Weekly Horoscope November 27 2017 (Written)

Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs November 27
Awaken your warrior
Wait. Translate. Then act
Unleash your passion
There’s an understandable emphasis on communications this week, Aries. Especially when it comes to relationships and amore. No matter what is said, especially if it appears to be conclusive, wait for more information rather than just acting on what is being said in the moment. No running full force with those rams horns of yours! Be zen! Yes, I know that’s hard but it will be well worth it. We Aries are after all, warriors of action. But the actions we take are usually to protect that soft heart we are so good at keeping hidden! Or else to protect someone we care about.
This week sees your ruler Mars who is in Libra oppose wacky and unexpected Uranus in your sign. Look out for unexpected twists and turns, people blowing hot and cold, or just changing their minds and leaving us not knowing where we stand as a result. Throw into the mix Mercury meeting Saturn in your adventure zone which may bring news with long term impact or requiring some thought before acting on it. Do not go wild banshee just yet!
Then there’s a full Moon in our communication zone – the same day as Mercury heads dastardly retrograde. All this may see you at a loss to understand what someone is saying or where they are coming from. No matter how much they try to explain. Even the most confident and fiery Aries out there feeling a trifle well – confused and unsettled. You may be ruled by Mars but you don’t speak Martian – which is what people appear to be talking in, or may as well be.
What I can tell you is you may not have all the pieces of the puzzle just yet. If your fight or flight impulse is triggered, try to resist doing either. Venus enters Sagittarius this week – on the same day Mars and Uranus eye one another off across the heavens. Venus ups our creativity, our sense of adventure, our passion for something expansive and bigger when here. Do you feel a need to escape or to go look for your life? There’s a difference and the planets this week want you to appreciate it. As Mercury heads retrograde, please apply all the Retrograde Rules. Double check, be cautious and don’t over react.
Mercury retro will kick up additional information or just like Google Translate, suddenly put you in a position where you can make sense of it all. You’ll see what to do and what to say in reply. The bigger picture? You can now recapture it, or paint it anew.
In a nutshell: No matter what is being said or done, it’s not the final outcome. Wait for new information to emerge. It could lead to something bigger and better.
28 Nov 2017 Mercury Conjunct Saturn in Sagittarius (9th)
1 Dec 2017 Venus enters Sagittarius (9th)
1 Dec 2017 Mars in Libra opposition Uranus in Aries (exact) (7th to 1st)
3 Dec 2017 Full Moon in Gemini (3rd)
3 Dec 2017 Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius (9th)
Accept the gift of release from blocks
New opportunities are just below the horizon
Significant matters come to a conclusion
What’s working for you this week, Taurus? If something isn’t, there’s a call for shedding or letting go. If something has been lived out and deep down inside you’ve secretly known this for a while but done nothing, then this is the week the universe may step in to release you anyway. Or the gift of the week could be you coming into your personal power. You can embrace change now.
Mercury meets serious Saturn in your primal zone this week and then turns retrograde in here. You either see something is there to sustain you or that it no longer does. Endings may occur but if they do, new beginnings are set to follow. The primal zone rules other people’s resources at your disposal and corporate or shared money and payouts, all things cold, hard cash are on your mind.
With passionate Mars, the planet of action, in your work sector opposing Uranus in your boundaryless house and a full Moon in your money house, one job or source of income may come to an end, with a new one to follow. Use and act on your instincts.
Mercury shifts to pesky retrograde in your 8th this week, and while the usual Mercury Madness themes apply, your 8th is not just your house of endings, but the house of rebirth too. While it is never a good time to begin something new under a Mercury retrograde, due to the house the retrograde occurs in, you could see something you had given up on, coming alive again. An ex could Zombie you and rise from the dead!
Mercury retrograde is all about ‘re’ words – reincarnation being one of them. So don’t be surprised at who, or what returns now.
Your glorious ruler Venus takes on her sexiest guise this week too. When in your 8th she adds that extra intensity and amps up the lust factor. If you’re coupled up this could reignite the passion or if you have started seeing someone, take it to the next stage. Don’t forget, in mythology Mercury acted as messenger of the gods and for Venus in particular. It’s not a good time to start something new but reviving an old love? A distinct possibility now but don’t believe all you hear!
