at full throttle, it’s actually really important to just stop sometimes and give yourself a chance to catch up.  I always say it’s like that feeling that you get on day five of a holiday, when you truly submit to the experience and remember who you are outside of having to do stuff.

Sometimes it’s good not to have a plan, not to have any expectations and not to cram something in to what might look like an empty space.  Just for today, why not let it be?  Go with what you feel like doing on a moment by moment basis.  If you’ve been carrying the unconscious belief that you are no one unless you are doing something or heading somewhere, it’s time to challenge that and discover the joys of mooching. 

You can take all day to read one book from cover to cover, make it a day of home pamper beauty treatments, slow cooking, or whatever takes your fancy.  In a world of texts and emails, take the time to write a letter to someone who will be overjoyed to find a handwritten envelope on their doormat.

Give yourself the gift of slowing down and remember – when the Universe sends you a break, take it!

Loads of love,

Michele x

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