December 2019 Astrology
Monthly Astrology Forecast for All Signs March 2019
- You know nothing, Jon Snow . . .
- Be fired up by passion
- Birthday decisions determine the year ahead!
Start the month by admitting you know less than Jon Snow when it comes to what’s really going on, Aries. Expect misinformation, disinformation, misunderstandings, miscommunications and secrets to feature. What you think may be true may turn out not to be. Your best option – keeping an open mind and staying organised. We have major Mercury Mayhem occurring in your 12th this month as it heads retrograde in here from the 5th. It will meet with Neptune ruler of this house while in here. There’s very much a feeling of ‘Now you see it, now you don’t’ hanging around all of this on top of the usual retro stuff you expect. You may experience searing insights and clarity one moment – especially when the Sun meets Neptune in here on the 7th, and then muddles and confusion the next.
Above all, keep well away from anything clandestine and try to embody the upfront and ‘what you see is what you get’ qualities we associate with your sign. If you are asked to keep a secret, lock it in the vault. Watch who you confide in as they may not extend the same courtesy. Keep a close eye on your on-line security – passwords and account details. The new Moon in here on the 6th however does favour working behind the scenes is favoured as well as finishing up projects that have been hanging around. Usually the time leading up to your birthday boosts those intuitive and psychic abilities but this year, things may be muddled. People may also not keep their word or flip-flop back and forth like a fish out of water. In fact, that’s the general vibe happening in the background – certainly until Mercury exits retroshadow in the middle of next month. So despite the fact it will begin to move forward again after the 29th, please don’t fall into the trap of thinking this is over then.
I would not for one moment think that any celestial event could over-shadow the arrival of the Sun in your sign on the 20th. However, Uranus exiting your 1st and arriving in your 2nd on the 6th could run a very close second. For the past seven years you have been engaged in a highly personal revolution when it comes to your appearance, image, profile, look, how you see yourself and how you want to be seen. What has changed during this time? Look back at those old photos seven years ago and look at yourself today. What has shifted? That weight perhaps? That personal style which should now transcend fashion and reflect who you are in a timeless way. It’s been about showcasing what is individually you and owning it, baby!
The thing about Uranus is it frees us and usually this comes about in exciting and unpredictable ways. Swings and roundabouts perfectly sums up Uranus in your money sector. And the world’s financial markets for that matter. How you earn your money and even how you handle it, bank it, spend it, invest it – all is now subject to Uranus’s merry-go-round of surprises. Expect no matter what, to forge a new relationship with both your cash and your internal values during this period. Unexpected opportunities to gain will present themselves – as could equally unforeseen expenses or events in the outer world which affect your money.
You need to hang on to three unassailable and gold-standard truths during this period. 1: What occurs is designed to free you 2: Finances may fluctuate but true self-worth remains unshakable and finally 3: You will exit this period ahead in some way. Inroads to this process could well occur around mid-month when ruler Mars strikes a reward and recognition note in your second with Saturn in its ruling 10th and another one with Pluto in here on the 20th pointing to positive career transformation with the attendant knock-on benefits to your bank account. Please note however, this will be all down to your own efforts.
Delays, cancellations, strikes, wrong turns or even the weather could disrupt travel plans also around this time when Jupiter which rules long distance travel and airlines makes an angle of disruption to that retro Mercury on the 15th. Allow extra time to get wherever you are going, check the weather at your destination, your route and confirm all connections and reservations before you even set out. Have travel documents backed up just in case.
When a full Moon appears it brings in a peak experience. It also reflects the light back into the opposite house in our charts that it appears in and this is what is illuminated for us emotionally at this time. The 21st doesn’t just bring us a full Moon – it brings us a full Supermoon – and in your 7th house. All that intense light floods back to highlight you. So, under this full Moon you need to look at who or what is directly opposite you. Your partner, close friend, long term work or business collaborator – or your potential one. Also your frenemy or outright antagonist as this is the house of open enemies. Combined with all the intense activity in your 12th, a few of you may suddenly see someone is not on your side after all and they ‘move’ from the 12th which is hidden enemies and into the 7th instead.
What you feel about or for someone will be intense – one way or another. What does this Moon tell you however? That no matter if love or the opposite is reflected back at you, the only person’s emotional response you can control is your own. This Supermoon asks for balance and this begins with you giving a balanced response if something is revealed to be out-of-kilter between you and someone else. Or lucky Aries suddenly sees that the person opposite brings balance to their force. This super-sized Moon can have you seeing the perfect love or person reflected back at you.
Venus which rules your 7th is now on the move, entering your 12th on the 26th. If you have Pisces factors in your chart, expect the themes of psychic ability, secrets and your past to dominate now. Pay attention to your intuition and also use the inspiration you are given to create – not just to dream. For the first time in your lifetime, Venus in here will make an entrancing angle to Uranus in Venus’s ruling 2nd on the 28th. Expect insight into what truly matters to you.
Ruler Mars is also on the move at the end of the month. The 31st sees it arrive in your 3rd. If you are inspiration-struck right now, Mars’s arrival in here sees you taking action on those ideas. This may in fact, set in motion events which define your path in the coming year. Feel the surge of excitement and renewed confidence in yourself and your abilities. This will go a long way to off-set any lingering residue of confusion caused by that 12th house build up! Your ruler in here hooks you back up to passion and the ability to express that – whether it’s to advance your professional or your personal agenda! Those future defining moves you make now could well include making your move on someone special or just taking action on your love life if you are single to change that. Your ambition increases with Mars in here – as does your desire to ‘win’ people over to your ideas, point of view or perhaps just you in an interview or dating situation. Mars in here says have the courage of your convictions – and set that future in motion of the coming year, Aries.
In a nutshell: Your birthday season tells you it’s time to set your future in motion. Do that by getting very clear on what truly matters to you. Winning hearts and minds plays a big role in this, Aries.
- Get ready for the unexpected
- You are your own surprise
- Think, act and dare to be yourself – but differently!
Welcome to your seven year surprise party, Taurus and embrace the Physics of the Unexpected now. This may not be easy for you as you are a sign which craves stability and routine. This includes the certainty of knowing what time the next meal is arriving. However, what is certain now is that nothing is certain and it is time to embrace the unpredictable. With this however comes awakening and freedom – even if it means the pizza doesn’t arrive on time. Sometimes we don’t know what we’ve been missing in our lives until we are presented with it. And by that I don’t mean a new topping for that pizza either. We become imprisoned by our routines and the very things we believe support and sustain us. These include our beliefs as well. Then something arrives that shakes up the status quo. And we see things differently and realise we have been a prisoner of our own thoughts, perspective or situation.
The shift begins to arrive first in your sector of larger social connections and your goals. Prepare for first uncertainty but later, clarity and a renewed sense of being part of a circle that supports you. Mercury turns retrograde in your 11th from the 5th. This will be an extremely powerful retrograde cycle and everyone is advised to adhere to the Retro Rules not only during the retrograde itself but until Mercury exits retro-shadow which will not occur until mid-April. Friendships may be subject to confusion or change especially as Uranus which rules this house in your chart and also the Physics of the Unexpected, arrives in your 1st the following day. This is not a good time to join any new group, club or association – or even sign up for that new social media platform (Uranus also rules the internet). Mercury rules the devices by which you connect and communicate. So, take it misunderstandings and miscommunications may feature.
The same day Uranus arrives in your 1st also sees a new Moon appear in your 11th. Now, normally I would be telling you to get out there and meet new people. But with this Mercury retro as well as the Sun in here meeting Neptune on the 7th and then Mercury meeting it on the 25th, this is all about looking at your existing friendships or social connections, and examining them for continued resonance. This may be easier said than done. One problem you may discover however is that someone has crossed the line and taken advantage of your friendship. Or they may simply not respect your confidence or your loyalty. Mars also in your 1st may see you having to show them in no uncertain terms how you feel about this. Above all, with this melange of influences – please avoid social situations where over-indulgence or risk-taking of any kind is involved. Especially if these involve that friend who just doesn’t know where those boundaries are. Ensure the company you keep is reliable especially around the 11th when the Moon meets Mars in your 1st unless you want to be caught up in someone else’s drama.
