Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs November 16th 2020 – Love rules
Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs November 16th 2020
Where intention goes, manifestation flows
Feel the thrill – and say yes
Are you ready for more?
There’s a call to freedom and to break free from anything that holds you back this week, Aries. Above all, this week wants you to know you are more powerful than you have previously believed when it comes to initiating the changes you want to see – and now want to embrace in your life.
What appears this week is an outer manifestation of an inner desire. Something you have dreamt about or focussed on for some time. In fact, it will show you what the true wish within is. And that is for something that breaks you out of a rut or answers a deep need within you. You may have been waiting for this since 2017! We’re fresh from last week’s monumental and final meeting between Jupiter and Pluto.
You are so worthy!
This week sees Venus in its ruling 7th square up but in an alluring way to Jupiter and then Saturn in your 10th. Meanwhile, Mercury exits retroshadow in your zone of property, assets and shared resources while opposing Uranus in your money zone. It’s asking if you are not just ready for more. But ready for the responsibility of having more. Are you not just ready but do you feel worthy of it? Whether this is love or worldly success. Yes, this is all to do with that focus which has hopefully been around ‘I am enough and deserve what I can imagine!’
Venus also arrives in your 8th this week, the same day as the Sun enters your 9th. Having freedom may involve an exchange, deal, compromise or balancing act of some kind. Or it could involve you letting go of what you know and entering unknown territory. And that can be scary. If all you have known is not enough, then having it all – or at least more, can take us somewhere we’ve not been. But that’s where freedom is. So, no matter how confronting, feel the fear and focus on having it anyway.
In a nutshell: This week could see your thoughts become a reality. What appears is something you have focussed on for a while. Whether consciously or unconsciously. Its role is to free you and excite your soul. Feel the thrill – and say yes anyway, Aries.
Love needs time – in more ways than one
Clear the way for freedom
What’s got to give? Give it away to get more!
What does freedom or opportunity look like for you, Taurus? Because let’s face it, it is going to be different for all of us. How about the freedom to love who, how or even where you want? What about having time to do the things you love? And what may be invisibly between you and that?
Venus is about to enter its ruling 7th in your chart. Plus you have Mercury clearing its retroshadow in here this week along with the Sun until the 21st. Once the Sun changes signs and arrives in your 8th, it’s going to be about clearing away what stands between you and that love. And the way towards this will be highlighted at the start of the week when Venus still in your 6th squares Jupiter in its ruling 9th and then Saturn on the 19th.
Make time for love!
You need to get organised now. Have a schedule, a plan, a purpose. And stick to them. Don’t gloss over the details as they hold the keys to freeing yourself from restrictions. Jupiter is good at the big picture stuff but not the small brush strokes. Above all, as Mercury in your 7th opposes Uranus in your 1st, be willing to evolve or adapt that routine or simply make time for love. If you are seeking love, then take this as seriously as you would say a career goal. If you are settled, then schedule that date night and again, treat it as you would that business meeting that is too important to cancel. And it and your partner is – or should be.
If this revolves around your time – as in having time to do what you love as opposed to who, then freeing this up is all in that organisation, the details and scheduling. Or simply setting new priorities. Venus trines powerful Ceres in your house of the future on the 22nd and combined with the Sun in your change sector, tells you something has got to give. Make that trade if needed, taurus. Because only you can say what’s truly important when it comes to love freedom now.
In a nutshell: Freedom especially the love kind, comes from organisation this week, Taurus. Making time for love or to let it in, begins with freeing up your time. So, take time to do just that as more time simply equals more love.
Free yourself up for love
Move towards that ‘yes’ answer
Fresh insight gives you a new perspective
Venus in your fabulizing 5th and the Sun in your 7th from the 21st adds up to attraction, Gemini. Magnetise those desires and above all, feel powerful when it comes to manifesting them. Last week saw the final meeting between Jupiter and Pluto in your 8th. What solution or opportunity to transcend something long term appeared or is in the process of giving you a feeling of re-birth?
Hope and optimism could be what is bring re-born. Around love and partnership potentials as well as simply your ability to get the outcome you want as Venus squares both Jupiter and Saturn in your 8th. Know if you get a ‘No’ answer from anyone this week it was never going to be yes anyway. But chances are you are moving towards Yes. Especially if this involves you and another.
