Free Tarot Reading – Your weekend Tarot wisdom

Free Tarot Reading – Your weekend Tarot wisdom

Hello Gorgeous Soul, How are you doing today? Is there a message about the weekend behind one of the three Tarot cards? Focus, take a moment to glance at the three cards and make your choice. Scroll down for your answer. Let me know what you think and have a fabulous weekend!

Oceans of love Michele x

Tarot Card One – The Mother of Cups

Like this stunning swan, you have reached a level of awareness that allows you to see your worth. You are wise, psychic as hell, and can handle all situations by delving into your infinite knowledge. You have the deepest empathy, but you are no idiot, your intuition protects you from con artists so make sure you listen to it!

You are choosing to handle the immediate future from a heart centred place that does not undermine your boundaries. Be kind but be strong.

Tarot Card Two – Strength

Queen, you have a core strength that has seen you through many challenging situations. Notice that this majestic lion has the infinity symbol on their forehead. You know the value of patience as well as perseverance.

Being a lion/ess does not mean you have to bite anyone’s head off, far from it, you exude authority and don’t need to growl unless absolutely necessary. Your strength is obvious now. The cosmos is filling you with all you need to move forward.

Tarot Card Three – The Wheel of Fortune

Check out the wise old owl perched on top of the Wheel of Fortune tarot card. Owl is telling you that ‘fortune favours the brave’ but also expect a unique and important coincidence or a sign that will lead the way.

Your wheel is turning and circumstances are changing. Allow yourself to go with the flow but don’t forget to help weave your destiny. Fate is working with you to guide you towards your soul journey. Lessons are being learned, wisdom spilt and secrets revealed. A change is coming and it’s a significant one.

2 thoughts on “Free Tarot Reading – Your weekend Tarot wisdom

  1. Found the weekend tarot wisdom fascinating, as though it was a personal reading for me. Amazing insights.
    Thank you for that. CH

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