FREE Tarot Card Reading – New Start?

Free Tarot Card Reading – How can you have a new start?

Feeling stuck? Fancy a shift in energy? Has one of these Tarot Cards got a message for you? Focus on the three cards and take a few breaths. Do you sense one of these Tarot Cards has some information about a new start for you? Scroll down and read your answer. Let me know what you think!

Much love

Michele x

Card One – The Fool

Yeah baby! You’ve chosen my favourite card, The Fool. The Fool is arguably the most powerful card in the Tarot as it’s similar to the dice, it leads you to the entire deck and a world of unlimited possibility. It’s pure magic on a stick! When we have the energy of the Fool, we have the courage to take a leap of faith and to move into new territory. It’s about to get exciting for you if you throw yourself in. Have you got butterflies and don’t know why? It’s time to do things differently and embrace the new.

The Fool is awakening you to your spontaneous side. Open your arms to doing things that you’ve never done before. Listen to the call of the wild. Change routines, sign up for new experiences. Sometimes in life, we can fearlessly throw ourselves into a new chapter, this is one of those times. What has been tugging at your soul? The Fool reminds us that we can’t go wrong so dive into adventure. Break at least one pattern today and do one thing you have never done.

Card Two – The Knight Of Pentacle

Have you been so stuck for so long that you do not see things which are under your nose? When we get into patterns we can end up like the proverbial hamster on the wheel of life, round and round we go focusing on keeping moving even if there is no chance of a change or getting anywhere. It’s time to view the world through a different lens. Take a step away and examine the various options.

The Knight of Pentacles is making you an offer. Look around you for opportunities. Whether it’s a chance of love, a new job or financial boost, there may be something in front of you that is so obvious you can’t see it! Whatever this chance is it’s likely to have solid foundations and is something that you can build on. An offer is coming, grab it with both hands.

Card Three – The Lovers

Passion is coming! The Lovers card is about to relight your fire! If your mojo has been flat or you’ve lost your lust for life expect your spark to turn into a burning desire. There’s a new phase coming, and you’re about to feast on passion and feel a new cycle has begun. You might fall in love, rekindle love or passion in a current relationship or go Ga Ga for an idea.

Whichever way The Lovers enters your life you have renewed energy and Va Va Voom. Have you noticed the Angel in the card? You are more protected than you know. However your passion ignites, there is a deeper meaning. Make sure that you are making wise choices that nourish your soul and don’t opt for destructive connections that may have instant gratification but harm your spirit and self-esteem as there are much better options.

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