FREE Tarot Reading – Your Untameable Soul

Your Free Tarot Reading – A message from your soul.

Take some time out to tune into the energy around you. Take a deep breath and see if any of the three Tarot cards has an accurate and liberating message for you. Choose using your intuition. FEEL which card is calling you.

Tarot Card One – The Five of Cups

Have you been feeling a little sensitive lately? You might have suffered a disappointment, or a situation didn’t turn out exactly as you expected. The classic interpretation of this card is ‘don’t cry over the spilt milk’. Of course, processing emotions is valuable, but it’s essential to have faith in your soul journey, to trust your unbreakable warrior spirit and look around for the two remaining cups.

I can honestly say that some of the worse disappointments in my life were but forks in the road that led to my greater happiness. It may be that you are just feeling tender and are reacting more when things go wrong. Nurture yourself, regroup and KNOW that magnificent experiences are on the way.

Tarot Card Two – Queen of Wands

Holy Goddesses! You have got your game on! The Queen of Wands is a fire sign, and she’s action personified. She’s comfortable in her skin and confident in her ability to achieve her goals. Madame Wands opens her arms to the Cosmos and says ‘ let’s go’. Warm and expansive she is a fearless adventuress, a free spirit, a maverick.

The Fire Queen has come to you today to say you can do it! A spark is about to catch fire, and you dare to chase your dreams. This Queen is generous of spirit, but she will also do, say and act how she pleases. You are about to experience a time of empowerment.

Tarot Card Three – The Sun

Flaming rays of fabulous! The Sun has arrived to deliver you a message of joy. Your inner child is coming out to giggle and play. An uplifting experience is on the way. If you had all the confidence in the world what would you do? Where would you put your energy? The Sun is filling you with enthusiasm. Bye, bye fear and hello happiness.

It’s time to shine, your spirit is glowing and drawing other radiant souls towards you. Your confidence is high, and there’s a sense of optimism and trust in the air. Let the good times roll! Use this time to weave pleasure into your day to day routine, and you’ll be surprised by the results.

4 thoughts on “FREE Tarot Reading – Your Untameable Soul

  1. I always look forward to Michele’s posts .feels like she is in my head ..what I have at the back of my mind she brings it not only to the front but helps it out into reality just by the way she words things empowers you to move forward and be the best you that you can be Thank you Michele you are wonderful x

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