You may see connections differently this month – just be aware it could take until mid-April for the true reality around friendships to finally coalesce however. But your connections will look different because you are in the process of becoming different. Uranus in your 1st begins a personal evolutionary journey where all bets are now off. If people thought they knew you, they will think again. You will act in unexpectedly different ways and even look different. No matter what changes may occur with your personal appearance over the next seven or so years – and an extreme make-over cannot be ruled out, the real effect of all this will be seen within as the Physics of the Unexpected see you changing your mind – quite literally, over what you consider to be important and what you don’t.
You are the sign of sensuality, of immersing yourself in everything this world has to offer and revelling in the experience. Have you lost touch with this all-important facet of your being? The good news about the Physics of the Unexpected is that everything that transpires now is actually designed to help you reconnect to that – no matter what it might look like on the surface. Some of you may of course, follow through with that soul call to enact those changes without the universe stepping in to do this for you. Freedom is a door that opens for you but you are required to step through it on the 14th when Mars in your 1st makes a freedom inciting angle to Saturn in your 9th and again on the 20th when it does the same with Pluto. Are you ready to leave something behind? Or simply transform a situation that is holding you back? The Physics of the Unexpected ask you to let go of outcomes and be willing to embrace anything that happens as a tool to evolutionary change.
Watch for delays around travelling or more confusion around friendships on the 15th when Jupiter now in your 8th gets too tightly entangled by that retro Mercury. You are now becoming ultra- attuned to atmospheres and people’s emotional auras and most importantly, the impact these have on your overall wellbeing. Follow the threads of ‘gut’ feelings and insights now as the Sun arrives in your 12th on the 12th plus a full Supermoon appears in your 6th on the 21st. That Supermoon shines a light back illuminating a hidden aspect that relates to how a long term issue is having a bigger impact on your overall health than perhaps you realised. Once you are aware of this, please follow that emotionally intense yearning and do something about it. Being around someone or something no longer works for you and it could even be where all your energy and joy is being sapped. This full Moon is all about restoring balance within yourself – and then seeing this manifest in a change in your outer world.
The revolutionary thought which accompanies this particular change could just be deciding to put yourself first for once when the Moon moves on to your 7th and opposes Uranus on the 23rd. Time to revolutionise a close relationship, perhaps by renegotiating it on some level. Ruler Venus is on the move into your 11th on the 28th and brings with it a desire for new friendships and the freedom to explore a fresh friendship dynamic. Your curiosity is piqued and with Mercury now direct in here on the 29th, look to making new connections outside your usual social circle. Mars is also on the move at the end of the month heading into your Venus-ruled 2nd and setting you on course towards making more money, doing more with what you have and above all, bringing passion to how you earn your bread. Changes are bubbling up within and manifesting in both how you look and the chances you are prepared to take. Get ready for the fabulously unexpected now – and be fabulously surprising with anyone who has dared to take you for granted up until now, Taurus.
In a nutshell: Time to open that surprise package the universe has waiting for you, Taurus. And that includes changing your outer packaging. Think different, be different – a whole new future awaits!
- Let go and let destiny happen
- Explore the mystic
- Romance finds you when you make self-expression your goal
Hark, now hear the sailors cry
Smell the sea and feel the sky
Let your soul and spirit fly
Into the mystic
Prepare to admit what you don’t know now, Gemini. Or even where you are going. Being a Mercury ruled sign, you are better equipped that most to deal with its thrice yearly retrograde mayhem. However, the retrograde cycle which begins this month may catch even you on the backfoot. The potential for delays, misunderstandings, chaos and confusion is increased exponentially now due to Mercury entangling with Neptune in your 10th during its retrograde phase. It will meet it on the 25th and then again next month when it is direct once more but remains in retroshadow. As well as all the usual retro rules which I should not need to repeat here, when it comes to your career or even a course that sets your career path, you need to get everything in writing before embarking upon it and check and triple check the details. Deals can be done – and then unravel. That order or business win may seem like a sure thing – then the client changes their mind. That job offer – if it’s not in writing and then even if it is, may be subject to withdrawal or change. Start or delivery dates may shift as if the ground beneath your feet is liquid as opposed to solid. Things may be decided and then up in the air again. That new beginning that the new Moon in your 10th usually brings which occurs on the 6th, may stall. Wait in place if this happens.
You may also feel you are being blown in a certain direction and unable to change your course – as if you are a ship being blown off course. This isn’t just about Mercury and Neptune but also Uranus’s entry into your 12th which occurs on the 6th. This is your house of secrets so the next seven years are all going to be about surprises, revelations, awakenings and yes, what you don’t know. This includes that feeling you may be having right now of not knowing where you are going to end up. Uranus rules the surprising twists and turns that no matter what they appear, put us on the right course. Especially when Uranus is in our 12th. This is all about not so much being blown off-course but guided onto it. What appears to be a storm may in fact be a course correction instead. Born before the wind, as you sail into the mystic.
Your 12th is the house that connects you to higher and mystical matters. If you have ever wanted to learn astrology (which Uranus rules) – or delve deeper into metaphysical subjects, the next seven years could open up a journey of profound soul exploration. Become the mystical difference in your own life as you connect to and define what really matters. What don’t you know? You can now discover. Here you’ll find what really matters to you and you’ll let go of what doesn’t like so much ballast you no longer need. People will show their true colours during this time and whatever shade these turn out to be – prepared to be surprised, one way or another.
Change may itself be subject to change especially if it involves you and another and anything you share – from a bed to a joint bank account or even a key negotiation around salary or a payout. Watch for this from the 11th and again, please read the fine print or seek professional advice if you are involved in any business or financial proceedings when the Moon meets Mars in your 12th on the 11th and then Mars angles to first Saturn on the 14th and then Pluto on the 20th. Jupiter presently in your partnership sector gets slowed down by a narky angle with your retrograde ruler which may indicate someone is not being above board. Also, ensure your own dealings are transparent now. Nothing secret will stay hidden and the truth now has a life force all its own with the ability to burst out of its vault in unexpected ways. Over the next seven years you will experience this time and time again.
Focus on that mystic crew now – or perhaps even that first mate! The Sun’s entry into your 11th on the 20th marks the beginning of a month long boarding party. This is Uranus’s ruling house in your chart and despite the fact Mercury is still retroactive, this is all about planting seeds for your future. This includes those sailing with you into it. And perhaps one special person as the following day brings you a super-romantic full Supermoon in your 5th. Your desire for romance, fun and pleasure is heightened now. You need to be seen and express yourself. Plunge yourself into the moment and make self-expression your goal. You could see a romance deepen – this is truly a wonderful night for date night – or attract that special someone. Especially if your intentions are just focussed on enjoyment and being you in the moment.
Venus is now on the move and enters your 10th from the 26th, perhaps now smoothing over any confusion and helping negotiations move forward with career matters. Someone surprising may assist you around the 28th when Venus aligns to that newly arrived Uranus. This may be an unlooked for opportunity or a person who seems to have no agenda in mind other than to help you in some way. As this is your house of the past and past lives, you need to consider that you may have performed something similar for them a long time ago in another lifetime. This is your karmic credit catching up with you. Mars is also on the move at the end of the month – arriving in your 1st and giving you a shot of courage, conviction and undiluted sexiness. You may now feel les s as if you are all at sea, and more like you are master of your ship again and taking it in a direction of your own choosing. No matter whether March brings you sudden squalls, the feeling you’re directionless and drifting or the freedom to relinquish ideas around your destiny and sail towards destiny instead, know you were born before the wind and younger than the Sun to preface Van Morrison. So, magnificently float into the mystic this March.
In a nutshell: You were born before the wind. No matter whether you feel in control of your journey, let your soul and spirit fly. You are on course for a magnificent destiny this March, Gemini.
- Become the radical alternative
- Step into a whole new world
- You’ve never had friends like these!
What you say could be lost in translation or you may even get lost in transition thanks to Mercury retrograde in your 9th of long distance travel, foreigners, higher learning and legal matters. This retrograde may feel as if it is on steroids due to its potential to create the maximum amount of disruption to travel plans – and movement in general be it ideas or what you communicate. This is because of both the Sun and Mercury’s proximity to Neptune in here. Although you also have a new Moon appearing in here on the 6th, this is not the time to begin a journey, launch that idea or even start a course of study unless you absolutely, positively cannot do this another date.
If you are travelling, please check everything from reservations to departures to the weather. Have a Plan B or even a C, D and E just in case. Anything to do with legal matters needs extra attention and expert advice. Agreements are likely to be changed. The term ‘language barrier’ may not only apply to dealing with others who speak a different language. That Lost in Translation feeling can even occur with people who speak the same one as you. If there are misunderstandings, they are likely to be big ones. As could be mistakes in anything you publish or send out at this time. The methods by which you communicate or get around could also be subject to breakdowns and outages.
