Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs May 31st 2021
Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs May 31st 2021
Make that change for the better
The past offers an opportunity in the present
Future you is here to slay!
The past could give birth to a new path for you this week as something comes full-circle, Aries. First, we have the meeting between the Sun and the North Node in your 3rd on the final day of the month. By now you should know all about the 19-year nodal cycles. So, those of you who were fully fledged adults 19 years ago need to look at the themes back then.
Bolder, bigger is likely to feature in all of this. We have positive echoes of the past thanks to Jupiter in your 12th now. Venus joins ruler Mars in your 4th this week and will trine Jupiter on the 3rd. On the same day as the Sun in your 3rd trines Saturn in your 11th. Where and how you are living and/or working for your future is there focus now. This could usher in a fresh lifestyle or work opportunity for some which has its foundation in something from your past. Remember – Jupiter always offers solutions and opens doors. And a Venus/Jupiter trine is one of the most positive we can experience.
Your kick-starter for positive change
If you are seeking something better either on the home or career front, just bear in mind that heaven always helps those who jump-start the change process. Ruler Mars’ opposition to Pluto in your 10th gives you the confidence in your own abilities to bring this about. And the determination to make it happen. No sitting around waiting for change to occur. Chase down the transformation you’re seeking, Aries.
In a nutshell: What you have set in motion in the past could pay off with interest in the present, Aries. It could just be all that experience and higher wisdom results in a bolder, fiercer you that’s here to slay!
Stand by your values
What you can bank on shows you love in turn
Long term goals come within reach
For some time now you’ve been asked to look closely at your value system and whether or not it has stood the test of time, Taurus. Our values say a lot about who we are. And also determine what we attract and how we are treated.
Uranus in your 1st has been responsible for any adjustments you’ve been making along with the North Node in your 2nd. This week sees the Sun meet it and many of you could be looking at banking on a fresh cycle of relating to what you have in a more abundant way due to this.
Love is the currency which pays interest
This could mark the beginning of a new long-term cycle for you that touches on your money, income, possessions, talents and skills as well as the love you give and receive. Of course, I am talking about Venus ruled subjects as this is a Venus-ruled house in your chart.
Venus is also on the move this week into your 3rd of news, commerce, business and communication. Beaming across to Jupiter in your house of goals and who you know on the 3rd. While the Sun still in Venus’s ruling 2nd trines Saturn in its ruling 10th. News could just involve that long term personal or professional goal. You know the one I mean, Taurus. The one you have worked so fearlessly and diligently towards. That investment could just pay off this week.
In a nutshell: Ruler Venus and Jupiter align to bring a long tern goal within reach. Resulting in rewards but something more valuable, Taurus. That validation for staying true to your beliefs.
Get ready for your relaunch
You un-filtered is as good as it gets
Feel it to become it
Time to reclaim any important parts of who you are now, Gemini. Especially with regards to your personal brand, image, appearance or style which communicates this. Yes, we all have a brand whether we are aware of it or not. And that old saying of a picture being worth a thousand words applies to visual statement we make.
This has nothing to do with Instagram filters. But aligning how you know you are inside with the impression you make ‘out there’ and to others. The Sun’s meeting with the North Node in your 1st on the final day of May asks you to look at how your personal image has evolved and changed. And also if you used to dress to reflect this – but now don’t. Sure, age and profession can play a role but not peer group pressure nor anything as transient as ‘fashion’. True style is timeless. Adjust as needed and experiment for now. Your ideal time to relaunch bring the new Moon next week.
Being You – Reality Style
Looking the part you feel sets you up to make all the right moves. Or to attract the kind of attention or recognition you’re after. Venus leaves your sign on the 2nd. Entering its ruling 2nd and then trineing Jupiter in your status and recognition sector on the 3rd. This is one of the best alignments we can experience. And one you have not personally benefitted from in 12 years. This can translate to something that validates who you know you are. In a material or tangible way via work or career recognition for instance. This has nothing to do with faking it ‘till you make it either. It’s knowing that the role you are playing is no act, Gemini.
In a nutshell: Get ready for a release into something bigger this week, Gemini. This could go hand-in-hand with the courage to be authentically you. And it’s that real you that gets the prize – a fresh new success cycle for instance.
One cycle closes and a new one begins
No more spinning your wheels
Get ready for something so much bigger
Ahead of your birthday season, Venus lands in your 1st this week. You could be uncharacteristically impatient to get the party started, Cancer. Certainly, you won’t want to wait now when it comes to those changes or what you visualise for yourself for the year ahead. This week sees you in major ‘out with the old, in with the new’ mindset. This could also include an image update as you toss anything tired – or which makes you feel that way.
