Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs March 21st

weekly astrology

Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs March 21st


Play with unknown potential and possibilities

Open a multiverse of choices

Explore fresh paths of opportunity

Beam up some birthday inspiration and ideas around just where ‘22-’23 is going to take you, Aries. You can reach forward, back and throughout the multiverse for ideas. Time travel in your mind to explore possibilities or alternatives. And then if they feel right for you – initiate them.

You are pretty well like the main character in Interstellar now. For the uninitiated, Matthew McConnaughey plays astronaut Joseph Cooper on a mission through a wormhole to save humanity. His trip through a black hole reveals that there is no advanced alien civilisation behind this as first thought. We are our own guides and angels. So, that’s you now – instead of Alice down the rabbit hole you are through the worm hole and gazing at astral possibilities open to you as Jupiter will visit your sign during ‘22-23 for the first time in 12 years. New dimensions of opportunity are opening up that you had no idea existed.

That being said, they begin to open right now thanks to Mercury’s meeting of both Jupiter (21st) and then Neptune (23rd). Be prepared to be confronted with fresh dimensional choices.

It may now be your birthday, but you have heavy planetary activity in your mysterious 12th. Keep your own dealings above board and upfront. You may be more suggestible than usual so please be aware some people may try to take advantage of this. Your body is more sensitive to what you put into it – watch for reactions now and limit your intake of alcohol or other substances.

The past may reappear unexpectedly. This could be anything from a lover or a past money making venture but please, don’t rush back into something. Because for you right now, there is no such thing as a get-rich-quick scheme or that disenfranchised Nigerian politician who needs your help to get their money out of the country. The square between ruler Mars and Uranus on the 22nd isn’t a time to take risks. This doesn’t just include your money. Keep your wits about you when out and avoid ‘dodgy’ areas.

That unknown, unlooked or unexpected opportunity could see you head off in a totally new direction or feel someone gave you a mojo shot as Eros and Chiron meet in your 1st on the 22nd. Mercury arrives on the 27th and like Matthew McConnaughey emerging from that wormhole, could just hand you news from the ‘other side’ in the form of something you’ve been waiting on or simply show you that fresh direction. Out of the wormhole and into the light of possibilities this week, Aries.

In a nutshell: Hello from the other side! Heaven sent help, the ability to see through the veil of mysteries or inspiration tells you there’s more things in heaven and earth than you dreamed this week.

Mar 21 2022 Mercury conjunct Jupiter in Pisces (12th)

Mar 22 2022 Mars in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (11th to 2nd)

Mar 22 2022 Eros conjunct Chiron in Aries (1st)

Mar 23 2022 Mercury conjunct Neptune in Pisces (12th)

Mar 27 2022 Mercury enters Aries (1st)


Choose your company

Take a deep dive into clarity

Make a wish, Taurus!

Your annual deep dive is underway now. First however, there’s a goal that falls within your grasp. Or at the very least, the highway towards heavenly attainment as Mercury meets both Jupiter and Neptune in your 11th this week.

Mercury bumps into Neptune in here on the 23rd. Perhaps delivering news of wish fulfillment or linking you to like minded souls. You crave resonance and intuition powers up those ideas. Your empathy is supercharged but please don’t allow others to take advantage of this. While this could make you feel a part of something special, you do need to be careful about getting re-involved with people from your past who may have ‘issues’. Especially if they involve alcohol, drugs, acting out or trouble with the law. You could find yourself sucked in to their drama if you are not careful. There’s a saying we are judged by the company we keep and this applies to you this week as someone’s behaviour could tarnish your reputation. Be mindful.

Another example of the kind of energy that is around you is the friend who lurches from one crisis to the next and is always seeking to be bailed out, or who only calls you to trauma dump. The truth around a connection could be revealed or you take a fearless approach in getting answers. Have you been avoided asking for clarity because you are afraid of the answer?

As Mercury moves into your 12th, and Mars squares Uranus in your sign, don’t choose not to know where you stand with others this week. Are you wanting to change an aspect of your own life – such as quit drinking for example, but continue to go down the pub or open that bottle of wine with your drinking buddies? Again, look at the company you keep. That being said who you know could hold the keys to opportunity now. Go for the connections that lift you higher – not for those who hold you back, Taurus.

In a nutshell: Friendships like love should lift us higher. This week asks you to look at where yours are taking you? Halfway to the stars or simply round the same old drama? Choose your company carefully, Taurus.