Ruler Mercury is moving out of retroshadow in its ruling 6th. Unexpected information, twists, turns and reversals could in fact be blessings in disguise or propel you off, off and away towards freedom as it opposes Uranus on the 17th. If something did not work out the way you hoped, you will now see this was in fact, a release from what would have held you back. You could also see a current situation in a very different light thanks to this. And it is this, which hands you the power to change it for yourself. And for the better.
Turn your love light on
The Sun in your 7th will shine a light on partnerships of all descriptions for the next month. Venus moves into your 6th on the 21st and will trine Ceres in your 10th on the 22nd. So, it’s not just love partnerships which are in focus but working and career ones too. Ceres is as powerful as Pluto. In mythology she was after all, his mother-in-law. In your masculine and status setting 10th and aligned to Venus in your work sector, this is about a new power dynamic. One around compromise and a new dynamic.
This could be where your ‘yes’ comes in. You may dare to ask for something different, or be willing to let something go in order to have something better. Whichever way this plays out – the result is more freedom and better partnerships all round. Starting with the one you have with yourself, Gemini.
In a nutshell: Long term love and partnership matters of all kinds are back on the agenda, Gemini. Plus, ruler Mercury escaping retroshadow puts you back in control of that routine. Free yourself up for love!
No more routines that have turned into ruts
No more compromises around love, either!
Get your glamazon on!
Last week may have brought you to a pivotal point in partnership matters due to the final meeting between Jupiter and Pluto in your 7th. is it time for a new take on love? Home truths around this could feature this week while Venus remains in your 4th up until the 21st.
Until it lands in your pleasure centered 5th on that day, expect grounding and lasting decisions around partners, living arrangements and even your career as Venus squares first Jupiter (16th) and then Saturn (19th).
Something is shifting that is designed to propel you upwards and onwards from anything that is confining, going nowhere or stagnant. This can be anything from a connection to a job, your usual circle or where you live. Mercury clears retroshadow in your 5th this week and just before it does, it will oppose Uranus in its ruling 11th. Something new, freeing and exciting could be on offer. A connection, invitation, idea. It could even relate to one of your goals. What’s your answer?
The Sun shifts into your house of habits, day job (paid and unpaid), health, wellbeing and routine on the 6th. It’s wanting you to look at what supports and makes the full time occupation of staying alive easier – and what doesn’t. That routine that is in fact, a rut. Those habits which may be familiar but do you no good. Does it all need shaking up a bit?
Become what you want to attract
Venus now in your 5th trines ultimate Dita von Teese planet Ceres in your 9th. Yes, that’s right. We get so caught up in the mythology of Ceres being Persephone’s mother we forget you don’t get to symbolise fertility without being well – sexy. One story tells of how naughty sea dog Neptune once got the hots for her. She was having none of it and turned herself into a horse to escape him.
But if this isn’t a call to channel your inner goddess (no matter what your identification is as this is primal, gender neutral energy), and also to know it’s too important not to, then I don’t know what is. Don’t compromise on love, rocking out your self-love via getting that glamazon on, or what you love to do this week. Break yourself free to do just that.
In a nutshell: Love, romance, partnership matters and dynamic duos of all kinds continue to feature. Your best attraction strategy? Rock that glamazon out any way you can, Cancer! And escape that rut while you’re at it!
Shine on and express yourself
What needs to give in order for you get gain?
Take care of the small stuff to experience something bigger
Something needs to change or give ahead of the Sun’s arrival in your 5th of all things fabulizing and Leo-centric, this week. Just think of this as getting the everyday stuff out of the way so the pleasure principal can rule once again. In other words – escape from Dullsvile, Leo.
Sure, the world lately may have lost its sparkle on many levels. This doesn’t mean you still can’t shine however. Last week’s final meeting between Jupiter and Pluto in your 6th should have ushered in lasting and long-term changes around work, your wellbeing, your daily routine, your study, your habits and made you see all the small stuff that makes up your day, in a new way. More updates or news around this could follow this week as Venus in your 3rd angles to Jupiter and Saturn now. Those details take on fresh significance or the news that arrives is too big to ignore.