If someone is dragging their feels or you feel they are procrastinating – well, you won’t have much patience with that either. Ahead of your new cycle you want to tie up any loose ends, know where you stand and get answers. This fearless and dynamic approach has you completing any outstanding projects, being upfront about what you want and also putting people on the spot when it comes to any decisions or answers. The card of the Hanged Man in the Tarot? So not you this week.
Let’s get your heart started!
Venus in your 1st means you can get away with this and do so with a touch of glamour and diplomacy. Plus, if you don’t get exactly the result you’re after you won’t be too fazed. You’ll take the view it wasn’t the best option for you anyway, and move on. However, Venus’s trine to Jupiter in its ruling 9th on the 3rd is one of the most magical of the year for you. It says take a chance now. There’s a fresh path opening up thanks to the Sun’s trine to Saturn in your 8th and its meeting with the North Node. If one door closes take it you could have two or more opening wide now, Cancer.
In a nutshell: Big, bold, breath-taking new beginnings. Does this sound like your birthday season just got a head start? There could be a choice of doors opening for you this week, Cancer. You choose.
Try a little self-tenderness
The universe is talking directly to you
Changes you make inside bring you what you want on the outside
Secret loves, past loves, love her-story or his-story or soul-story. What you truly desire from love. And self-love in the form of healing rituals, self-nurturing, self-forgiveness and understanding are what Venus in your 12th wants you to experience.
This is higher, inner, deeper, more empathetic and compassionate love than the romantic or sexual kind. Chances are if there are elements of your past to be healed and reconciled now, your intuition is going to guide you towards these. You may stumble upon that film, character, passage in a book or even something someone says that fills you with meaning and also puts a totally different spin on how you have looked at things. Up until now that is.
The universe sends a message
If it feels like it is aimed directly at you, or was written with you specifically in mind – well, this is how the universe speaks to us. Listen to the truth around love – a past, present or even potential one as your ruler trines Saturn in your 7th on the 3rd. Change brings massive benefits on a soul level as a shift occurs. The Venus/Jupiter trine also on the 3rd is one of the best we can experience. A shift within results in what you want in the outer world.
Your ruler the Sun remains in your house of goals and dreams. Any healing you do now results in the dissolving of old hurts which have got in the way of your ability to reach these. Also, you connect to the truth of what you truly want and needs as the Sun and North Node meet on the 31st. Kick-starting a more authentic and soul-fuelled journey. Your creative talents and psychic skills are at a peak now. So please, use these for your healing journey and to only aim for what truly ignites your soul. Authentic love means authentic goals. And soul satisfying results.
In a nutshell: No more fake love. Only the real deal for you. Attracting that means getting to the truth of who you are, and what you need. Luckily for you, the universe sends a clue, Leo.
Own your power – and your path
Don’t repeat the past – build on it
What’s that love goal, Virgo? Make a wish
Status, ambition and self-determination fuel your week, Virgo. Where you want to get to and what you want in other words. And not just professionally. Bur in love too. This week sees the Sun meet the North Node in your 10th. If you were 18 or over 19 years ago look back at what you set out to achieve or how you directed your lifepath both in your career and your personal life.
Own yourself if the message here. How did you do? Are you living with the results of what began back then? If you didn’t get what you wanted, take heart. This is your chance to begin again and with more knowledge/experience. Make that shift as the Sun trines Saturn in your 6th on the 3rd.
Make a wish around love
The 3rd also hands you one of the best wish-fulfilment aspects of the year. Venus newly arrived in your 11th aligns to Jupiter in your 7th. Please check your chart for any planets at an early degree of your own sign – or any other for that matter, as this really will have your name on it. One of our astrologers can go into more detail if needed.
Understand there is absolutely nothing negative about this transit. You have not experienced Venus and Jupiter working in exactly this way for you for 12 years. A past, present or potential partner or love-related goal will be in focus. Something or someone wants to say ‘Yes’ to you this week. Or a door opens which sets you on a journey towards that goal. Know what it is you want from love now. And then go for it.
In a nutshell: A rare and beautiful alignment takes place between Venus in your house of goals and the future, and Jupiter in your house of long-term love. This is about you and someone else in your future, Virgo. Make a wish!