In a nutshell: Something you thought over with or finished takes on a new lease of life. Restart passion whether it’s for something or someone, Taurus.
Love from the past could take you into the future
Know what you need to get it
Who is the universe placing in your path?
What or who do you need to embrace this week, Gemini? What needs to stay or go? It’s a love it or leave it week. Time to determine what deserves the best of your Love.
A Full Moon appearing in your sign has you at an emotional peak. Look for the magic and express your inner sorceress. Combine this with your ruler Mercury meeting stern Saturn in your partnership zone, you’re gonna want to evaluate what your heart truly wants. It’s time to establish some personal priorities. To be unafraid to say ‘This is what I need!’. Now you know, are you going to tell others? It’s not about being needy. It’s all about owning your emotions and then sharing. Or if you’ve no-one to share them with, at least now you know.
Knowing is a gift as this means you can now be on the lookout for who or whatever it is that meets your needs. If you can’t recognise it, how can you keep it? Or worse, you pick the wrong thing to embrace. You got this.
Venus arrives in her ruling house in your chart this week and she is all about the love. Not just the romantic kind either as Venus enhances all types of relationships – including business ones as she allows you to make the right impression. You are looking mighty fine right now. People look on you favourably, and Venus just wants you to enjoy yourself. You’re glowing at work or what you feel passionate about.
There are elements of the past coming in. Saturn links us to our karma and now Mercury having touched him, moves backwards. As a Mercury-ruled sign I should not have to go on about the Retrograde Rules as they should be encoded in your DNA! But with this happening in your house of partnerships, expect past issues around lovers and ex’s to come up.
I should also not have to tell you this is not a good time to begin a new relationship. It is a good time for a second-time around however. Mars in your 5th of romance, creativity and good times opposes Uranus in your social zone too. Don’t be surprised if you bump into someone unexpectedly or hear from them out of the blue. Pay close attention if you find yourself thinking about someone you have not seen or heard from in a long time. They could be about to re-appear, or this is the universe asking what is it about that connection that is relevant to you now?
Venus in your love zone does not just rule marriage and long-term romantic partners, but business partners, collaborators, your closest friends and your enemies. One, a mixture or even all could be up for review or a return. Remember, to create the future sometimes we have to revisit the past. If only to put it in perspective.
In a nutshell: Time to embrace love, Gemini. You may welcome back a past love or deepen an existing one. It’s altogether about two-ness this week!
28 Nov 2017 Mercury Conjunct Saturn in Sagittarius (7th)
1 Dec 2017 Venus enters Sagittarius (7th)
1 Dec 2017 Mars in Libra opposition Uranus in Aries (exact) (5th to 11th)
3 Dec 2017 Full Moon in Gemini (1st)
3 Dec 2017 Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius (7th)
Lighten the load, lighten your soul
Edit and refine
Be guided towards your purpose
Work matters dominate the week, Cancer and your responsibilities or workload may increase as a result. Pace yourself and above all, pay attention to the details and ensure you back up all important files and documents and avoid being crabby!
We’re entering dastardly Mercury Retrograde now. We’ve been in the shadow of it for about two weeks which may for some of us, have brought a few hints of what is to come. Be prepared as Mercury retrogrades in his ruling house in your chart (6th) all about details and health and well being. So, his ability to create muddles, delays and general mayhem is amplified. Things may seem a bit more ‘heavy’ on the work or even wellbeing front as he meets Saturn in your 6th just days before heading backwards.
Every transit has a purpose no matter how inconvenient or even downright chaotic it may seem. For you it’s all about looking at how you can ‘lighten the load’ in some way. Streamline your working life, thoughts, body, existence – so that it truly works for you in a better way. The reason things may feel so ‘heavy’ is so you focus on what you need to refine.