Remember that even when Mercury heads direct again which will happen from the 29th, this will not be over as it remains in retroshadow until mid-April. Dates you want to pay close attention to are the 7th when the Sun meets Neptune and the 25th when Mercury does. Jupiter is the natural ruler of your 9th house and another date with the potential to up-end travel plans or bring about crossed wires in more ways than one is the 15th when a hard angle occurs between Jupiter in Mercury’s ruling 6th and Mercury in Jupiter’s 9th. This could be a day that literally brings you to a standstill.
There’s a little bit of Aladdin about you now. When it comes to creating your future, you’re about to be handed the lamp – and the magic carpet ride! By far the biggest event in the sky however is Uranus’s arrival in its ruling 11th in your chart. You had a brief taste of this last year but the 6th sees the planet of surprises, awakenings and the unexpected take up residence in here for the next seven years. Embrace the revolution. This is your house of the future and also your house of friends, groups, clubs, bands, associations and networks. This period will prove to be your most evolutionary – and possible even revolutionary, in this lifetime. Your superpower now is the ability to craft a future that is unlike anything you believed possible for yourself. But stepping into this involves a willingness to step away from what you know and to try something new, novel and perhaps (for you) the radical alternative. Expect the unexpected which nonetheless has the effect of freeing you from any rut you have inadvertently dug yourself into.
The people you meet during the next seven years have the ability to influence your path long into the future. Make an extra effort during this time to reach out and make new friends. Be a joiner! Please note at the start of this cycle that Uranus in your 11th is all about friendships and certainly not romance and partnerships. For your most expansive cycle for love in 12 years – wait until the end of the year when Jupiter arrives in your 7th. Then you have the power of your social scene and connectivity working for you combined with Jupiter’s capacity to expand. For now, join in and sign up to that club, group, band, association or just be on the lookout for new opportunities to connect. Be ready to give out your card or your number – and to take others in turn. Your antenna should tingle if you meet anyone from outside of your usual social sphere. Activating the future potential of this cycle involves stepping away from what you know – and who you know, and trying something new. The more people you meet from different professions, backgrounds and beliefs, the more you energise your potential this cycle.
Any ideas you have around technology, the internet, television or taking a message to the masses, should be explored also. Refine and research these while Mercury remains retrograde and in shadow rather than launch anything however. Mars is also in your 11th right up until the 31st, pushing you off the couch and out of the door. Again, please remember this is your house of friendship not romance or long term love. Mars does however make two wonderful alignments between Saturn in your 7th on the 14th, and Pluto on the 20th. As well as marriage partners or long term live-in loves, this house rules business partners, activity partners and close friends. You have the ability to forge an incredibly influential one with this line-up. The two of you together could achieve more than the sum of both parts. There’s ideas, passion and heat happening plus the power of intention. Remember, it’s all love when it comes to your 7th house.
The Sun in your 10th from the 20th plus the Moon your ruler, supersized in its ruling 4th the following day, puts the emphasis firmly on your need for security via what you can make or establish for yourself. For the next month you need to promote yourself and craft your professional image. Above all, as this Moon can pull your emotional body around like the tide, please take care not to be swept up by nostalgia for ‘the way things were’. This Moon makes us hark back to our roots or to times when we felt secure and all was right with our world. Now, there is nothing wrong with revisiting the past and making comparisons with what is happening, or even may be lacking, in our lives today. But the danger arises if we allow the past to be coloured by sentimentality and the illusion that things were somehow better then. Perhaps they were. This Moon can alert us to something emotionally fundamental to our wellbeing that we may have lost. But if we are not careful it can also have us yearning for the return of something that never really existed! Or if it did, we may be unaware that our needs have changed now and even if we got it back, it would not feel the same. So, under this Moon please look at things through your adult eyes now – not as a child who wishes for the past. If you can do this, you will be able to bring about a new plan to establish something much better for your future. This can be a Supermoon which shines on a Grand Design for you if you are willing to now take responsibility to filling your own needs.
Venus enters your 9th from the 26th and for the first time in your adult lifetime will make a charmed angle to that newly arrived Uranus in your 11th on the 28th. A new friendship could have a distinct overseas or foreign flavour to it. While care should still be taken if travelling even though Mercury moves forward the very next day, if you are travelling whether for business or pleasure, again, an important and beneficial friendship or connection could be in the offing now. The 31st sees Mars enter your 12th of the past and mysteries. This is a powerhouse transit for Mars. Your creative abilities and your energy peak. There’s a touch of the healer about you too. You may say something to someone that has a huge impact on their wellbeing – or someone may say something in kind to you, or you read or hear something that appears said with you in mind. The result is a breakthrough away from something that has held you back for far too long. You are at your most unselfish and giving now. Just ensure however, that you direct this towards those who truly deserve it. Mars in here often uncovers deception. Your gut feeling is functioning better than at any other time too. So heed that. Above all, bring your healing gifts to bear on yourself. You’ve a lot of people to meet and a lot of experiences ahead of you. This month tells you: get ready for the ride!
In a nutshell: There’s a whole new world of experience clamouring at your doorstep to be let in, Cancer. This includes new friends. You’re Aladdin and on a magic carpet ride now. Genie optional.
- Enter a state of change
- Your ambitions grow with you
- Totally eclipse the competition
There’s more than one kind of eclipse, as you of all signs should know. There’s a solar eclipse where the Moon obscures your ruler the Sun. And then there’s a lunar eclipse when the Earth is between the Moon and the Sun and the Sun casts the shadow of the Earth across the Moon’s surface. And then there’s a third non-astronomical variety of eclipse. The total eclipse of the heart. Turnaround bright eyes, because that is exactly what could be heading your way this March. But before you go all Bonnie Tyler on us, wait. It may look like an eclipse of the heart, but like all eclipses, looks can be deceiving. There’s secrets to be found within this one and the biggest one is – it’s not what is seems.
If something ends this month, chances are you’ve not heard the last of it. If someone changes their mind – they will change them again. Not necessarily back you understand, but move those goal posts once more. This is not going to be a month for you to make big decisions unless you can possibly avoid it. Especially around your money. Get it all in writing and then read that small print. Do not take out loans, credit cards or even switch banks now unless you love confusion and the idea of your cash flowing anywhere but towards you. Also avoid major purchases as you will regret them later. The reason is Mercury retrograde in your 8th until the last week of the month. And even when it heads direct once again, confusion will still reign supreme. It will meet Neptune in here on the 25th and again next month when direct. This will cause everything to be in flux until it moves past retroshadow which will not happen until mid-April. Consider yourself warned.
New beginnings or changes which occur around the time of the new Moon in your 8th on the 6th may stall or become bogged in delays and changes. That total eclipse of the heart could even involve someone with whom you are intimately involved or with whom you share anything from a bed to a bank account with (or both, or more). Ruler the Sun meets Neptune in here on the 7th asking you to look closer. If someone changes their mind now – especially in matters of the heart, they may flip flop and change it back later. Watch for this when Jupiter in your romance zone squares off against Mercury on the 15th. After Venus arrives in this house after the 26th, love and peace may reign supreme once again. But if this does happen, the question as always is – what do you do about it? My advice is to say and do nothing. But if they have a history of mind-changing and flip-flopping that predates this, you might want to look closely at whether continuing allowing your heart to be eclipsed is actually love – or something else entirely.
If you are involved in salary or other financial negotiations, you need to know what you will and won’t sell out for and be very clear on that. Above all, try to avoid signing on the dotted line if you can until at least after the 29th when Mercury is direct once more even if it does remain in retroshadow. For the best possible outcome and to avoid further delays and changes – wait until mid-April if you possibly can when a better agreement can be reached all round.
Anything that looks like a change, may not be one. Or may be a longer process of change rather than immediate. The key this month is not to panic. And to know your own worth. The latter piece of advice will stand you in good stead for the next seven years as Uranus, planet of freedom and awakenings, hurtles into your 10th of career, reputation and rewards. It’s time to be all you can be to quote the recruitment poster. And in your own unique way. Uranus in here says when it comes to career success, this hinges on your ability to do it your way. To ensure others know what you and you alone bring to the table. No matter what your job or professional, you have your own signature style. Own it. Whatever you do during this cycle – do NOT be a yes man or woman. Be your own success story.
