15th October 2018 Weekly Astrology Forecast

Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs September 16th 2019 – A Love Revolution!

. Aries

  • Get ready for audacious fortune!
  • Love what makes you unique
  • Stand out to win hearts and minds

Venus is in its ruling 7th in your chart making come-hither angles to Chiron in your 1st. When it comes to love, creativity and dynamic duos of all descriptions – time to get yourself noticed. You’re never the sign of the shrinking violet in any case. Take your signature fire and passion and work it in new ways. Show your love, make that attention grabbing move – not just in romance but in other areas too (more on this in a moment). Venus demands creative expression of our passionate selves. Chiron is the original rock god of the zodiac which walks to the beat of its own very different drum. Chiron was actually discovered just as punk rock emerged (hence that association with the audacious, radical and different). In mythology, Chiron was also the greatest of the centaurs. He was also radically different physically from the other centaurs as he is often depicted with human legs at the front. This set Chiron apart from the others. So, what sets you apart this week? Vive la difference. That’s your superpower when it comes to winning hearts or success now.

Your entire money/work/career zone is highlighted as Saturn heads direct once more in its ruling 10th putting you back on course for sustained career progress. The 19th sees ruler Mars hand you some serious power moves as it trines Pluto also in your 10th and the Moon in your money zone. The steps you take now to bring about enhanced financial security and rewards pay off. You’re in a position to impress those in positions of power – bosses present and potential, teachers, clients, VIP’s and gatekeepers of all descriptions. Work what you and nobody else has. That success story has a different beat to its soundtrack – and it’s all yours Aries!

In a nutshell: Work a little signature style magic this week, Aries. When it comes to winning hearts and minds, your secret to success is what makes you unique. And working that audaciously!


  • Answer the call of your heart
  • Make a bold, bodacious move!
  • You want what you want for a reason

To preface a famous quote: the heart knows what the heart knows. And yes, the heart wants what the heart wants too. There’s a question mark hanging over you this week, Taurus. And at its heart is not about what your heart knows or wants. Because you already have those answers. The question hanging over you is knowing this, what do you intend to do about it? You’ve a green light to take action this week and answer your heart’s true calling. Will you or won’t you? The planets always issue invitations but free will plays a role. We can accept or decline. We can even choose to decline when we know accepting is in fact, the solution. Or we can just take a Scarlett O’Hara attitude and ‘think about that tomorrow’ and procrastinate.

This week asks you to do the right thing by your heart. There’s a push towards a greater freedom for you (and it) as Saturn finally shifts direct again in your house of expansion on the 18h. Yes, freedom or answering that soul call takes effort. But ask yourself: Aren’t the results worth it? Time to play with passionate possibilities once more as the following day the Moon in your 1st puts you in touch with your emotional needs for so much more than you have settled for lately. It links with Mars in your 5th, igniting your passion (or passion for someone specific!) and also Pluto in your freedom zone. Things must change and I must change them is now your mantra. With ruler Venus in your 6th opposing Chiron in your 12th you won’t be able to ignore what that heart knows and wants any longer. Make a bold, bodacious move towards freedom – and what you truly desire, Taurus.

In a nutshell: Your heart has inner wisdom you need to heed this week, Taurus. Recognise what it wants is the same as what you need to live larger and freer. And make a bold move to claim it now!


  • Get ready to stand out
  • What makes you unique is your magnet to attract
  • Explore a new scene – and yes, it IS yours!

Don’t even think about blending in to the background this week. It’s your destiny to stand out and be noticed. Work your own individual, creative magic in showcasing yourself and what you have to offer the world, Gemini. You could love the change this brings you now. Venus occupies your fabulous 5th setting that attraction factor to off-the-charts. This week Chiron in your 11th of friends, contacts, goals, dreams and your social life moves to oppose it. Your 11th also rules your individuality and one thing you need to bear in mind about Chiron is – it is uniquely and totally just that. An individual like no other. In mythology Chiron was not only regarded as the greatest of the centaurs, he was different to the others. Instead of having legs like a horse at the front, he had human legs. This set him apart. So, this week – work or showcase what sets you apart to attract whatever it is you are seeking.

Invitations to unusual events or gatherings, or entrée to radically different social circles to the one you usually inhabit could form part of this. Please whatever you do, don’t say ‘It’s not my scene’. Success in this cycle hinges on daring to try something new or even daring to be the person you dream of becoming. Not tomorrow. Today. The engines of change now turn in your favour if you do. Saturn heads direct in your 8th on the 18th, handing you considered empowerment and the ability to make the right long term decisions. Stretching across the sky on the 19th – a Grand Earth Trine linking Pluto in its ruling 8th, Mars in your 4th and the Moon swirling and stirring the waters of your mysterious 12th. Follow that intuition now and it could just link you to someone with whom the karmic ties go deep. They are your agent of change and will in some way empower you forward. You’ve both the desire and the ability infused with the connections now. Put yourself and your dreams out there this week.