If your dream hasn’t come true – get a bigger one
The timing could just be perfect
Get a little everyday career magic
If you have foreign karma with a place or person overseas it is likely to surface this week as the Sun and North Node collide in your 9th on the 31st. Even if you are like the majority of us and unable to travel, it may make itself known in some way. Look back 19 years to where you went, what you learned and what area of your life expanded. The mass media, academia, the law, religion, philosophy, sports, the outdoors, big animals – especially horses and pure blind luck that can only be the Wheel of Fortune turning in your direction again, may play a major role. Sending you off on a new learning journey.
The Only Way is Up!
Timing also plays a part. Time for love, the right timing as the Sun trines Saturn in your 5th on the 3rd.This day also hands you one of the best transits of the year to get where you want to go. Ruler Venus now in your ambition sector and Jupiter hand you every day, practical and totally life changing magic. It’s been 12 years since both were in these houses in your chart and made this aspect to one another. Work and career breakthroughs could follow. A new job, path or lifestyle which allows you more freedom being one outcome. If you have been seeking work or to return to the workforce, this alignment could see you on your way.
In a nutshell: Stand by to make your move – and your very best impression, Libra. Career factors send your stock soaring. While a bigger, bolder cycle of experience awaits you this week.
Work the Law of Attraction
Get ready to radiate
Love, passion, freedom – yes you CAN have them all!
Love is freedom. Freedom is love. Creativity, self-expression, expansion, romance – do these sound good to you, Scorpio?
Major transformations could occur this week, What you owe or what you are owed on a material and/or a soul level. This may involve you and another person or even you and an entity. Or the balance sheet between you and the universe. The Nodes rule our karma. This week the books have to balance in some way as the Sun meets the North Node in your 8th. Debts must be paid. Good karma you’ve earned interest on falls due. This could come in the form of cash yes, but also in help, solutions or an opportunity which takes you up, up and away from anything that’s had you stuck.
Passion fuels change
Now for the icing on the cosmic cupcake. Venus lands in your 9th this week and then trines Jupiter, ruler of your 9th, in your 5th of romance, luck, creativity, babies, children, good times and all things delightful. It’s been 12 years since you had a boost like this. To attract someone or something special, to feel carefree and able to be yourself, to experience joy or to know fortune is looking on your favourably. Don’t just sit there however. This one asks you take a chance. Above all, express yourself, and radiate to set the power in motion.
It’s no coincidence this week also has both your rulers ancient and modern – Mars in your 9th and Pluto in your 3rd, in opposition on the 5th. Pushing you towards empowered shifts that result in that freedom. Go in the direction of your passions this week, Scorpio.
In a nutshell: No more so-so love or experiences for you, Scorpio. And no more worrying about what others think either. Venus and Jupiter together offer big love, freedom and the opportunity to go where passion takes you!
Love is what makes your fate go round
Time for a new partnership dynamic
Loving life every day? On your schedule now, Sag!
Serious love karma surrounds you this week. It’s not so much Cupid is aiming his arrow in your direction, as you are aiming your own, Sag. Let’s time travel back to 2002 (provided you were old enough to engage in all things love-related back then). So, this process can include love her-story or history. That past or present partner. And if you have no partner at the moment, this can hand you a clue as to what’s (or should I say who?) is coming next.
Check your chart factors in Sag or for any sign at 10 degrees and also at 1 degree. If you are unsure, one of our astrologers can help you. If you have 10 degree factors – or anything within a one degree orb of that, the meeting between the Sun and the North Node in your 7th on the 31st is all about partnership karma. Duos and double acts of all descriptions. And a new cycle of karmic relating beginning for you. Look to who is ‘opposite’ you now.
Step through into love
If you have chart factors at 0-1 degree of Sag, Gemini, Virgo or most importantly, Pisces you are going to feel the influence of the trine between Venus now in your 8th and ruler Jupiter in your 4th, the most. But if you have anything at all in any sign, take it big benefits will be heading your way. Especially around home or anything that is shared with you.
It’s been 12 years since Venus and Jupiter made this exact alignment. There is nothing negative about this and it is one of the most beneficial transits we can experience. So, meditate on a door and you having the key to it in your hard. Turn the key and watch as the door swings open by itself. What is on the other side? This visualisation can give you a glimpse of what this upcoming cycle is about to deliver. Step through towards it, Sag.
In a nutshell: Blaze a trail towards love this week, Sag. A new era of partnership dynamics is opening up. But what about a life you can love each and every day? It’s not just the one to one kind on offer this week.
If it works – werk it!
Is that big love knocking on your door?