Uranus always frees us – sometimes in unexpected ways, when we are not evolving and have become stuck. If you are in the wrong job or profession, the good news is that at some point during Uranus’s seven year stay in here, you will be propelled out of it. If you are already lucky enough to be that round peg in that circular hole, expect to be recognised and acknowledged for your individual achievements. Unexpected opportunities will appear and when they do, be ready to act. Uranus rules entrepreneurs and inventors. It also rules technology and television. If you look at the symbol for Uranus it looks as if it has an old fashioned TV antenna on top of it. This is all about broadcasting yourself. Either to bosses – present and potential, or extending your influence perhaps as far as starting your own side hustle, business, YouTube channel, vlog, blog, ecommerce site – you name it. You could be the Fast Company you’ve always wanted to join!
Build on what you have already started while Mercury remains retrograde. Mars also in your 10th fires up your ambition, confidence and determination. Be seen as someone who finishes what they begin and who follows through. People in positions of influence, power and authority are watching you now and could help you towards long term career goals as Mars aligns to Saturn and then Pluto in your work sector. If you want to transform the way you work, look to what you have already begun or where you have made inroads and bring this to completion. You could earn more than just approval from the powers that be.
Ruler the Sun in your 9th from the 20th marks the point where improvements commence and your horizons begin to expand once more. Just be aware that this is your house of long distance travel and Mercury is still retrograde so please, keep to those Retro Rules for a while longer. If that feeling of not knowing has left you at a low ebb, you will now see your energy restored and also be able to step away from any lingering drama. It’s not that you no longer care about the outcome, it’s just you are choosing to no longer worry about it. Your focus is now on new beginnings, making a favourable impression on those who can help you get where you need to go, and the things you dream of doing. The universe is tapping you on the shoulder and asking: What are you waiting for? You now realise you don’t need anyone’s approval or permission to go after whatever it is you want. News you have been waiting on could arrive the following day. You may have a lot to deal with as people and tasks coming at you from every direction. Multitasking simply may not be enough. Do things in order. When one thing is done move on to the next. Extra effort may be needed to tease order out of chaos but the results will be worth it.
Venus in your 8th makes a professionally enhancing angle to Uranus in your 10th on the 28th. You’ll be seen by others as the desirable candidate or representative for your company, product or service. You’re selling yourself now as well as your talents, abilities and skills and people want what you have! Your success story is now unfolding as clarity begins to slowly re-establish itself at the same time. The month ends with Mars entering your 11th. You’re in search of stimulating company, fun and like-minded souls to share good times with. Chances are you could have something of the professional nature to celebrate. As you enter April you’ll realise that the reason you’re leaving confusion behind could just be because you’ve outgrown it. Bigger things now lie ahead, Leo.
In a nutshell: Turnaround bright eyes. If you’re experiencing a total eclipse of the heart, then remember, eclipses conceal and this one is no different. Wait for the truth to emerge, Leo.
- Make it real
- Learn from your past – don’t repeat it
- Get ready for eye-opening freedom!
Ruler Mercury has its gameshow host hat on this week and it all gets a bit The Bachelor meets Love Island as it heads retrograde in your 7th of partnerships. Past, present and potential connections get to feature with you perhaps suddenly not so sure who is behind which door or where things are headed. If you are settled you may feel you and your main squeeze are not just from other planets – but from different universes altogether. You are inexplicably ghosted by that new connection that appeared to be off to a promising start. Your business partner now seems to want to go in a totally different direction to the one you agreed, or your bff is strangely elusive when it comes to catching up. Welcome to Mercury retrograde in your 7th house. The Sun is also in here and meets Neptune on the 7th which accounts partly for the feeling that those you love or count on are distant or simply operating on another wavelength entirely. During its retrograde travels, Mercury is going to also meet Neptune. Once on the 25th and then again in April when it is direct once more. So, others may come across as distant, indecisive, blow hot and then cold and change their minds. This flip-flopping is unlikely to cease until mid-next month when Mercury finally moves out of retroshadow. Until then, you may simply not know where you stand and nothing is set in stone.
Hopefully neither you nor anyone close to you is keeping secrets from one another as they come to light no matter how hard you try to keep a lid on things. When it comes to romance – this is not the time to go looking for it. Not if you want the path to anything that even faintly resembles true love to run smoothly that is. Despite a new Moon in your 7th on the 6th, put dating or looking for any kind of partner – be it business or activity, on the backburner for now. Things will improve at the end of the month when Mercury heads direct once more from the 25th and on the 26th, Venus arrives and love takes up residence in here once more. Above all during this cycle, commit to ‘no more illusions’ around love. Your promise to the future is to accept nothing but the real deal. And someone who is real in turn. While this month may not be great for starting anything new, Mercury in here – especially when combined with Neptune, can re-deliver a partner from your past. Now, I am not for one moment saying that you should not give love a second chance if it reappears. But just ensure you see it (and them – and you for that matter!) as they truly are this time around. If they are saying they have changed – allow time to ensure this is not just wishful thinking. Talk openly about any issues that may have contributed to you separating the first time around and explore how you would both deal with things differently if they recur this time. Remember, unless something or someone or both of you have changed, you won’t get a fresh start – just a repeat performance.
In addition to all of this – I should not need to remind you that the usual retrograde rules apply. Especially when it comes to travel or anything to do with your career or property matters. The 15th sees some potential delays thrown up by a tight square between Jupiter in your 4th and retro Merc.
What do we do when the energy simply isn’t flowing in one area of our charts? We shift our focus to the area where it is. And your 9th is where all the action is now. Uranus arrives in here from the 6th intent on opening you up to a wider world of experiences than you ever thought existed. Surprising opportunities especially around learning and travel will present themselves over the next seven years. This is your house of long distance travel, the law, the outdoors, sports, foreigners, academia, philosophy, religion, mass media and large animals – larger than say a sheep and especially horses. Prepare for eye-opening and horizon expanding experiences. You worldview and beliefs are likely to undergo a radical change and this may well come about via the places you visit and the people you encounter. This is also your house of gambling and luck. Taking a chance on something – perhaps even just yourself, could see you emerge a winner on some level. You also have Mars planet of passion, self-confidence and action in here injecting you with a sense of daring and adventure. Mars says you’ll never know until you try. What have you been preparing for or have never up until now, quite had the courage to try or explore? This can be anything from throwing your hat in the ring for that dream job or putting your talents and abilities ‘out there’ for the world to see.
Yes, Mercury retro isn’t good for launches – but have you spent too long in the wings dreaming rather than doing? No more rehearsals, Virgo. Life is for doing now as Mars in your 9th makes two perfectly timed aspects with Saturn and then Pluto on the 14th and the 20th respectively. This is about you being noticed or simply and finally, giving yourself that permission to do whatever it is you want to do. You need no-one’s approval but your own and if you have been living worried you will lose that, re-read what I said about love getting real and step free of the fear. Love is acceptance, tolerance and inclusion. Or it’s simply not love.
Step into full power and potential mode from the 20th when the Sun in your 8th ignites the fires of passion and daring within you. The following day sees a full Supermoon in your house of money, values and assets. This is all about your emotional connection to the material world and also the people in your life that you value – and how they value you in turn. How confident you feel around all of this will be exposed under the light of this Moon. See this not in terms of money – although this may feature especially around negotiations, but in terms of relating. It’s your emotional connection, the two way flow, that this Moon is triggering. Do you feel abundant, prosperous and in the flow of support and security? Whether this is your relationship to your cash or others, you are about to experience how powerful you feel now especially during the next 2-3 day period as the Moon moves into your 3rd and will oppose Uranus.
Step cautiously forward as your ruler heads direct again on the 29th. The time of delays and confusion is not quite over and misunderstandings – especially between you and people close to you, can still occur. However, Venus now in its ruling 7th makes an angle of release to Uranus on the 28th, opening up fresh possibilities and beginning your journey towards full love expression once more. Mars is on the move at the month’s end – firing up those ambitions and fixing your sights on what you have yet to achieve with your career. Professional wheels begin to slowly turn in your favour. Time to hold your head high and be seen once more as someone with a plan – and who knows how to implement it. If you don’t yet have one – you have two more weeks of the refinement process left. Know where you want to get to in your career. And in matters of the heart – bring love down to earth this March, Virgo.
