Free Tarot Reading – What’s approaching?

Your Free Tarot Reading – What’s approaching?

Have you been fine-tuning your intuition and psychic skills? We can all be an accurate and amazing psychic for ourselves, but in order to do that, we have to pay attention to our intuition.

When you look at the back of the three tarot cards what messages do you feel will come to you. What energy do you feel is approaching your life? Use your own soul compass to sense what you need to know. Once you get the hang of that you can then start to create your reality and all manner or other magical skills.

Starting from the one being on the left pick a card and let’s see what it reveals!

Tarot Card One – The 6 of Pentacles

Your kindness karma is returning. All of the selfless deeds and supporting words you have given others has not gone unnoticed! The Cosmos is always watching and a reward of some kind is on the way.

Your generosity of spirit and open heart should bring you a gift of added abundance. You may meet a soul connection who brings you a mirror of the love you have given others. Well done, you have not let a tough past destroy your pure heart.

Tarot Card Two – The King of Cups

A sensitive, creative, and loving being is coming your way. The King is gentle, possibly over sensitive, but wants to emotionally bond with you. He/X may have problems being direct or perhaps is occasionally elusive but there is a doorway approaching for an emotional bonding.

If you are the King, you are opening up to dive deeper into love and gratitude. You psychic awareness is blossoming and you may have a stunning creative inspiration.

Honesty is important in all interactions, don’t sugarcoat your truth.

Tarot Card Three – The Sun

You are radiating possibility. Joy is on the way and a chance to laugh and cackle. You are about to sense the glee of being alive at this moment. You are emanating warmth and strength.

The Sun is the source of all life on our planet, so it’s appearance means that it’s a great time to launch into anything that you fancy doing – whether it’s starting a business or heading out to travel the world!

As the Sun’s rays touch you, you’re bound to find yourself the centre of attention with more than a few secret admirers in the audience. If you’re not sure of anything, the Sun shouts a loud YASSSS! So believe in yourself one hundred per cent and anything that you touch will turn to gold! Shine!

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