Shift into shine
Mercury rules your 3rd and 6th house and it escapes from retroshadow in your 4th from the 19th. Those lasting day changes could involve a career shift too as it opposes Uranus on the 17th. Venus also arrives in your 4th on the 21st and trines Ceres in your 8th on the 22nd. Powerful and life enhancing changes that you have set in motion could be the result.
If this is the case, as ruler the Sun arrives in its ruling house in your chart, take time to celebrate on some level. Even if it is the lockdown variety. On some level, romance, lovers, indulgence, children, your creativity, hobbies, young people, pleasure and yes, your chance to stand out and get yourself noticed, will occur during the next month. Set yourself up to shine, Leo.
In a nutshell: Continue to explore options that free you up to do or even be, what you love or want to express, Leo. The Sun in your 5th this week highlights the important of expressing yourself. And giving yourself full permission to shine!
Know what you need – as opposed to what you think you want
Get a new deal on love
Fresh pressed ideas take you forward
Ruler Mercury escapes the shadowlands on the 19th in its ruling 3rd. You’re back in business and able to get your point across once again, Virgo. If you’ve been holding back on that launch, submission or re-brand, you now have a green light again.
And this also applies to signing important papers, agreements and any new venture. Or re-shaping an old one thanks to Venus’s arrival in here on the 21st. It trines Ceres in Venus’s ruling 7th on the 22nd promising a fresh deal on love. Or a re-imagined existing one around partnerships. Before Venus lands in here it will square Jupiter (16th) and Saturn (19th) in your 5th from its ruling 2nd. It all adds up to something soul boosting – or even bank account or ego boosting.
What’s priceless to you?
The ultimate goal of this is to free you up thanks to Mercury’s opposition to Uranus in your 9th on the 17th. Freedom and this includes soul freedom and the freedom to set your own direction, comes in many forms. It also needs you to know what you will and won’t compromise over. So, know that when entering into any discussions this week.
The 21st sees the Sun arrive in your 4th of home, family and anything and everything which touches on how your live, your security, roots, homeland, traditions and those emotional needs. It’s asking you to look again at what you truly need as opposed to what you have been led to believe you want. And to know the difference. Again, once you know this, you also know what you will and won’t ‘sell out’ over. So, that’s the home truth you can convey – and possibly take to the bank with you, Virgo.
In a nutshell: There’s movement around your ideas, business, work and the internet this week, Virgo. You can get your ideas across and sell yourself more effectively. But know what you’d never sell your soul over. And take that to the bank.
Extra efforts pay big dividends
Craft that message
Have a life budget to get more of what you love!
Just a little more effort around that daily routine, details or home matters could just get you what you’ve been hoping or striving for this week, Libra. You’re fresh from the final and lifestyle defining meeting between Jupiter and Pluto in your 4th of home, family, roots and security last week. This week sees ruler Venus in your sign square both Jupiter (16th) and Saturn (19th) in here.
This is where the little bit of extra effort comes in. Come from long term thinking and that is the result you’ll get. Future-proof solutions that simply see you set up and in a better place or space when it comes to home or even finances. Mercury clears retroshadow confusion in your money house from the 19th.
Have a life budget that hands you more
Just two days before this, is opposes Uranus in your ‘other’ money house. This could trigger a fresh cycle of freedom around your cash, income, earnings and assets. Especially when Venus enters your 2nd from the 21st. Be optimistic and also realistic when it comes to not just what you have at your disposal but there the money goes. Venus will trine Ceres in your pragmatic and orderly 6th on the 22nd. A life budget which utilises all your available assets including talents, energy and time could just be the result. Order it up now, Libra.
This week also sees the Sun land in your 3rd. So, what’s the message now? Business, communication, writing, publishing, learning, Zooming, the internet, ideas and what you say, hear and put ‘out there’ will feature for the next month. Ready to launch yourself early into 2021? Craft that life message/budget. It can take you there.
In a nutshell: Budget is a boring word. So, design a plan that makes the most of all your resources, Libra. Time and talent included. By knowing what you spend in each area, you save more for that you truly love. That’s a winning plan this week.