In a nutshell: Ruler Mercury is retrograde and in your 7th of long term love and partnerships. Answer the call to bring love down-to-earth. You deserve the real thing – no more substitutes, Virgo.
- Let’s talk about your mojo
- What is your body telling you?
- Long live love
Questions, guessing games, confusion, rejection, uncertainty. When it comes to how these themes have impacted on partnership matters – get ready to wave all that goodbye this March, Libra. Whether you know it or not, you’ve been involved in a seven year revolution where you have been trying on all kinds of partnerships for size. Your relationship status may have been subject to fluctuation and sudden, unexpected and inexplicable change during this time. Others may have experienced the ‘close but no cigar’ moment time and time again as potential partners appeared – but that potential was never truly realised. You may have been kept dangling by someone wondering where you stood. The rejection dance may also have featured for many. With you being rejected or else doing the rejecting in turn. Yet other Librans could have experienced this in their professional lives – suddenly going from hot to not overnight. Still others may have been dealing with that antagonist – the person who for some inexplicable reason took an instant dislike to them and who has been in their grill ever since. One, some or even all of these themes may have arisen for you during Uranus’s transit of your 7th. And no matter how this played out, take it that these people and events occurred in order to evolve your understanding of your needs in a partnership and to free you of ideas or even relationships themselves, that held you back from experiencing true love.
Whether you are ending this cycle single, or coupled up – it comes to an end for this lifetime as Uranus exits your 7th for good and arrives in your 8th on the 6th. Step into a new perspective when it comes to appreciating your values and your power. This is your house of shared resources and corporate money. What you owe and are owed. Above all, this is the house where you put a price on things that are beyond price for you. In other words, what you will and won’t sell your soul for. How capable and powerful you feel in the material world will come into play. Uranus awakens us and also frees us. If you have been tied to debt or limited in your ideas of just how powerfully you can interact and attract money and other assets, the next seven years will plug you into a new powerhouse.
Many astrologers gloss over the fact that your 8th is also the house of sex – and relationships where sex is important. The revolution will be happening here too. Feeling like you want to experiment a little? Don’t be surprised if sudden, intense and surprising attractions occur. Your needs will be changing. If you are settled, your partner will need to adapt too. If not, prepare to attract someone who reflects these awakened desires!
Other transits this month may seem inconsequential by comparison. However, Mercury makes a major retrograde motion in its ruling 6th from the 5th until the 29th. By now you should know that you need to adhere to the Retrograde Rules as if they had been handed to you on stone tablets when Mercury retros in this house. This retrograde promises to be especially confusing due to the fact that during its retrograde and shadow cycles, Mercury will encounter the planet Neptune in here – increasing the chances of delays, cancellations, miscommunications and confusion. The usual retro rules apply and especially with regards to travel now. Watch put of travelling mid-month when Jupiter which rules airlines, long distance travel and mass transportation creates a possible delay-making angle to that Mercury.
As well as your house of work, daily responsibilities and routine, your 6th is your house of health and wellbeing. With Mercury retroactive and conjoined to Neptune, the effect of this can be to increase your body’s sensitivity to anything you put inside it – as well as to environmental factors. You will need to stay tuned to what your body is saying. Drugs (prescription and non-prescription) and alcohol will affect you mind, body and spirit. The same goes for ‘atmospheres’. You’ll be acutely aware of how the ‘energy’ of where you are and who you surround yourself with, impacts on you. Above all, during this period – pace yourself whether this applies to what you consume or your workload. If you take on too much you are likely to pay a high price for it now. Boundaries and saying ‘no’ – especially to people like bosses, supervisors, co-workers or managers, could feature. Re-read what I said about your personal power if you are unsure about how to handle situations like this. If you come to the conclusion you have been immersed in an unhealthy environment for far too long and it has now taken its toll, plan to do something about this once Mercury heads direct once more from the 29th and when Venus your ruler arrives in here from the 26th. Watch how your ruler reconnects you to any lost feelings of power or banishes self-doubt when it angles to that newly arrived Uranus on the 28th.
Home and security matters will also be on your mind this March. Again, while Mercury is retroactive, please avoid signing contracts, leases and mortgage/loan agreements if you possibly can – unless you enjoy reversals and delays that is. You will however be taking steps to create a new foundation for yourself – even if it just remains in the planning stage for now. Mars sits in its ancient ruling 8th enabling you to make conscious decisions around what it is you need thanks to angles between it and Saturn and Pluto in your 4th. And also helping you to reinforce those boundaries if necessary. Let’s talk mojo while we’re at it. When it comes to passion and attraction – game on! Mars adds that sizzling magnetism in here igniting desire. Again, re-read what I have to say about Uranus’s transit through here. Simply irresistible? You can resist anything but the irresistible now. Or could just step into the experience of being irresistible yourself.
One last halleluiah moment when it comes to you and another person is likely to occur during the third week of the month once the Sun slips into your 7th on the 20th. Call this one final revelatory moment that brings the past seven year odyssey to a final conclusion. It will allow you to see just how far you have come when it comes to matters of the heart and your understanding of your own needs. What works for you in relationships – and what doesn’t. The day after the Sun sashays into your 7th brings a full Supermoon in your 1st. Think of this Supermoon as your heart-light which you now turn to illuminate a key person or relating situation opposite you. What (or who) do you see? This tells you not just about your relationship to them or the situation, but how far you have come. How you express yourself to them or the situation you are in will also have radically and fundamentally changed to seven years ago. It is a moment of illumination which brings this cycle finally to a close.
The month ends with Mars setting you on a course of exploration and freedom as it arrives in your 9th. Just remember that Mercury remains in retroshadow until mid-April so don’t leave home without that backup plan if travelling until then. However, you’re now eager for new experiences and to step into a wild new world on some level. Shrug off those restrictions and see them for what they are. Possibly imposed on you by others and their limited thinking. Knowing yourself better in relationships involves knowing yourself better as an individual. Those ideas about what it is possible for you to see, do, experience or even how to love, may not be your own. If you see this now, leave them behind you. And step into the power of potential when it comes to having, experiencing and loving – exactly the way you need to now, Libra.
In a nutshell: The freedom to love and relate your way and with heart-centered truth has been what the past seven years have been all about. Put the doubts behind you. Long live love now, Libra.
- Everything old is new again
- Reconnect to love, passion and pleasure
- It’s not just a new beginning – it’s an evolution
This month is not the time to go looking for love. Or rather new love. It is a time however to reconnect to loves you have lost, discarded, forgotten about or abandoned. Or for them to find you again. Yes, I do realise this may not be what you wanted to read. In fact when it comes to long term partnerships, you are entering a seven year experiment now where all bets around what you think love is or should be are well and truly off. First however, let’s begin by remaking those ideas around romance and what gives your spirit wings. You have just stepped into the role of Love Revolutionary, Scorpio. And March sees you in full Moulin Rouge mode. Come what may, it’s time to embrace a manifesto of the heart for freedom, beauty, truth – and love! Yes – you can can.
Lovers, children, the younger generation, playfulness, creative self-expression, romance, your connection to the child within – all need to be re-examined and if necessary, re-affirmed and re-connected as Mercury turns retrograde in your 5th. Love and romance may now be hard to ground. But where is it always found? Within. During its retrograde period and again when it heads direct but remains in retroshadow, Mercury will meet with Neptune in here. Yes, this can be an indicator of higher, spiritual, more empathic love – such as we feel for a child for example. But it can also weave a web of illusion where we assign qualities to a lover (or potential one) that simply aren’t there. An extreme example of this would be despite someone telling us that sadly, they don’t return our feelings, we continue to believe they don’t mean it and do. One good reason to avoid entering into a new relationship at this time is that a potential lover may not be all they appear to be. Situations that fall under ‘It’s complicated’ are likely to arise or we may attract someone with addiction or other issues. Or as the Sun bumps into Neptune on the 7th you may be in love with love –the idea or the fantasy of it as opposed to what’s actually on offer. So, when it comes to new love, ‘Be careful out there’ applies this month.
However, those past loves including the things you love to do are yours to explore once more, especially from the time of the new Moon on the 6th. As Mercury continues its retroactive phase and right through until mid-April when it finally exits retroshadow, expect shades of past loves to return but for you to experience them as if they were brand new. This includes those pastimes, hobbies and passions you used to lose yourself in and love to pursue. Yes, past lovers could reappear and if so, you will look at them with new eyes. Why? This is because you are now drawn into the heart of the Love Revolution – or should I say evolution, as Uranus moves into your 7th for a seven year stay on the 6th. Your partnership experience, your needs, your ideas of what love is or what form it takes – expect these all to evolve and be re-shaped over this period. This cuts across all types of close connections – from marriage/live in loves, to business and working relationships, to your best friend and also to your enemy if you have one.