Venus also enters your 6th this week and she’s all about the day-to-day duties and mundane tasks we all have to take care of. Venus loves pleasure and indulgence. However, she strives for beautiful solutions so if refining or streamlining or even decluttering is required, she can help you achieve that giving you a new lease of life.
Mars sits in your home and family zone and he is not happy here either and he opposes Uranus in your 10th of career just prior to the Mercury retrograde taking place. This could work for you however if you make one final push towards career or home changes using an innovative approach, before the retrograde begins. Then take a ‘hands-off’ attitude until Mercury moves forward again.
There’s also a full Moon in your muzzy, illuson and intuition zone this week. You may want to cocoon or withdraw but the Mars/Uranus opposition may mean you do the opposite. Now is a good time to go within and look at the real reasons why you do what you do. Expect insights or even a lightning bolt of illumination. The past could reach forward in some way too for you to re-purpose or re-write. Discard what you no longer need and renew your purpose now. This Moon can guide you towards your higher purpose so tune in.
In a nutshell: A new job, way of working or even a new you? Enter a period of refinement this week. It’s all about discovering what works for you.
28 Nov 2017 Mercury Conjunct Saturn in Sagittarius (6th)
1 Dec 2017 Venus enters Sagittarius (6th)
1 Dec 2017 Mars in Libra opposition Uranus in Aries (exact) (4th to 10th)
3 Dec 2017 Full Moon in Gemini (12th)
3 Dec 2017 Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius (6th)
Leap and fly free
What is meant for you, returns to you
Small and intimate wins over large and loud
Ready to take a leap of faith, Leo? It’s all about taking a chance or more specifically second chances this week. There’s a massive focus on your fabulous 5th which is of course, your house of all things well – golden, glowing and Leo-like! If you missed out on something the first time, it could reappear. The lesson of this week most of all is that what is meant for you, comes to you. The only question remaining is, do you now have the courage to claim it? Kick ass and show the Universe you are no cowardly lion, be bold, be brazen, be you!
Mercury bumps into Saturn this week in your 5th and fate is somehow at work now. What’s your destiny? Paths either diverge or come together now. Gates open. Venus, the lover, arrives in this fabulous place too on the 1st, this is where she gets to shine and so do you. If you have recently started seeing someone, now is the time for it to go to the next level.
On the same day, Mars in your chatty communication zone opposes Uranus in Aries, so there’s a bit of ‘it’s now or never’ creeping in. This may call for a little daring, a slight risk, but a calculated one on your part. Dare you take that first step towards desires?
This week’s full Moon sails into your social sector and also your house of goals, wishes and dreams. It’s all about good times now. With the Moon in this house, it’s more about the emotional ties you have with friends than hitting the party circuit. Dinners at home or else in a small, intimate restaurant appeal so you can share feelings and laughter and bathe in your connection.
Perhaps Hook up with folk you haven’t seen for some time. If you dream about a goal or attaining it – pay close attention. This Moon is trying to tell you that you have your dreams for a reason.
Mercury heads backwards on the same day in your pleasure and creative zone. The usual Retro Rules apply but again, this is all about second time around opportunities re-presenting themselves and also re-visiting past love and past passions as in what you love to do. Have you let your happiness slide? Is there a creative idea scratching to get out? What did you give up you now need to revive or restore? Reclaim the love.
In a nutshell: You could get a second chance at something. Are you brave enough to take it, Leo? Make the leap towards love now.
28 Nov 2017 Mercury Conjunct Saturn in Sagittarius (5th)
1 Dec 2017 Venus enters Sagittarius (5th)
1 Dec 2017 Mars in Libra opposition Uranus in Aries (exact) (3rd to 9th)
3 Dec 2017 Full Moon in Gemini (11th)
3 Dec 2017 Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius (5th)
There’s no place like home!
Read the small print
Opt for the solution that lasts
Get out those ruby slippers, click those heels together and repeat after me: There’s no place like home. What have you established when it comes to a home, lifestyle or something that sustains you over the long term? That’s the question you’re being asked as ruler Mercury meets Saturn in your home zone this week. It’s the end of one era and the beginning of another for some of you who could be looking at moving or starting off on a new career venture.