‘Tis the season to self-promote
Evolve yourself to reflect your evolution
News confirms your ability to attract
The Sun may leave your sign for your money zone this week on the 21st. but the good news is your party is just getting started, Scorpio.
Mercury finally clears retroshadow in your 1st on the 19th. While Venus arrives in your 1st the same day as the Sun exits. So, think of this as your season of extended self-promotion and appreciation. Revel in your sensual self and do whatever you can to look and feel your best. Above all, think about what you want to attract and work on that self-worth. You’ll be helped in this by the Sun in Venus’s ruling house.
Venus will also trine Ceres in your 5th on the 22nd which again, is a house of attraction, pleasure, romance, sensuality and love. Before Mercury clears its retroshadow phase it opposes Uranus in your 7th. Plus, while Venus remains in your 12th it squares Jupiter (16th) and then Saturn (19th) in your 3rd. Your needs have changed. What shifts around relationships and what you have done or wanted in the past reflects this.
Get a fresh deal on love and attraction
This could just cement something triggered by last week’s pivotal and final meeting between Jupiter and your ruler Pluto in here. News could just set your direction now and decisions could be taken as a result. Some of you could literally be looking to broker a fresh deal on love or something you’ve wanted for some time. So, ensure the outer ‘you’ reflects this, Scorpio. And watch your relationships do the same.
In a nutshell: The Sun may exit your sign this week, but Venus’s arrival in your 1st keeps the focus very much on you, you, you. Time to spoil yourself. And to ensure your outer image accurately reflects what you want to attract.
Prepare your message for the Now Age
Something old is new again
Happy birthday, Sagittarius!
Happy birthday, Sag! Expect a brave new world arising out of the new normal for 2021. It’s going to be about your ideas, what you share and communicate, your message, brand, social media presence, the internet and yes, quite possibly travel especially connected to places from your past.
As your new cycle starts, Venus in your 11th with square ruler Jupiter (16th) and then Saturn (19th) in Venus’s ruling 2nd in your chart. Meanwhile in your deep and secretive 12th, Mercury clears retroshadow on the 19th. before it does it will oppose Uranus in your 6th, possibly freeing you from something which has become nothing less than a drudge for far too long. You so see you certainly no longer needed this so expect relief and a release.
What comes spinning out of the past feels brand new again
The same day as the Sun lights up your sign, we have Venus moving into your 12th and it trines Ceres in your 4th on the 22nd. This will not only boost your psychic and creative talents, but in the season of fresh starts for you, may deliver something you thought gone for good. But now returns sparkling with fresh meaning.
It is designed to create a fresh sense of belonging or stability. It could come wrapped in a choice or a decision but this one should be clear. Just call this an extra special birthday gift if this occurs. It’s giving you what you need to take full advantage of everything the Now Age which begins next month, wants to hand you, Sag,
In a nutshell: Happy birthday, Sagittarius! Yes, 2020 clipped your wings. But 2021 will see your ideas and messages take flight. Your gift? Something from the past returns with new meaning and relevance.
Make a bigger contribution
People set your future in motion
Opportunities and solutions are fuelled by self-determination
What’s your contribution to the collective about, Capricorn? We are entering the season of giving now. And there’s so many ways to give. And to join in even in lockdown or social distancing.
First, Venus in your status sector will square Jupiter (16th) and then ruler Saturn (19th) in your 1st. This may see opportunities and/or solutions that made themselves known during last week’s final and mega-important Jupiter/Pluto conjunction in your 1st, manifest with a little pinch of self-determination on your part. It’s especially important for you to know what you want to achieve in all areas now, Cappy. From love to those professional ambitions. And to be mindful of how your choices impact on how you are seen by others and your future path too.
Mercury exits retroshadow in your 11th from the 19th. Before it does it opposes Uranus in your 5th – from Uranus’s ruling house. You also have Venus arriving in your 11th from the 21st. The same day as the Sun in your 12th begins the countdown to your birthday. This will be a cycle like no other due to it marking the start of the Now Age of Aquarius. So, it’s about who you know and are connected to. From your past, your present and yes, your future.
Contribute your presence
In the run up to all this, look at how who you know and what you believe impacts on your personal freedom and those dreams. Also, look at what you have to give to your friends, your group, network, party, club, association or cause. If not in person then at a distance. Not getting involved or sitting on the sidelines isn’t an option now. Venus’s trine to Ceres on the 22nd could bring you news which shows you how closely your path and that of those you know, are aligned.
