Pick A Tarot Card For The Week Ahead – Use your intuition

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Pick A Tarot Card For The Week Ahead

Focus on the four Tarot Cards and use your intuition to feel if there is a message for you for the week ahead. Feel if any of the Tarot Cards resonate with you. Do you get a tingle? A knowing? Scroll down for your video :)

Much love

Michele x

Four Tarot Cards Video

Tarot card one – Temperance

Focus on what needs balancing in your life this week. When we get to a point where we have inner harmony we can then achieve anything we desire. Is there a bad habit you need to ditch? Have you been working too hard and overlooking intimacy? Have you been self-soothing with alcohol or food? Remember, Temperance is a Major Arcana card. Major Arcana cards are the power cards in the deck. When you choose a Major Arcana card there is a deeper message than usual. In a way, it’s akin to going through an initiation. You are upping your game, evolving your soul, and leveling up. It’s time to let go of extremes and addiction, to find your balance and reclaim your power!

Tarot Card Two – 4 of Wands

Hey Wonderful One, you’re every inch the homebody this week. Home and family are on your mind and in your heart. Expect celebrations, joyous events, and good times! You might be thinking about moving or having a family get together. The 4 of Wands brings a sense of relief and newness to your home vibes. Finally, you can relax. resolve and reboot. It’s a time that boosts your security and helps you get hygge!

Tarot Card Three – 4 of Pentacles

Hey Beautiful Soul, you seem to have been going through a hard time recently. Perhaps you’ve been hurt or suffered from a shortage of finance or abundance? You’re urged to examine how well shutting down is working for you. Is it time to open up your heart again? The winds of wonder want to blow through you, the magic of life wants to be available to you. We have all been in those terrible times when we build a wall to protect ourselves. When we do block ourselves, we stop our energy moving. In effect, we imprison ourselves in the wound. It may be time to heal now and taste freedom again. It might be time to let your spirit do a little jig and get back on your soul path? My advice? Believe in possibility again, you deserve it!

Tarot Card Four – 8 of Pentacles

Work, work work! It might feel as if you’ve no time for anything other than hard graft! Yes, you are focused on your career or a project, but the good news is that you are heading for achievement. You’ve climbed higher than you know, you are becoming super skilled. Keep pushing forward and the rewards will come.


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