Lady love Venus also enters here this week intent on enhancing your living arrangements and creating deeper closer ties with your nearest and dearest. Get coochie, snuggle in and enjoy cosy times with your loved ones. Money and contracts could exchange hands and be signed but get it sorted before the pesky Mercury retrograde. But do read the small print carefully.
Yikes, Mars in your security/cash house opposes crazy Uranus in your primal zone hinting at you pushing forward to bring matters to a head which ultimately benefit you financially. There may ve a power struggle over money and it sure isn’t the time to lend or loan.
Having said that you could be approaching a time where you’re in a position to create something lasting with a structure that sustains you over the longer term.
Bring matters to a conclusion if you possibly can. You have a full Moon in your career and status zone. If it’s not your career in focus then your partners could have an equally profound impact on you now with you set to benefit from their success. If it’s within your power however, try to schedule key meetings, interviews or anything that requires you to sign on the dotted line before your ruler Mercury turns retrograde the same day as the full Moon appears.
Yay! La Luna could deliver immense satisfaction. You get the job or win the business and are left with the even more lasting satisfaction of knowing that it is because of something you and only you could bring to the table. Now that Mercury moves backwards, it’s time to review what you have achieved so far and if necessary, plan for the next step when he heads forward again later in December. For now, enjoy what you have established or built.
In a nutshell: Bring matters to a conclusion if you can. Tie up any loose ends. Big decisions have lasting impact and lead to increased security this week, Virgo.
28 Nov 2017 Mercury Conjunct Saturn in Sagittarius (4th)
1 Dec 2017 Venus enters Sagittarius (4th)
1 Dec 2017 Mars in Libra opposition Uranus in Aries (exact) (2nd to 8th)
3 Dec 2017 Full Moon in Gemini (10th)
3 Dec 2017 Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius (4th)
Cash flows
Confidence returns
A victorious conclusion
Get ready for rush hour! You have four planets in your communication, commuting and commercial 3rd house this week – the Sun, Mercury, Saturn and now ruler Venus who arrives in here on the 1st. Don’t even try to be in two places at once – even if it seems you need to be. Scan all messages and send out impressive answers, there may be treasure hidden in one of them.
You could even receive recognition as you dazzle. You’re willing to push yourself forward in a way you may have hesitated to do before now. Your confidence is soaring thanks to fiery Mars in your sign. You may have to tap into a dormant bold streak and reach deep for a new solution as Mars opposes maverick and mayhem inducing Uranus in your relationship zone.
This especially applies in the area of work or people you may be working closely with. Show ‘em your genius. Others could see partnership matters shift suddenly.
As the full Moon sets sail in your swashbuckling adventure house it’s time to finish up any writing projects. Travel is indicated and this may be short in either distance or duration. And here’s a word of advice: If you are travelling, allow extra time to get to your destination, re-confirm all arrangements before setting out and if you absolutely, positively have to be there, have a Plan B in place to get there if Plan A does not pan out. The reason? Mercury Madness arrives as he heads retrograde in this, his ruling house in your chart.
The Retrograde Rules apply now and then some. Unless you cannot help it, do not buy a new phone, computer or car during this period. Back up all documents. Make a copy of your passport and tickets if travelling. Merc retro is a fab time to revise all written materials – that manuscript, presentation, pitch, report or update your CV.
You may also find that you have to repeat yourself in order to be understood. Missed cues and missed connections are all likely now. People from your past or where you have worked or lived in the past could cross your path and you could return to an old stomping ground. Does it look the same or new to you? Use the retrograde for a fresh perspective on something old and upcycle it for the future now.
In a nutshell: You may feel pulled in several directions but you’ve said goodbye to stagnation. Life shifts back into high gear. You’re in demand this week, Libra.
28 Nov 2017 Mercury Conjunct Saturn in Sagittarius (3rd)
1 Dec 2017 Venus enters Sagittarius (3rd)
1 Dec 2017 Mars in Libra opposition Uranus in Aries (exact) (1st to 7th)
3 Dec 2017 Full Moon in Gemini (9th)
3 Dec 2017 Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius (3rd)
Balance the books
What are you sharing and what are others sharing with you?