Mar 21 2022 Mercury conjunct Jupiter in Pisces (11th)

Mar 22 2022 Mars in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (10th to 1st)

Mar 22 2022 Eros conjunct Chiron in Aries (12th)

Mar 23 2022 Mercury conjunct Neptune in Pisces (11th)

Mar 27 2022 Mercury enters Aries (12th)


Facts form the ladder of success

Opportunity is a door – knock on the right one

Friends and connections freshen up that future path

Due diligence and ideas combine to give you superpowers when it comes to your job search or career, Gemini. As ruler Mercury transits your 10th this week it meets Jupiter (21st) opening the doors to big opportunity and Neptune (23rd) inspiration. That doesn’t mean you get to coast however. This combination says you have to have your facts straight and your strategy in place.

So, do your research and whatever you do – be prepared to walk that talk. As in don’t promise anything you can’t deliver, fudge those facts or stretch the truth in any way. If you do – you will be left high and dry. If you do not know an answer – admit it but say you will look into it (and do just that). You are in a position to make an indelible and unforgettable impression on that boss, client or gatekeeper. Also have a clear idea of the outcome you want to achieve – and craft your presentation accordingly. And don’t be afraid to ask for it directly either.

Eros’ meeting to Chiron in your 11th has you aiming at a new target and with the line up this week, you could find yourself on an exciting new path. One that takes you higher or hands you exactly the outcome you were aiming for. Intention and determination fuel this along with those facts. Mercury lands in your 11th from the 27th by which time that brand new direction you are heading in should be clear with nothing but green lights beckoning you down it. Friends and connections boost your luck factor and news you have been waiting on arrives. Celebrate when it does. But that ‘lucky’ break is backed by work and research, Gemini!

In a nutshell: Ruler Mercury has a rare and door-opening encounter with Jupiter and Neptune in your career and status sector this week. It tells you that research and facts are your power tools for writing a fresh success strategy now.

Mar 21 2022 Mercury conjunct Jupiter in Pisces (10th)

Mar 22 2022 Mars in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (9th to 12tt)

Mar 22 2022 Eros conjunct Chiron in Aries (11th)

Mar 23 2022 Mercury conjunct Neptune in Pisces (10th)

Mar 27 2022 Mercury enters Aries (11th)


Expand possibilities

Spin the cosmic Wheel of Fortune

Be awakened to the new within you

An invitation to enter something bigger is on its way this week, Cancer. It could be held out by that dazzling dynamic individual who dares to be different. This is no ordinary connection, Cancer. It’s edgy, unique and perhaps a little awe-inspiring. This person may represent a part of you which is dormant. But wants to be unleashed. That side of you that’s unafraid to take a chance.

If you’re secretly fed-up with the status quo or have been feeling confined or restricted, this week could remove those restrictions as Mercury meets Jupiter in its ruling 9th (21st). Whatever it is you are invited to or asked to spin that wheel of fate over – don’t hesitate now. Know the universe has your back if you do. If an opportunity is held out – claim it.

Remember, the planets work their magic through people here on earth. Especially when we have Uranus in its ruling 11th in our charts. Yes, it is heaven sent as the meeting between Mercury and Neptune tells you. But the magic, opportunity, release or solution may come packaged in human form. Or via a group of humans. If it is one person, chances are you look at them with a mixture of awe and envy. But they are just showing you a side of you that’s demanding you unleash it. And that you are more like them than you give yourself credit for. Take a chance and mix and mingle, Cancer.

In a nutshell: Someone could enter your life who awakens that adventurous streak buried within you, Cancer. The fact is, your soul yearns for a bigger expression now. When the opportunity arrives – take it this week.

Mar 21 2022 Mercury conjunct Jupiter in Pisces (9th)

Mar 22 2022 Mars in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (8th to 11tt)

Mar 22 2022 Eros conjunct Chiron in Aries (10th)

Mar 23 2022 Mercury conjunct Neptune in Pisces (9th)

Mar 27 2022 Mercury enters Aries (10th)


Get your swagger on

If you own it – work it

Travel, expansion or opportunity lights the way ahead

Ready to get wild? You’re in swagger central now Leo. This is no time to be a shrinking violet. No matter what – work that mojo. If you’ve felt you lost that way back in 2020, this week hands you a major mojo transfusion of scorching self-confidence, sexiness and swagger. You can work this anywhere from the bedroom to the boardroom. But it is important to know what results you are after as Mercury meets both Jupiter and Neptune in your other money house.

This can be an actual soul boost as well as a financial one. Or possibly both. Actually taking steps to reclaim your swagger can leave you feeling pretty pumped. Don’t underestimate the important of soul victories. Others could be counting more material benefits or scoring the serious feels from that sizzling swipe right.