In a nutshell: You are set to attract by showcasing your unique style and talents. Attraction includes anything from attention, romance and friends in high places. Get radiating, Gemini!


  • Align yourself to your dreams
  • Make that first move
  • Partner up with what makes you special

Ruler the Moon in your 11th is nudging you out of the door and urging you to get social. It’s on a bit of a mission this week, Cancer. And that entails aligning you with your dreams and goals. Especially when it comes to love. Settleds –schedule that special date night on the 19th if you can. Pick a place you both enjoy going to. Saturn heads direct in your 7th of partnerships – and potential partnerships this week. Of course, this also includes long term working ones as well as the romantic variety. The 19th is a special day of stunning self-confidence, passion and desire for change. Your ruler links to Pluto also in your 7th for the long haul, and self-assured Mars in your 3rd. Your confidence soars as a result. Whether it’s making that first approach – either swiping right or starting that conversation. Professionally, you’ve the power of conviction and ability to get your ideas across. Simply put – you can sell sand to the Saudi’s right now and they will not only pay the asking price, but thank you for it. Work that confidence and charm to advance your agenda professionally or put yourself out there to attract that potential mate!

As far as your career prospects go this week, you have an unfair advantage thanks to Venus in your 4th of security and Chiron in your career sector. Chiron has its own unique and special power. And its uniqueness is what makes it so very different from any other object in our horoscopes. For one thing – it’s both a comet and a minor planet. For another, in mythology, Chiron was unique amongst the centaurs as it had human legs at the front instead of horse’s. Chiron is all about standing out, walking to the beat of your own drum and working what you and you alone, own and have to offer. Bring this magic to bear on career matters and also in your home. Make where you live, what you do and above all, what you’re selling, your brand, message or skillset, unlike anything else out there. People will sit up and take notice. The big partnership opportunity this week is with what’s truly special about you, Cancer.

In a nutshell: Partner up with what makes you truly unique for success this week, Cancer. Whether you’re after success in love or your career, work what’s special about you. You’ll love the results.


  • How do you support those dreams?
  • Try a new playbook
  • Your moves – simply astounding!

What have you been learning about your wellbeing and your daily routine, Leo? Especially in terms of how this supports you and your dreams? Working well or looking at ways to work with wellness has been top of your soul curriculum of late. Now, hopefully you can take what you have learned and apply this for real results as Saturn heads direct in your 6th. Structure and a support system are what you can create now. And the changes you make around these areas are likely to be satisfying and sustaining for you. You need this in order to reach for that next stage on the work ladder – or just to feel you are functioning at your best. This week offers you a chance for financial improvements via work, career or even that side hustle. Take that step in applying for that job, making that pitch, asking for that promotion, raise or loan or launching that business as a Grand Earth Trine arches across your entire work/career/money zone with the Moon in your 10th, confidence and action igniting Mars in your 2nd and Pluto in your 6th. There’s a true sense of satisfaction that comes with this that is every bit as rewarding as the financial one. This is because it’s all down to your efforts.

Venus in your 3rd brings creative ideas, the ability to get these across and also flirt, and opposes Chiron in your house of freedom, learning, travel and expansion now. You may go after what you want in daring and unexpected ways that surprise and astound even you! You could end up seeing, doing or experiencing something you have never attempted before – or thought you would ever experience. Something could be handed to you that takes you way outside your usual comfort zone and allows some magic back in to your life. If it arrives, no matter what form it may take, say yes to it this week. You’ll be glad you did.

In a nutshell: Amaze yourself, stun the competition and capture anything from that castle to hearts. Daring brings simply breathtaking results. And leaves hearts a-flutter, Leo!


  • Create your ‘love project in the world’
  • Get serious about pleasure
  • How many ways to love are there?

The planetary party in your 1st is now breaking up, Virgo. The after party? That’s happening in your money zone now. You still have just over a week left with the focus on the wonderful world of you however. But this week you’ll really begin to feel the shift towards what it is you want to change or achieve in the coming year that gives you that feeling of sustained joy and pleasure. There’s a tune playing in the background now and if you listen you’ll hear the faint strains of ‘All you need is love’. Mars still in your 1st is stirring up a yearning for passion. And also giving you the confidence to go after it. This week, understand that love takes many forms. Yes, there’s the romantic kind. There’s also doing things we love – pastimes, hobbies, experiences. Going to places we love to be. Experiencing the good things in life – shared experiences with people we love. Creating something we love – the list goes on. Hey – it’s all love and it’s all creative self-expression tied up with a big bright red ribbon of passion.