Trust your noodle
What are you owed or what do you owe in turn, Scorpio? There’s a focus on your money this week but it’s more than just that. It’s also about balance and karma. Mercury bumps into Saturn in your money house this week. Saturn is all about what’s owed and is owing. It’s time to be paid or to discharge those debts. To have a structure to your finances if you have not already established one.
I hate to use the word ‘budget’ as sounds tedious. I much prefer ‘spending plan’ but also balance this with ‘savings plan’ too. One thing is for sure, the only way to save money is to spend less of it. I’m sure you can think of inventive ways to have a lusty and fun time without money.
Having said that my sizzling friend this week could see money you are owed get paid or a new source of income open up as sensual Venus who rules this house, arrives in here on the 1st.
Your ancient ruler Mars is sitting in your lack of boundaries/illusion/spiritua zone and opposes Uranus in your work sector. Remember now, if one door closes another opens.
What you share with others or they share with you, your salary, benefits, payments and other resources are illuminated by the light of the full Moon in your primal power zone on the 3rd. As Mercury in your money and security house heads retrograde this could be a time to reconcile your finances and above all, settle outstanding debts.
It’s all about using this time to create a clean slate. With the planet of contracts, commerce and communication going backwards in your money zone now, it should be obvious that this is not a good time to seek a new loan if you can possibly help it. Mercury Retrograde rules ‘re’ words so re-financing gets a green light. You could also re-tap into a past source of income. Is there anything you can do to re-generate something that brought you past abundance? Sort it now. Oh, and hey there could be a naughty affair in the offing or a sudden overwhelming infatuation with someone on the 3rd.
In a nutshell: You could be right where the smart money is this week, Scorpio. Reap the rewards of good financial planning. Or bank on new goals paying off.
28 Nov 2017 Mercury Conjunct Saturn in Sagittarius (2nd)
1 Dec 2017 Venus enters Sagittarius (2nd)
1 Dec 2017 Mars in Libra opposition Uranus in Aries (exact) (12th to 6th)
3 Dec 2017 Full Moon in Gemini (8th)
3 Dec 2017 Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius (2nd)
Reclaim what you love
Do you have your foundations in place?
New cycle, new you!
It’s all about you as the cosmos is singing your tune. Revive something in your life this week, Sag. Yay! It’s a time of new beginnings with the Sun in your sign powering you up. Plus you have sensual Venus also arriving, bumping the planetary action up to four.
Is it you yourself who needs a little soul revival? Over the past two and a half years you have been asked to create a structure or a foundation of some kind. This can be a value structure – a belief system which supports and sustains you. Or it can be something physical – a project, a base, a more structured lifestyle, a business, a home, a routine. It doesn’t matter what it is. Just so long as you embarked on a learning curve which involved establishment and authorship on some level. Oh, and taking of the reins of responsibility for your own life and choices formed a big part of this.
The result should have been a more grounded and confident you. As Mercury meets Saturn this week you could literally witness the results of this.
Body and soul reviving Venus could have you transforming your image. After all, doesn’t a new cycle demand a new you? Time for a make-over if you’re feeling a trifle tired. Think of this as a rebirth. It’s time to embrace the party spirit, to circulate and to see and be seen.
Mars in your socialising zone ignites your connections and you’ll be making that extra effort to be out and about. Unexpected meetings, chance encounters stem from opening up to invitations that take you out of your usual circle.
This week’s full Moon in your love and partnership house could see a connection jump start. Those archers coupled up will be more than usually focussed on their partner and their needs. Your attunement is heightened and two wild hearts could beat as one. Mercury heads to annoying retrograde motion on this day and while the usual retrograde rules apply, it’s time to focus on personal projects and endeavours.
In a nutshell: Is it time for a re-vamp or a reinvention, Sag? A new you could just push the reset button now. And create a fresh future at the same time.