Ruler the Sun is busy in your 9th banishing self-doubt and highlighting your desirability. Chase down that dream job or promotion and hold that head high. News around your career or something which further sends your stock soaring could follow once Mercury lands in here on the 29th. Travel or simply movin’ on up features as we head into April. You’ve plenty happening to put the swagger into that strut, Leo.

In a nutshell: Born to shine the Sun in your 9th lights up that sexy swagger this week. Chances are you’ll have plenty to strut about. Showtime is an attitude, Leo. Bring yours and reap the attention and rewards accordingly.

Mar 21 2022 Mercury conjunct Jupiter in Pisces (8th)

Mar 22 2022 Mars in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (7th to 10tt)

Mar 22 2022 Eros conjunct Chiron in Aries (9th)

Mar 23 2022 Mercury conjunct Neptune in Pisces (8th)

Mar 27 2022 Mercury enters Aries (9th)


Enter a new kind of double act dynamic

Make the first move

Love takes on a new dimension

Love and partnerships of all kinds will be your main focus as this week continues that cycle where duos, duets and double acts of all descriptions, dominates. Ruler Mercury acts as go-between or simply Cupid between you and another. Love is the next big idea. It shifts and turns and takes on a fresh dimensional twist for you this week. Be all that love is asking you to be now. This may even involve embracing a fresh paradigm when it comes to what love is or even looks like for you.

Mercury meets both Jupiter (21st) and Neptune (23rd) this week. Before arriving in your depth perceptive and passionate 8th on the 27th. One person should be offering you an invitation to take a connection to the next level. Or to alter the deal between you to take it (and you both) somewhere better. It could be that lover or it could be that collaborator or professional connection. It’s bigger and more meaningful. That’s really all you need to know.

You may be the one to make the first move to start this or simply change things up. This transit says seize the love by seizing the day. Love wants to take you to places you haven’t been before now. Emotionally, sexually, spiritually and yes, even materially successfully. You’ve a ticket to ride the love train now. Jump aboard, Virgo.

In a nutshell: Expand your experience or ideas around just what love is. Or is able to bring you, Virgo. You’re in a two month cycle set to redefine everything you’ve ever believed partnerships can be. Embrace the impossible dream now.

Mar 21 2022 Mercury conjunct Jupiter in Pisces (7th)

Mar 22 2022 Mars in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (6th to 9tt)

Mar 22 2022 Eros conjunct Chiron in Aries (8th)

Mar 23 2022 Mercury conjunct Neptune in Pisces (7th)

Mar 27 2022 Mercury enters Aries (8th)


Get overflowing

Small ripples create tidal waves of positive change

Work that everyday love feeling

That opposite number or that space in your life waiting to be filled, could turn into the overflowing cup of the Ace of Cups in the Tarot for you this week, Libra. You’ve the Sun in your all important 7th along with Mercury from the 27th. Plus Eros and Chiron charging up that desire for something (or someone) different. Love and even your work and what you do, wants you to head in a new direction now.

You are entering into this incredible cycle with a freshly minted value system thanks to Uranus in your 8th. It’s about more than just money but your soul worth, Libra. Hence, getting that overflowing feeling comes from not selling said soul any longer. Either in your working or professional life or in your relationships. Opportunities which align with this land in your mailbox or inspired ideas for changing your daily life pop up on line. Your mind opens to new ways to have and achieve what you want without having to sell out as Mercury meets Jupiter and Neptune in your 6th this week. A new job, better way of working and wellbeing arrives which releases you from what may have felt like daily servitude.

Daily love has a fresh direction for you to head in now. And you’ll quickly see how changing up that routine brings you unexpected benefits. Such as more time for what you love to do, more energy and ditching that drudge. This is just the beginning, Libra. You’ll see the ripple effect turn into a tidal wave when Jupiter reaches your 7th in May. For now, show yourself the way to love in everyday ways.

In a nutshell: Every day and every way the changes you create will bring more love and satisfaction into your life, Libra. What’s more, they will be here to stay. Don’t underestimate the power of a small shift. It brings seismic changes from this point on.

Mar 21 2022 Mercury conjunct Jupiter in Pisces (6th)

Mar 22 2022 Mars in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (5th to 8th)

Mar 22 2022 Eros conjunct Chiron in Aries (7th)

Mar 23 2022 Mercury conjunct Neptune in Pisces (6th)

Mar 27 2022 Mercury enters Aries (7th)


There’s no hiding from love

Expand your experience

Happiness is your truth

No matter where in the multiverse you are, then love is all around you, Scorpio. Chances are even if you found yourself in a black hole, you’d find a date in there with a hot cosmic entity right now.