During this time your needs will change. Some connections will evolve with you while others may fall away. Uranus awakens and frees us. Please be aware therefore that anything that ends during this period has been lived out or is holding you back. It is also time for some ‘relationship gardening’ if this is needed now. Make talking about love your priority and be your own love promise in action now that ancient ruler Mars also in your 7th angles to both Saturn and modern day ruler Pluto in your 3rd on the 14th and 20th respectively. Say what you mean, mean what you say and back that up with the appropriate action. If you have been having an issue with people close to you keeping their word and following through – ensure yours is both your bond and your promise. What you say and do has the ability to transform connections and also set the revolution in motion!
New romance may temporarily be a no-go area and you also need to bear in mind that all the usual Retro Rules apply no matter what house Mercury heads backwards in. For you, this especially applies to any dealings with your money, loans, mortgages, credit cards, stocks, shares or just your day to day budgeting. Especially around the middle of the month when Jupiter in your money zone could see money disappear in more ways than one when it makes a highly charged angle to Mercury. Watch your spending and also guard your PIN number and cards when out and about or shopping on line. Try to defer large or indulgent purchases until next month. Be aware that ‘bargain’ may turn out to be anything but.
The Sun is on the move on the 20th – on into your 6th of everyday work, routine and wellbeing. Time to bring that focus down to you and what you need in order to function at your best on a everyday level. Think of it this way – unless you feel happy and well in yourself, how can you enjoy all the other good stuff like relationships, fun and chances to shine? Make wellbeing your priority and take care of the small stuff. The thing is – despite that old saying that it’s all small stuff, it’s actually more accurate to say the small stuff is actually a very big deal. Because without attending to it, that good big stuff may as well not exist. The 21st sees a full Supermoon in your 12th shine on that big/small paradox for you, illuminating something that is in fact, crucial to your long term mind/body/spirit wellbeing. Weed out toxicity and flow towards what (or who) supports you. This Supermoon could bring up people, memories or a karmic bill (to be paid by you or to you) from your past. What falls due under this Supermoon has been accumulating in terms of credits or debits for quite some time.
It could also bring about an Ah-ha! moment or revelation. Act on what you discover as this is a ‘Truth will set you free’ insight. Venus arrives in your 5th just three days before Mercury heads direct once more. Just be aware that the focus is still very much on reclaiming past loves rather that the new. Don’t forget, this includes recreating or reimaging an existing one – evolving a connection via recapturing all the breathy excitement and magic that infused it when you first met. If you feel you’ve lost something – Venus in here could allow you to recapture the magic and in a new way as it aligns to Uranus on the 28th.
Ancient ruler Mars is on the move into its ruling house on the final day of March. With all this backdrop of love happening across your other houses, Mars now is focussed very much on the support you receive from others. What is being shared with you. Very often what we seek is someone’s time and understanding. The present of their presence or just their ability to be there. Yes, this is your house of personal empowerment but in here lies your vulnerability as well as your strength. Are your needs being met? Who are your assets? Who is willing to give you that oh-so-precious time and who isn’t? Although it may not on the surface appear to be connected, these questions are sending you deep into the heart of what drives your personal Love Revolution. Defining your manifesto around what is important to you begins here.
In a nutshell: Revive the love that’s been lost or lacking now, Scorpio. The start of your seven year Love Revolution begins with reawakening the passion within you. The past just got a heartstarter.
- Moving on often requires staying put
- Work that routine in a radical new way
- It’s all or nothing when it comes to love!
Changing Rooms? Grand Designs? Escape to the Country? Before you jump on Rightmove typing in Location, Location, Location – don’t. Whether buying or selling, leasing, renting, remodelling, looking for a new flatmate, listing that room on Airbnb – stop and stay put unless your home really is Under the Hammer and you have no other option but to move. Mercury is about to make one of its confusing ever retrogrades in your property, family and security sector and will not exit its retroshadow phase until mid-April. Usually Mercury retro in here would favour remodels, redecorating and renovations. But due to both it and the Sun in here, and their proximity to Neptune, home improvements may turn out to be anything but. Simply put, you may spend a lot of time and money on them and not like the results.
This is not a time for moving in or out – or for others to do the same in your household. There is a new Moon happening also in here on the 6th – the day before the Sun encounters Neptune. This usually is all about establishing or enhancing something that will sustain or support you in the future. Trouble is right now, you may not be certain what that should be. If property matters are in motion, expect things to be confused and confusing. Buyers or tenants may change their minds, Airbnb guests cancel or not be quite what you expected. The other thing to watch for due to Mercury hanging around Neptune, is problems with plumbing, the water table and appliances which use water – washing machine, dishwasher etc. If there are family secrets – especially if they involve siblings, there could be revelations. As with all Mercury retros – the usual rules apply and especially around travel. The 15th sees ruler Jupiter in your 1st get caught up in Mercury’s delay tactics so please take extra care around that time. Check everything from connections to the weather at your destination before setting out and have a Plan B just in case.
Moving experiences may be on hold for the time being, but bold new beginnings awaken you when it comes to how you work, your routine, how you make your money and what this buys you – especially when it comes to your wellbeing. Your question to be answered over the next seven years will be: What price wellness? Creating a radical new routine which supports your wellbeing –mind, body and spirit, will become your priority. The work you do, the way you earn your bread will undergo a radical reinvention thanks to the arrival of Uranus in your 6th from the 6th. How all of this is connected – how your work, what you do everyday, who you associate with, duty, responsibility, service and yes, chores, impacts on every little part of you, is going to be thrown into sharp relief. Expect radical adjustments to follow as you realise the important of taking care of that body. To take care of others, to do what you need to do, to experience life in its fullest – you first need to take care of yourself. Watch how not only your priorities shift now but your work. Ideas on how to earn a crust that are more in alignment with this new awakening, proliferate. Don’t be surprise if work becomes a great experiment. This could include a portfolio career which gives you that freedom you crave, to trying out various jobs until you find the niche that’s right for you.
Play with your routine and know that if it has turned into a rut, Uranus will propel you out of it. Above all, expect a radical new approach to your diet, health, exercise regimen and how you treat your body in general. And to direct more of those precious resources towards maintaining it. For some, this may mean working in a different way – perhaps cutting back on pay, hours or stress in order to buy yourself the things that money can’t – time, energy and wellbeing. Working smarter and with your body – and how to do this, is what Uranus in here offers you.
Just be aware as this cycle begins, that Uranus is in Mercury’s house and yes, it is retro until the 29th and then in retroshadow until mid-April. You also have Mars in your 6th. Mars boosts your energy levels, giving you the confidence and determination to tackle any task. Mars will make two reward attracting angles to Saturn (14th) and Pluto (20th) in your money zone this month. This could see you bring work or money making projects that you have been working on for a while to a conclusion. Just don’t rush and overlook last minute details however. Check everything before it is sent out.
Uranus may have left your house of romance and children but the Sun arrives in here from the 20th giving you a taste of what life should be like for you when it’s flowing in harmony. This combined with that Mars in your 6th gives you that added energy boost and please, channel this and use it. If you don’t what you will quickly discover is that you end up feeling inexplicably drained for no apparent reason. This is your raw, creative force so use it to revive a creative project, reconnect to pleasure or even a past love! The full Supermoon in your 11th the following day is asking you to seek out like-minded souls with whom you can express yourself. This is not a time to repress your thoughts, feelings, ideas or even desire to get out and connect! You need to be able to let go, relax and be yourself now – without fear of judgment. You’ll be able to see clearly how the right connections fit in to that whole mind/body/wellbeing paradigm and as a result, will choose your company accordingly. The emotional support of friends is your cornerstone now.