28 Nov 2017 Mercury Conjunct Saturn in Sagittarius (1st)
1 Dec 2017 Venus enters Sagittarius (1st)
1 Dec 2017 Mars in Libra opposition Uranus in Aries (exact) (11th to 5th)
3 Dec 2017 Full Moon in Gemini (7th)
3 Dec 2017 Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius (1st)
Ask and the answer is given to you
The truth sets you free
Past loves, past lives – both could shape your future
Karmic ties, secrets, spiritual insights, intuition and the past all add a bit of mystery to this week. Do you have a hunch about something, Capricorn? You may now possess the uncanny ability to know what is going to happen before it does. Or you hear something and your reaction is: I knew that. Because on a soul level you did. Mercury, planet of communication meets your ruler Saturn in your 12th of mysteries and mysticism this week.
Saturn has less than a month before leaving this house and arriving in your sign for the first time in 28 years! This is powerful stuff! Final revelations or insights may be Saturn’s parting gift before leaving. This is the house of secrets and these include the secrets we keep from ourselves that hold us back. Saturn is in your house of higher learning and you’ve been on the soul equivalent of an advanced degree course while he’s been in here. What’s been eluding you or hidden is now revealed in order to free you. It’s the end of a cycle.
Past loves – from this lifetime and others, could be drawn back to you as Venus arrives here as well. There are now four planets in your 12th, linking you to a wellspring of intuitive insight that you can apply right here, in the real world, for lasting, life-and-soul changing results. If you need answers now, ask. You will receive them. Tune in and listen to your psychic antenna.
Uranus in your home zone may have brought unexpected shifts and changes around the house, family and whatever makes you feel grounded and secure. In fact, these past few years may have felt more like a rollercoaster than anything else. Mars in your 10th of career opposes him this week, and the question is, are you on a rollercoaster still?
Strangely enough, you do have the power to control the speed, direction and the outcome. You are not just ‘strapped in’ for the ride. You can also get off if you want to. The key is to reach for a new solution which Mars is driving you towards. Use that as the full Moon brings a work or even wellbeing issue into focus. You have more control than you think. You got this believe in yourself.
Mercury heads retrograde this week and again, as he is in you 12th there is more to this than just the usual Retro Rules. You are going to find yourself re-framing or re-evaluating the past based on the present. Expect those past participants to contact you or just reappear. Whether they continue into the future with you – use your insight to determine that.
In a nutshell: It’s all a bit cosmic and mysterious this week, Capricorn. You’re deeply attuned to soul wisdom and spiritual truths. Use these for answers to practical matters.
Reunite with the past
Recapture love and connection
Flex those flirtation muscles
Past friends, past connections, past hangouts. Expect these to return or you to re-visit them now. Four planets sit in your 11th of your larger social circle this week and you also have a full Moon in its opposite house – your 5th. As well as the house of romance, this is very much the house of good times too. That is what you’re set to experience now. If you’ve not seen old pals for a while, why not make the effort to get in touch? However, chances are they will be connecting with you.
Mercury meets Saturn in your 11th this week. This could see one connection or group cemented for the long term or else you realise you no longer have anything in common and decide to let it go. However, the arrival of Venus, planet of pleasure in here on the 1st points to enjoyment with a dash of passion and spontaneity thrown in. Don’t be a couch tomato at this time. Make an effort and accept any invites – especially last minute ones.
The combination of Venus in here and a full Moon in your pleasure zone could hint at a lovey-dovey opportunity – or at the very least the chance to flex those flirtation muscles. Whether something more lasting is on offer is another matter. But the very fact you’re feeling more outgoing, gregarious and sparkling should be all the excuse you need to enjoy the moment. Ruler Uranus in your communication house opposes Mars in your expansion zone this week offering a boredom-busting opportunity to expand your world on some level.
The only warning I will give you is don’t rush to get wherever you are going under this transit. We are now in the Mercury Retrograde shadow, and the retrograde occurs this week on the 3rd. Allow plenty of time to get places, triple check before setting out and have a back-up plan just in case.
