Weekly Astrology Forecast Video – 15th June 2020 – Eclipse
15th June 2020 Weekly Astrology Forecast
Hello Gorgeous Soul,
We have a wild week ahead! So, it’s crucial to keep your wits about you. Firstly, Mercury the planet of communication is full-on retrograde. Confusion, smoke and mirrors combined with Venus, Saturn, Pluto, and Jupiter retro is one spicy cosmic mix!
Kissing goodbye to the past 😘
In addition, we are clearing up the past, and might be confronted by a visit from our old selves. Remember, whatever comes up this week, you are not the same person that you were. You are stronger, you are wiser and you’re hopefully committed to your happiness on a far deeper level than before.
Solar eclipse in Cancer ☀️
The Solar Eclipse in Cancer tops off six months of learning. Eclipses never reveal the full knowledge of what transformations they are bringing, not to start with anyway. However, Just before the Sun tips into Cancer, the Sun is conjunct the North Node in Gemini bringing with it a big reveal about our future. The Sun is cheery, optimistic, and confident about our destination. The North Node is a magnetic force guiding us to a more evolved way of being.
New Moon in Cancer 🌑
This New Moon in Cancer and Solar eclipse seeks to help us find authentic security and stability within ourselves. However, eclipses can make us feel shaky. When the shadow falls across the Sun we are momentarily unsure of what is real. 202o is one of the trickiest astrological years ever and this week’s general astrology is pretty intense.
We are heading towards a brand new era, not only for ourselves but for all of humanity. Be gentle, kind, and clear with yourself this week and avoid indulging in any self-destructive habits, or people from the past. No hooks ups with the dastardly sensual ex!
Sending love to you
Michele x
For your Written 15th June 2020 Weekly Astrology Forecast click here
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