Find the feelgood – or it finds you
Work or wellbeing related changes propel you along a new path where you can create a lifestyle that simply put, works for you over the long term, Cappy. What you may have begun in 2002 comes full circle now. Those habits, routine, job, study, regimen you set in place. If its time for a change, then the meeting of the Sun and North Node in your 6th of the power of the small stuff, allows you to undertake this. Don’t underestimate its impact.
Working smarter, feeling your very best allows you to enjoy the good stuff. Which is now on its ways as Venus lands in its ruling 7th on the 2nd. The 3rd is an extra special day for you as the Sun in your 6th makes a rewarding angle to ruler Saturn in your money zone. Plus, you have a desire fuelled opposition occurring on the 5th between Mars also in your 7th and Pluto in your 1st. Love and partnership transformations could follow.
Love, double acts, duets and beautiful music together
But the real star turn of the week is the trine between Venus and Jupiter in your 3rd. News or an opportunity so big you cannot possibly miss it. It’s been 12 years since these two planets were in these houses in your chart. And this is one of the most beneficial transits any of us can experience. For you it can bring in a new partnership opportunity – this includes working ones. Or cement an existing one taking it to a new level. Whatever or whoever turns up now its worth feeling your best for.
In a nutshell: Discovering what really works for you sets you free to be ready to receive, Capricorn. Especially when it comes to partnerships. Get in training for love this week.
Love, children, destiny – karma makes you shine
Get your daily dose of good stuff (and not just that green smoothie!)
Work pays self-worth boosting benefits
This week is about your love destiny and also karma related to babies, children, parenting, teenagers, millennials, young people and even the ‘children’ of your soul – creative ventures. If you are old enough, look back at 2002 or even as far back as 1983 as something comes full circle or repeats now around these themes. If this is the first time you have experienced the Sun’s meeting with the North Node in your 5th, this is the start of a beautiful, destiny driven new beginning. Especially when coupled with the Sun’s trine to Saturn in your sign on the 3rd.
One small word of warning however: if you do not wish to become a parent at this point, please take extra precautions to ensure this does not happen. Other than that – ride the love train.
Get right on the money when it comes to work
Venus in your 6th from the 2nd hands you the feelgood factor. And can bring in enhanced wellbeing and also job-related opportunities. Especially when coupled with one of the best aspects of the year so far. The 3rd sees Venus trine Jupiter in what is Venus’s ruling house in your chart – the 2nd.
It’s been 12 years since this last occurred. Work or wellbeing related opportunities and bonuses are on offer now. If you are seeking a new and better opportunity or just an enhanced lifestyle change, this transit can deliver. Bigger and better than you could ever imagine with just a tiny bit of effort on your part. With benefits that keep on giving every day and in every small but important way, Aquarius.
In a nutshell: Romance, children, babies, parenting or your soul children in the form of creative ventures, open up a long-term destiny cycle this week. Plus that routine, day job or those habits get a well-earned boost. Escape the rut, Aquarius.
Think it – attract it
Love is your superpower
There’s no place like what is home for you
Who doesn’t want to be you this week, Pisces? You have the love and attraction mojo. Check your chart right now for factors between 0-1 degree of your sign especially but also any other sign. This includes your ascendant, midheaven, IC, descendant and Node. If you are uncertain, one of our astrologers can help you.
What calls you home, feels like home or home and/or family related themes come full circle or you step into a new cycle of living thanks to the Sun’s meeting with the North Node in your 4th on the 31st. If you have Pisces aspects at 10 degrees – give or take one degree, this has your name on it. Look back to 2002 if you are old enough. Did you move back then? Emigrate even? Start a new job? This may provide clues as to what moving experience awaits you.
You have the power of attraction – use it
This may or may not be tied in to what is for you, the best aspect of the year so far. And this is love mojo overdrive, Pisces. Ancient ruler Jupiter trines newly arrived Venus in your 5th on the 3rd. This is all about the pleasure principle and your aura of attraction. A new love, an opportunity to shine, benefits, lucky breaks and having what you have always dreamed of land in your lap are just a few possibilities this week. Supersized if you have chart factors at the 0-1 degree orb but on offer to all Pisces out there.
Others may look on in envy as you make it all look so effortless. It’s been 12 years since this last occurred. That old saying applies: It took me 12 years to become an overnight sensation. Showcase yourself this week. The world wants what you have.
In a nutshell: Your superpower this week is your ability to work the Law of Attraction. Hone that desire like a laser beam as ruler Jupiter in your sign angles to Venus in your romance and pleasure zone. Feel it and watch what follows, Pisces.
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