As the 11th also rules those goals, wishes and dreams, it’s a good time to look at these and ask yourself if what you want is still relevant? If a goal is not really aligned with our heart’s desire then we have an uphill battle manifesting it. Or we get it only to discover we don’t want it. Use the retrograde as an opportunity to realign your dreams with what makes your soul come alive. Above all, this retrograde will be all about old pals, acquaintances and contacts. You may rediscover the resonance. so get ready to reconnect.
In a nutshell: Get ready to reconnect. Old friends, old hangouts and good times feature. Rediscover old resonance in a reunion with past loves this week.
28 Nov 2017 Mercury Conjunct Saturn in Sagittarius (11th)
1 Dec 2017 Venus enters Sagittarius (11th)
1 Dec 2017 Mars in Libra opposition Uranus in Aries (exact) (9th to 3rd)
3 Dec 2017 Full Moon in Gemini (5th)
3 Dec 2017 Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius (11th)
Get serious for serious results
Make that move
The choices you make today create your future tomorrow
You’re getting one final boost from serious Saturn in his ruling house in your chart and your career zone before he heads off into your social territory in a month’s time. Remember, he will not visit this sector of your chart for another 28 years. This is a now-or-never moment in terms of your career especially as Venus enters this house too this week, boosting the number of planets in here to four.
The past two and a half years have all been about creating a structure, establishing something and learning from this. What have you built and what have you learned? You are now being offered the opportunity to put this into practice and to reap rewards that are due for you. And to make any last-minute adjustments if necessary.
This week could see reputation or status-enhancing news arrive that crystallizes everything as Mercury meets Saturn in here on the 28th. It’s a validation of all the efforts you’ve been putting in. People are taking notice of you so use Venus’s influence to ensure you create exactly the right image. You never get a second chance to make a first impression and this applies equally to your personal life as it does your professional one. Are you a contender? Ensure this is how you come across.
This is a week to see those ambitions realised or else dashed. It’s also a week to take ownership whichever way things pan out. Saturn is a planet for grown—ups. He’s all about maturity. That means taking responsibility for the choices we’ve made. You get the results you were after, if you made the correct ones. If you are faced with doors remaining closed to you now, time to admit you may just be knocking on the wrong ones and recraft your vision. Fesity Mars in your primal zone opposes Uranus in your cash house. However, the good news is you can now adjust your course. You may have to stand up and show someone that you are much more courageous than they think.
This week’s full Moon is in her ruling house in your chart placing the emphasis firmly on what you need to make you feel secure. You may feel especially sensitive and emotional now and watch any tendencies towards emotional eating (or drinking!). Emotions that surface under a full Moon are very much like the tide. It’s good to remember they will ebb and flow but you do not have to be pulled under by them. Mind you fishy, you are a good swimmer so don’t be scared of diving into what comes up.
Try to remain an observer and then as the full Moon wanes, delve into why when you’re more objective. Mercury heads retrograde in your career house now, giving you that opportunity to adjust your long term course if necessary. You can still take advantage of Saturn’s final weeks in this house if need be by using this retrograde to rewrite anything from your CV or set a new course. Saturn in his ruling house asks for a serious commitment. Stay the course but don’t be afraid to adjust it if necessary.
In a nutshell: Career goals receive a boost. Or you’re able to set a new success strategy this week. Apply those skills – and those smarts, for real results this week.
28 Nov 2017 Mercury Conjunct Saturn in Sagittarius (10th)
1 Dec 2017 Venus enters Sagittarius (10th)
1 Dec 2017 Mars in Libra opposition Uranus in Aries (exact) (8th to 2nd)
3 Dec 2017 Full Moon in Gemini (4th)
3 Dec 2017 Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius (10th)
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My New Tarot Deck
I’ve been creating my Knight-Waite tarot deck for three years.
It has been such a labour of love, I can’t wait to unleash it!
It will launch in 2023, but why not take a little sneak peek at the cards below?
We have no affiliation whatsoever with the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck, the rights in which are owned and/or controlled by the Penguin Random House Group. Any similarity in trade names is coincidental only: we are not licensed by, endorsed by, or in any other way connected with Rider-Waite, the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck, or the Penguin Random House Group.