Neither is keeping yourself to yourself. Share your time, thoughts, ideas, wisdom and love any way you can and watch it all flow back ten- fold if you do. The people you know, meet or align with want your contribution. And your contribution sets your future in motion, Capricorn.
In a nutshell: Give a little to gain so much more, Capricorn. This week tells you that your contribution matters. Your presence, ideas and all you have to offer inspires others. And in turn sets a bigger future in motion.
Level that playing field
Make a self-worthy statement
Redress the balance
Just whose rules are your playing by, Aquarius? And are they skewed in one party’s favour?
This week could highlight any imbalance. Especially if you have been unaware it existed until now. I’m talking about anything from your employer favouring certain people for a raise or a promotion to that lover who gets things all their own way.
Venus starts the week in your 9th and squares Jupiter (16th) and Saturn (19th) in your 12th. This from Jupiter’s ruling house. There’s no such thing as a bad square between Venus and Jupiter. But last week’s mega and final meeting between Jupiter and Pluto in your 12th may have exposed a power play or bias which needs addressing. Luckily this may provide the solution.
Mercury will end its retroshadow too this week. Clearing this on the 19th in your 10th of public image and status. Before it does on the 17th it will oppose ruler Uranus in your 4th. This may be when you see its time to implement a few rules of your own. Or to strike out on a path of your choosing where you get to author the playbook.
New rules for the Now Age
The 21st sees the Sun land in your 11th of all things Aquarian ruled and future focussed. So, if things need to change, you’ll come up with a plan to do just that. You could be at a pivotal place when it comes to your career, status, rewards or even your relationship status.
The 21st has Venus move on into your 10th and it will trine Ceres in its ruling 2nd in your chart on the 22nd. This isn’t just about money but also about self-esteem. Using your voice to ask for what you’re worth for instance. Or simply saying the buck stops here. So, don’t accept what’s on the table if it’s revealed to be unfair. Strike a deal for something better instead.
In a nutshell: Just whose rules are you following, Aquarius? This week could show you whether they are fair or not. If it’s the latter, asking for a better deal is possible. As is striking out towards something new.
Surf’s up when it comes to a fresh direction
Get set for a change in the weather
The future is no longer fixed
Mutable weather which we are in now means changes, Pisces. Yes, we start the week in Cardinal and Fixed weather mode. We have Venus in Libra and your 8th. Venus squares Jupiter and Saturn in your 11th and that other Cardinal sign of Capricorn on the 16th and 19th. Then it will enter the Fixed sign of Scorpio and your 9th on the 21st.
Mercury clears its retroshadow in your 9th on the 19th. And before it does, it opposes Uranus in your 3rd and the fixed sign of Taurus. So, you may feel a real push/pull between choices around things staying as they are and making a change. Especially around relationships and money in particular.
The Sun’s arrival in your status expanding 10th on the 21st kick-starts the Mutable weather effect. Don’t forget you have the North Node in Mutable Gemini and your 4th. Mercury is gaining traction now and will shortly join the Sun in your 10th and Venus will follow. All these factors will squares your Pisces planets plus your ruler Neptune in your sign. What’s this telling you? Surrender to the change and don’t resist.
Direct the tides of change
You also have Ceres in your 1st. Venus will trine this from your 9th on the 22nd. Ceres rules deal making, compromise and what we can live with and cannot live without. It’s about bargains and balancing acts. It’s about giving something up to gain ground. Trade-offs and trade ups. And with Venus in your 9th – ultimately something bigger and freedom.
Making that choice now means that as the mutable weather builds up over the next few weeks, you have already paddled your board out to catch that perfect wave. So, don’t resist change now. Initiate it or go with it instead. It may push some buttons to do this. It may be scary at times. But thrilling and exciting at others. It reminds you what it’s like to love big and live on the edge, Pisces. Go there.
In a nutshell: Get ready to catch the perfect wave, Pisces. Surf’s up when it comes to freedom and opportunity. But you have to be ready to embrace changes first. Don’t stay on the shore. Dive in.
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