Something is about to be born, created or manifested into your world fueled by the divine power of love. It’s the force that brings stars together this week. Just like the meeting between Mercury and Jupiter (21st) and Mercury and Neptune two days later. What can you conceive of? Perhaps literally for some as this occurs in your house of babies, children and parenting. The child of your creativity and creation as in an idea can be born and launched. A new romance comes laden with potential and sees you starring in your very own rom-com. You travel and encounter unlooked for opportunity. A lucky break puts you in the spotlight.

You are happiness incarnate or should be now. The hot air balloon that could go into space. Entering the winners circle or the VIP section, doors opening wide, playfulness and optimism with a big side serving of love reawaken your inner child again. The Sun in your 6th along with Mercury in here from the 27th, sees you whisking away the cobwebs of care and making light work of those daily tasks. Change up that routine if needed to focus on radical wellness. All of this sets you aglow this week. And as you glow even brighter, you attract even more. This is a week to get happy so lift the roof on that, Scorpio.

In a nutshell: You’re a Pharrell Williams track incarnate this week, Scorpio. Time to lift the roof and broaden your horizons when it comes to your beliefs around what love could bring you. Your one job? Get happy this week.

Mar 21 2022 Mercury conjunct Jupiter in Pisces (5th)

Mar 22 2022 Mars in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (4th to 7tt)

Mar 22 2022 Eros conjunct Chiron in Aries (6th)

Mar 23 2022 Mercury conjunct Neptune in Pisces (5th)

Mar 27 2022 Mercury enters Aries (6th)


Bring wider, wilder changes home to roost

Design your place in the world

Clear the way for that love move

Get ready for homecoming, Sag. Property, bricks and mortar, buying, selling, leasing, renting, roomies, airbnb-ing, moving experiences and assistance from mother figures feature as Mercury meets your ruler Jupiter in your 4th this week. Be inspired by a grand design and what shores up that sense of security.

Mercury quickly moves on to meet with Neptune just two days later. This isn’t just about where you hang your hat but your lifestyle in a wider sense. It’s set to unshackle you on one level while sending those roots deeper on another. Where you anchor yourself to or call home is going to look very different for you by the time we reach the end of ‘22. That home port could shift to a new locale or even country. Or your present space is expanded or improved.

Mercury moves with lightning speed so any deals will be done swiftly. It arrives in your fabulizing 5th on the 27th – joining the Sun, Eros and Chiron in here. Shedding any restrictions around home and moving into something bigger is like a lightening breath of fresh air. Room to move and breathe puts you in an expansive and opportunistic mood once more. If romance is also a move you’d like to may all this clears the space for it to move in. Same goes for that lucky break or opportunity, Sag. And as for that all important Sag passion – travel. Having somewhere to come home to makes departing so much easier for you now.

In a nutshell: Ruler Jupiter hands you the keys to a way of living or even loving, larger and in more meaningful ways. No matter where in the world calls to you – make your move towards it. There’s no place like the space you call home now.

Mar 21 2022 Mercury conjunct Jupiter in Pisces (4th)

Mar 22 2022 Mars in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (3rd to 6tt)

Mar 22 2022 Eros conjunct Chiron in Aries (5th)

Mar 23 2022 Mercury conjunct Neptune in Pisces (4th)

Mar 27 2022 Mercury enters Aries (5th)


Don’t just dream the dream – weave it into reality

Actions need no translation

Spell it out for success

What you communicate this week around your values is all important, Capricorn. As is what other people convey around theirs in turn. It is important to pay attention to the sub-text around this. 70-93% of all communication is non-verbal. And with Mars in your 2nd squaring Uranus in your 5th, this tells you that actions speak louder than words.

Areas to watch are disparities between what that boo says and how they treat you, differences in parenting styles or being asked to sell out over something you know isn’t in alignment with what you believe. That being said, exciting, direction defining or dimension shifting news could arrive that opens up new portals of opportunity for you when Mercury in its ruling 3rd meets Jupiter (21st) and Neptune (23rd). This could impact on family, property, children or your living arrangements.

It’s a week to work your ideas, to launch or do something with them. And when it comes to actions speaking louder than words, practice what you preach, Capricorn. This is no week to simply talk a good game. You have to bring it. Inspiration and the ability to be able to weave a charmed spell and convey words in a way that conjures vivid images in the minds of those you talk to could see many of you gaining jobs, orders, hearts, minds or followers. You are the dreamweaver with the touch of the cosmic salesperson! Just ensure that those spells you weave are backed by solid intention to follow through. And insist that others do the same with theirs.