Venus heads into your 4th on the 26th and will make a lifestyle enhancing angle to Uranus on the 28th. This could allow you to begin to see what adjustments need to be made in order for you to be living your best life. Who or what supports you – and what doesn’t. You’re in a preparation stages now to enact the chances once Mercury heads direct once more on the 29th. But please continue to see this as a work in progress until after it has left retroshadow next month. Mars is also on the move on the final day of March, arriving in your 7th of opposite numbers of all descriptions. Mars in this house is less about attraction – and more about how we respond to the situations and people that cross our path. Expect to be confronted with extremes with Mars in here. In other words – you either love or hate the person or circumstances with nothing in between. It’s all or nothing, searing heat or an ice age. What’s the secret of this transit? Knowing that whoever or whatever turns up has been thought about by you on some level for quite some time. We cannot control another person or situation outside ourselves. Only our response. That’s the power in here that Mars hands you. Bring that truth on home as we head into April, Sag.
In a nutshell: Time to stay put and have a lifestyle stocktake, Sag. You’re on the cusp of a radical breakthrough when it comes to work and wellbeing. Focus on what money can’t buy you.
- Love is excitingly and radically different
- Be the boss of all first impressions
- It’s never too late to have a happy childhood
Along with the other cardinal sign of Libra, you have Mercury retrograde in its ruling house this month. By now you should know that a Mercury retro in a ruling house creates more chaos, cancellations and confusion than usual. This is Mercury retro 2.0 as opposed to the beta version. With a new Moon, the Sun and also Mercury going back and forth across Neptune during both retrograde and direct phase, you may feel you are broadcasting now but simply nobody is listening. Or getting you. This is your house of communication and also your commute. So, backup all essential files on those communication devices – your computer, phone, tablet etc. Above all, update your security settings and guard your on-line details as you could be vulnerable to hacking, malware or viruses. Delays, breakdowns and cancellations may disrupt your journey. I should not need to tell you not to buy any new communications device or even a car unless your current one breaks down during this period.
If you have been planning to launch that business idea, website or blog, send out that project or manuscript or even apply for that job, please try to delay this until at least after the 29th when Mercury will head forward again. And ideally wait until after mid-April when it will finally exit retroshadow. Of course, the world does not set its deadlines by Mercury’s movements – even though perhaps it should. What I am merely advising is you hand fire unless it cannot possibly be helped. People with change their minds during this cycle. Get everything in writing and go through the small print with the proverbial fine-tooth comb. Even then, expect terms and conditions to be subject to change. Crossed wires proliferate, with either your meaning misunderstood or you misunderstanding others. People may also not mean what they say – take nothing on face value especially around mid-month when Jupiter in your 12th angling to Mercury could upend everything from travel plans to promises.
This is however a fantastic time to inject a past project with fresh inspiration. For all of us this month, progress will stem from reviving something previously worked on. What is calling to you to look at it again around the 6th – 7th when we have a new Moon in your 3rd and the Sun meets Neptune in here? People from your early years – old school friends, or old neighbours, could reappear now. And if you have siblings, this is an excellent time to catch up or even rebuild bridges if your relationship has been more rival than familial.
Children, young people, the next generation, your partner’s children, the child within, your creativity, how you express yourself and yes, lovers – one, more or all these themes are set to send your life spinning in a whole new direction now Uranus arrives in your 5th on the 6th. The writer Tom Robbins once said: It’s never too late to have a happy childhood. If you have ever felt yours was lacking in some way – perhaps through no fault of anyone’s, then during the next seven years, Uranus in here will give you the opportunity to experience what you never had the first time around. This may be via allowing the child within full creative self-expression or through the arrival of a child or young person into your life. When it comes to that lover like no other – singles, this could be who you are set to attract. In fact, who or what you find attractive is also likely to shift and change. If you had a ‘type’ – you may find yourself falling head over heels for the complete opposite. If you are seeking love, bear in mind Uranus rules the internet, so don’t rule out on-line dating. Just don’t sign up while Mercury is retrograde however!
Having said that, if love is what you seek it is likely to be found in unexpected places – and also when it is farthest from your mind! Uranus is all about surprises and the unexpected. Your 5th is also the house where you get to shine and draw attention to yourself via what you create, express and do. This month may not be good for launching the new, but it is fabulous for channelling the heat of passion and daring into anything you undertake! With Mars also in your 5th, this is no time to sit on the sidelines. You need to take action and above all, to be noticed! Long term plans, hopes and projects can be revived this month as Mars will create angles of opportunity with ruler Saturn in your 1st on the 14th and then Pluto in here on the 20th. This is all to do with what your heart wants and needs – not just on a romantic level but on a self-expressive and even a healing level too. Go in the direction passion is trying to take you now.
The 20th also sees the Sun enter your 4th and the following day brings you a status-setting full Supermoon in your 10th of career and reputation. You are now gaining attention for what you do and can/have achieved. Ensure you are seen in the best possible light professionally now. Full Moons and Supermoons in particular, heighten our emotions. Ensure what is heightened are your ambitions. The other saying you need to bear in mind this month aside from the happy childhood quote, is that there is no sentiment in business. Now, that does not mean we become ruthless and hard-hearted in our quest for success. Rather, that we are in charge of our emotional response in a professional situation. Keep your cool in other words. You are set to impress so ensure that the impression you create with bosses – present and potential and people in positions of authority and influence, is the right one. Be the boss of yourself under this Supermoon.
Venus in your 3rd from the 26th asks that you initially hold back from expressing yourself – until at least after Mercury moves direct once more three days later. An alignment between Venus and Uranus on the 28th could bring you an idea whose time has come, a gut instinct you need to follow through on or even an expected romantic encounter! If it is the latter, please take things slowly until after Mercury has passed over Neptune one final time next month. Mars is also on the move on the 31st – landing in your 6th of work and wellness. This could be the boost of energy you’ve needed to get those stubborn tasks you’ve had to put off until now, finally done and dusted. You’ll begin to be more aware of how anything from your work environment to even the weather, is affecting that energy in a subtle way. Is it going up or down? Mars sends you towards whatever sends it upward. This month wants you to connect to the child within, not take things too seriously and above all know – the only way for you IS up, Capricorn.
In a nutshell: Love and creative self-expression turn into a grand experiment now, Capricorn. When it comes to romance or chances to shine – think again. And embrace someone – or thing, different.
- Live life your way
- Be open about what you want
- Open up your mind – and let the world enter
Ruler Uranus upstages every planet in the sky this month as it is on the move. Expect a radical change in your living arrangements to follow at some point during the next seven years as it exits your 3rd and arrives in your 4th on the 6th. Expect a revolution in your home, family situation or lifestyle in general. What works for you? As usual, Uranus will be awakening you to come up with your own highly individual answer to that question. Upsizing, downsizing, relocating to a new neighbourhood, town, area or even country is likely. What or where is on the other side of the ‘There’s no place like home’ puzzle for you. It’s about designing a living space or arrangement with you in mind.
Innovate, renovate, relocate. Don’t be surprised however if the solution or the place you eventually arrive at is very different to how or where you were brought up or even puts you at odds with the people you currently live with. Coming to a living arrangement may involve moving some walls while putting in others – unless of course your ideal lifestyle involves you going and living in a shepherd’s hut in the Outer Hebrides. There is a need however to be true to your own lifestyle – or the calling to create one. If you move during this cycle – which you most likely will and quite possibly more than once, then expect your new dwelling to be different to that of its neighbours either in its design, exterior or internal layout. If where you live or how you are living, no longer works or functions, then you may events conspire to move you away from it. Your lease suddenly ends, your noisy neighbours or those construction plans mean staying is no longer an option. You of all signs should know how Uranus can step in and force evolutionary change on us when we do not initiate it ourselves. Most importantly, this cycle is all about creating a base for your future which supports and sustains you. This is going to be different for each of you. Think of this as being the architect for your future when it comes to your lifestyle and living arrangements. Get ready for moving experiences.
This month guard against impulse buys, extravagant purchases and entering into long term financial arrangements. This includes signing that mortgage, loan, contract or lease agreement. At least for the time being or unless it cannot be helped. Mercury retrograde in your money zone is set to create illusion and confusion around finances. Make a promise to yourself that this is Bottom Line March. In other words, know where the money is going and only spend on what you need as opposed to what you think you want. Large purchases, unless it is for something that has broken down until the retrograde influence, are likely to be something you regret later. You may have difficulty setting and keeping to a budget or just buy in to the illusion that the money will magically be there to pay for something when the bill falls due. You may find it hard to resist the impulse to spend on beautiful clothes, art, objects or even experiences or substances, that take you away from the day-to-day world. That outfit that makes you feel like a celebrity or that expensive make-over. Really, those fillers are not a good idea right now for all kinds of reasons. The main one being the Sun and Mercury encountering Neptune in here. Avoid at all costs get rich quick schemes – they will have the opposite effect and very fast. And also think twice about lending someone money now unless you can afford to totally write it off. Chances are no matter what they are saying and their best intentions at the time, it will not come back.
