Psychic Alesso Free Career Tarot Reading

Take a deep breath with a work related question in mind and allow your intuition to guide you in choosing a card.
Card 1: King of Pentacles.
This card offers you some valuable insight into your current situation. Often when we have been in the same job for so long it becomes so familiar that the thought of ever stepping into a new work environment is terrifying. You’ve mastered the job to the best of your ability, built working relationships and find yourself quite comfortable. However, every once in a while there is a real sense of repetition and feeling that there has got to be something more! You are being asked to realise that the grass is not always greener on the other side. When we achieve a certain level of success it feels like there is nothing more to strive for. Should you find yourself in limbo about staying put or exploring what else is out there, take a look at what you’ve managed to build for yourself so far as opposed to what else you could be doing! This is a message of perseverance and unexpected opportunities shaking things up. There is a sense of some new faces around the work place and you may expect to be the one showing them the ropes. Get your teaching hat on.
Card 2: The Magician
You are the solitary practitioner! Often the problems that arise in work are due to so many different personalities confined in one small space. This ‘bounce of energy’ means our work can become more stressful if we have to work alongside someone that makes things impossible – it’s then easier to retreat and become a lone ranger! The Magician asks you to open yourself up to the people around you and observe communication skills. Your leadership qualities are valuable and appreciated but don’t forget that unless you share your ideas and confidence with those around you, you may come across aloof and unreachable. There is a sense of a project kick-starting around April/May time. Working relationships are the heart and strength of any team – face difficult situations with compassion and professionalism then reflect back and notice the positive shift in your interactions.
Card 3: Three of Swords.
It is so common for all of us to worry about our performance in work. The Three of Swords has a message of commitment to self. It can be so easy to doubt ourselves and hold our colleagues as God’s in the work place. We forget that we have the power to be just as fabulous! You are powerful and intelligent so it’s time to let go of sweating the small stuff and know that as long as you stay within your roles and boundaries, giving it your best every time and constantly seeking to improve and develop, then the anxieties you have are defeatable. This card signifies trying to create a new opportunity for yourself but having a confidence crisis regarding your ability and experience to progress. New job opportunities may be coming up in your existing work place so stay watchful and remind yourself you are worthy.
Card 4: Three of Wands.
We all go through the cycle of changing our minds about what we want to do in life. This card shows that even though you may be indecisive at the moment, your vocation will find you. You may find yourself having to work the 9 to 5 in in order to pay the bills but DESPERATE to explore your talents and allow your true passion to become your work. Don’t frustrate yourself with trying to reach a destination at this point, enjoy the experiences you are having and the character building. There is also a sense of travel related to work opportunities so keep your options open! Don’t turn your back on what you already have until you have something definite to transition into. You are the introvert crying for a voice! Finding our place in the world is difficult. We associate a huge chunk of our identity in the line of work we do which is very restrictive. That career you’ve always wanted but keep holding off because you think only a certain type of person can do that job? YOU are that certain type of person. Expect to study and go through stages before you achieve the final results.
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My New Tarot Deck
I’ve been creating my Knight-Waite tarot deck for three years.
It has been such a labour of love, I can’t wait to unleash it!
It will launch in 2023, but why not take a little sneak peek at the cards below?
We have no affiliation whatsoever with the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck, the rights in which are owned and/or controlled by the Penguin Random House Group. Any similarity in trade names is coincidental only: we are not licensed by, endorsed by, or in any other way connected with Rider-Waite, the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck, or the Penguin Random House Group.