In a nutshell: Words are spells. But like any ritual you need to back up what you say with action and intention. Or is someone else all talk and no follow-thru, Cappy? Unlock that hidden meaning this week and act on its information.

Mar 21 2022 Mercury conjunct Jupiter in Pisces (3rd)

Mar 22 2022 Mars in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (2nd to 5th)

Mar 22 2022 Eros conjunct Chiron in Aries (4th)

Mar 23 2022 Mercury conjunct Neptune in Pisces (3rd)

Mar 27 2022 Mercury enters Aries (4th)


Run towards the unknown

Go for it with confidence

Resources and solutions get you moving again

If money or other resources have been holding up a move or changes you’ve been yearning to make, this week could hand you exactly what you need to make this happen. It doesn’t matter if you are stuck in place, the same dead-end job or a mental rut, Aquarius. The planets are conspiring to propel you out of it.

You have Mars reigniting your zeal and zest for life again. Ruler Uranus in your sector of home and safety electrifies it with a high tensile charge and impels you to take action. Sometimes we have to leave that comfort zone and run from what feels familiar because it no longer evolves our soul. Sure this may not feel like nurturing and goes against the grain and everything we know. Call it tough love planetary style.

The alignments between Mercury and Jupiter (21st) and Mercury and Neptune (23rd) should more than make up for any discomfort. Opportunities to boost your income or simply serve up enhanced self-worth follow. Again, possibly through you leaving behind what feels familiar and opting for a different direction entirely. Mercury’s fast moving momentum sees it join the Sun, Eros and Chiron in Mercury’s ruling 3rd on the 27th. Perhaps handing you the result of venturing out into unknown territory sooner than you dreamed. If an idea takes you up and away from what’s familiar, follow it to the edge then take a chance and leap on after it, Aquarius.

In a nutshell: Life takes on an unexpected direction. Time to follow through on that idea or simply be willing to see what actually does lie on that path not taken. If lack of resources has held you up expect an upturn this week.

Mar 21 2022 Mercury conjunct Jupiter in Pisces (2nd)

Mar 22 2022 Mars in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (1st to 4th)

Mar 22 2022 Eros conjunct Chiron in Aries (3rd)

Mar 23 2022 Mercury conjunct Neptune in Pisces (2nd)

Mar 27 2022 Mercury enters Aries (3rd)


Be fluid

Attract effortlessly

Draw your dreams to you

You are the sign of secrets, Pisces. So when I ask you to keep one you should have no problem with this. So, what is it? Well, don’t say anything to the Aries next door but actually you are the brightest star in the sky or the constellation most likely to attract right now.

How to attract? Simply dive into the ocean of incredible light, insight and being. Become the water. Be fluid in your approach. Don’t resist the tide. Feel the divine life giving energy of the cosmos flow through you and become one with it. You are being taken in a fresh direction now, dear Pisces. But that does not mean you are lost at sea or drowning!

Something you have wished for could just materialise now. How we think we may feel when we attain something we have worked towards or hoped for may be very different to how we react when it actually happens! So, be prepared to be taken by surprise. Of course, this does not take away from the miraculous nature of the event. Prepare for breathtaking news or fulfillment as Mercury meets both your rulers in your sign this week – Jupiter on the 21st and Neptune on the 23rd.

Others could find the missing piece to that puzzle, the support or solutions they have been seeking within a company, group or community of like minded souls. Mercury moves with quicksilver intent. Sparking ideas, connections and delivering messages and information. Then just as swiftly moves on into your money zone from the 27th. It joins the Sun, Eros and Chiron in here promising gains, improvements and a reset on those values and self-worth. You are in a period of manifestation marvels where you can draw what you need to you like the Moon pulls the tide up on to the shore. Take it the tide will wash up exactly what it is you need. Or deposit you where opportunity can find you, Pisces.

In a nutshell: If you go with the flow you could just end up on the island of dreams this week, Pisces. Become as fluid and permeable as water and infuse yourself with fresh potential. Don’t resist where the tide wants to take you now.

Mar 21 2022 Mercury conjunct Jupiter in Pisces (1st)

Mar 22 2022 Mars in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (12th to 3rd)

Mar 22 2022 Eros conjunct Chiron in Aries (2nd)

Mar 23 2022 Mercury conjunct Neptune in Pisces (1st)

Mar 27 2022 Mercury enters Aries (2nd)


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