This also impacts on any plans you may have to move or change that lifestyle in some way. Do plan but don’t act at least until after Mercury heads direct from the 29th and Venus has arrived in this, its ruling house on the 26th. For best possible and lastingly satisfying results – wait until it totally exits retroshadow in mid-April. This month’s new Moon in here which takes place on the same day as Uranus shifts signs (6th) is all about getting in touch with your values and looking at your relationship to what you have right now, rather than starting any new money making ventures.
Just what is it that you need to create that sense of home and security? You’ve the courage to face up to the changes you’ll need to make thanks to Mars also in your 4th this month. Now, Mars is not a happy houseguest in this house in your chart. This is because your 4th is a feminine house and Mars is masculine, action-centered energy. However, channelled properly, Mars in here can empower us to literally live our truth. How you can achieve this could be revealed when Mars makes two foundation changing alignments to Saturn (14th) and then Pluto (20th) in your 12th. You’ll be looking back at the past and how this has shaped how you have chosen to live in the present. You’ll now use this to create something that allows you to live more authentically in the future. Raise some foundations which sustain. This may involve a very different design to the one you were brought up in or live in now. It’s about more than just bricks and mortar – it’s about your spiritual home and where that is to be found too.
The Sun arrives in your 3rd on the 20th. This is Mercury’s house don’t forget and the house ruler remains retrograde and then in retroshadow. Continue to proceed cautiously with business and communication projects as well as when travelling. The full Supermoon in your 9th the following day triggers a yearning for something far away or bigger. Again, be cautious if travelling as this is your house of long distance travel, airlines and mass transportation. Your belief system or personal philosophy may be thrown into sharp relief under this Moon. Something may happen that challenges your worldview. This may be an item you hear or read about in the news – this is also your house of mass media. This may trigger a train of thought which has you exploring whether your beliefs expand your understanding – or hold you back. The 9th rules big dreams too. What do you believe you can see, experience and accomplish? And are these truly your thoughts and ideas – or someone else’s entirely?
Venus’s arrival in its ruling 2nd on the 26th and a Gofundme angle to Uranus in your 4th on the 28th, could see you taking the first steps towards making that new lifestyle a reality. Again, continue to exercise caution when it comes to finances, but determine what is truly important in terms of long term financial goals – and commit to them now. Mars is on the move at the end of the month – starting the rush into your fabulous 5th. After focussing on your cash, budget and living arrangements, get ready to party and play. Take a new approach now and do this with confidence. Whether it’s showcasing those talents and skills, being open about what it is you want to others, or just making that first move when it comes to love. It’s time to express who you truly are now Aquarius – via how you live, play and love. Be your own best work in progress this March.
In a nutshell: It’s time to create a home or lifestyle that truly reflects and supports who you are. There’s no place like home, Aquarius. Define just where that is and what that means to you.
- People are your mirror
- Extend your influence
- Love yourself – just the way you are
Mirror, mirror on the wall. There’s a deep mysterious paradox about March for you, Pisces. You may not be seeing yourself the way others see you. Now, I know you can say isn’t that one of the permanent paradoxes of existence? If only we did have the capacity to look at ourselves from the perspective of others. And yes, you would be right. Up to a certain point. Take it as a given this month however that you have total image dysmorphia. Others may see you as dusted in an ethereal glamour like one of those Snapchat filters with extra rainbow pixilation and flowery sprinkles – in real life. The whole world may be heart-clicking on you with a collective inhalation of worshipped awe, while you face yourself off in the mirror and hate everything you see. Taking a selfie wearing burka may now feel like your only option.
That 10 year challenge got you in a spin? Before you sign up for Extreme Makeover, boot camp, gym membership, Marie Kondo your closet or sign your disposable income for the next four years over to that plastic surgeon or personal shopper, know image is all about perception and your perception right now dear Pisces, is best described as distorted. Blame Mercury retrograde in your 1st. Mercury is the planet of youth and youthful appearances. Both Mercury retro and the Sun are meeting ruler Neptune in your 1st as well this month. In fact, Mercury will meet Neptune twice – once while retrograde and once more when it goes forwards again next month. Now, these conjunctions account for that glamourous aura that’s hanging about you that everyone else except you can see. Yes, it’s an illusion and a powerful one too. Think of this as the astral equivalent of old style Hollywood makeup and lighting – before we got the CGI tricks we have today. It’s what gave those stars of old star quality and glamour. The literal magic of the silver screen. This is Mercury and Neptune at work. So, how the world is seeing you right now and how you see yourself may be too entirely different things. Please bear this in mind and if you do have a radical image/wardrobe overhaul in mind, delay it for now because unless you do, chances are when this transit is over, you won’t like the results.
The new Moon in our 1st is often a time to relaunch ourselves, to be someone new and not to be our old selves on some level. This also sometimes goes hand in hand with us looking at our image and seeing if it could do with an update. I am not saying when the new Moon appears in your 1st on the 6th, that you cannot explore this process – at least in theory or for ideas. But see this as a fresh opportunity to love yourself just the way you are – right now. Changes if you feel they need to be done, can be made later.
Strangely enough, you are in a wonderful position no matter how you think you may be perceived, to win friends and influence people this March. So, let go of any (temporary) worries about how others see you, and concentrate on your message instead. Yes, Mercury retro can get our mucking words fuddled. But it can also allow us to rehearse and refine what we have to say with incredible effect. For the past seven years, Uranus should have totally remade your relationship to your money and how you earn it. Now it takes you on into the realm of ideas and how you communicate them as it enters your 3rd. This marks an exciting period where your originality and ability to reach people will open doors to opportunity for you. Expect the unexpected – for exciting new friends, people and even work, bring benefits which could lead to lasting success. This is Mercury’s ruling house of course, and with it retrograde in your 1st, see this time as a chance to experiment with upcoming potential rather than embracing the full experience. Do run through, refine, revise and rehearse anything you say and/or send out there however. If so, you will avoid the usual retrograde pitfalls and win over your audience of choice.
You also have Mars in this house until the end of the month – adding confidence and conviction to everything you say. If you are still suffering from any insecurity about how you look or are coming across, please push this to one side now. Mars will make two fabulous alignments to Saturn and Pluto in your 11th which could put you well and truly on the radar when it comes to powerful or influential friends, people who can assist you, or just that wider audience. This is your house of the future and the people you interact with now are likely to play a key role in it. Jupiter sits in your 10th of career and reputation and if you have a big meeting or presentation mid-month, again, please rehearse and try to anticipate any questions you may be asked. Jupiter and Mercury form a snafu making angle of potential misunderstanding on the 15th. Astrology gives you the power to swerve past the pitfalls by allowing you to plan ahead. Also if you do have an important meeting or interview around this date, allow extra time to get there.
Your material success and reward axis is activated once the Sun enters your 2nd on the 20th and the 21st sees a full Supermoon appear in your house of shared resources and personal empowerment. Again, don’t let insecurity stop you from pushing ahead or believing in yourself. You could well see a key negotiation come to fruition now. And again, people will be swayed by what you say. You may now begin to see that pegging everyone on your external image doesn’t work. It’s how you feel and also the outer packaging – no matter how good you look, makes up only part of the picture that is you. Use all the facets of yourself now – and do so fearlessly.
Your true image begins to come back into focus during the final week of the month thanks to Venus’s arrival in your 1st and Mercury direct once more from the 29th. Venus will also aid Uranus in enhancing those ideas or commercial and business transactions on the 28th. You’ll not just be acting the part, you’ll feel you are the face of your ideas and feel the part once again! The final day of March sees Mars on the move into your 4th, intent on reconnecting you to what you need to feel secure. Memories will resurface now and these could well include how others have made you feel about how you look in the past. What you may now see clearly again is that all month long, you could have been living out someone else’s image of you, rather than how you actually are. If you want to true mirror this month, look to how you and your ideas are being received. Chances are others can’t get enough. So, don’t change a thing for now, Pisces.
In a nutshell: Seeing ourselves as others see us is a gift. That mirror may not be your best friend this month, Pisces. Take your cue from your audience – they can’t get enough now.
This months astrology by our astrologer Helen W
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