Venus is now in its ruling house in your chart (2nd) and opposes Chiron in your 8th this week. Venus in our 2nd is all about our link to the material world and our bank accounts which in many cases are needed to fund what we love. This is telling you to get a little more daring and try something new when it comes to generating what you need to bankroll that ‘love project in the world’. Big moves are happening in your house of romance, children, lovers, pleasure, holidays and creativity. Saturn heads direct in here on the 19th – commit to that love path now and get serious about it. Even if this is a hobby or creative project. The 19th brings a powerful axis of pure attraction, pleasure and freedom as Mars in your 1st trines Pluto also in your 5th and the Moon in your 9th. It magnetises those desires and pushes you out towards them. This could manifest in the appearance of a compelling love interest, a trip or opportunity that could change everything, or creating or launching that ‘love project’ that changes your world. Get creating the love this week.

In a nutshell: The focus is shifting now, Virgo. From you to who or what you love! Can you have enough love? Of course not! So get creating so much more this week.


  • A little self-worship sets the future in motion
  • Attract something or someone a whole lot different
  • Build on home truths

Worship yourself now ruler Venus is in your sign, Libra. You’re days away now from your brand new cycle and the exciting thing this week is that you should now be seeing the new emerge. Be wary of anything linked to the past now as this is a time to be facing the future. You will be asking yourself deep questions around what is truly relevant to who you are and your values. And also just where and how you want to be living in the upcoming year. First – that self-worship. It’s time to look and feel your best and to be open to attracting in the new (one more reason not to fixate too much on the past!). Dare to experiment and try a new look and just put a different vibe out there. One that reflects who you want to be in the upcoming year. Don’t be afraid to be a little more stand-out, daring and edgy than you may have allowed yourself to be of late. Recognise you have a need now to be visible, beautiful and be noticed for all you have to offer. A new attitude attracts in something new and different to what you have experienced before as Venus opposes Chiron in your 7th. The rock star in you that your showcasing now attracts it’s like in kind in the form of that totally different potential partner or opportunity to be noticed. Rock out, Libra!

Saturn in your 4th heads direct this week and your other focus will be on home, living arrangements and where you feel you can blossom and belong. Where calls to you? Funny as this is the one area where it’s okay to explore the past if it involves a relocation back to where you feel your soul can call home. The Grand Earth Trine of the 19th between the Moon in your 8th, Mars in your 12th and Pluto also in your 4th could see many of you move or rediscover the value that being where you feel you truly belong, adds to your life. Do whatever needs to be done to establish a base for the upcoming cycle that nurtures and allows you to grow. Act on home truths as you open up to a whole new world of possibilities, Libra.

In a nutshell: Be different and in doing so, create fresh opportunities for your new cycle, Libra. Who do you dare or what to be, do or experience? It all begins with what you project out there now.


  • Link to your inner muse
  • One conversation could change everything
  • Bring your passion!

Channel that muse and act on intuition now, Scorpio. It doesn’t matter what you like to call it – your higher self, guardian angel, universal wisdom, spirit guide – it’s at your beck and call and ready like spiritual Google with answers and yes, even a map if that’s what you require! Once the planets begin to move into our 12th house, our psychic senses receive a boost. Coincidences, omens, dreams and synchronicities will back up what our higher self is telling us. Time to be on high alert now as this process will peak in the next month before the Sun arrives in your sign. This week highlights what you need to know with regards to your work, routine and wellbeing. Time to adapt and act in a radical new way as Venus in your 12th opposes Chiron in the 6th. There’s something about the old way of working that simply doesn’t any more. You have the knowledge and wisdom to know not only what this is, but to take steps to remedy it. Don’t be afraid to try something outrageously different when it comes to a solution. The signs around you will back up your decision and point the way forward.

Both your rulers ancient and modern are intent on making connections and also giving you the freedom to say what needs to be said. What’s working in partnerships for you now? What can be made to work so much better simply by having a conversation? Saturn moves forward in your sector of communication and commerce this week. While ancient ruler Mars in your 11th sends you out seeking more stimulation with the company you keep. Passion lacking in any kind of interaction? You need the resonance of friends or partners who feel as deeply as you do. This week the superficial simply isn’t for you. You demand depth and sincerity. Mars will trine your modern ruler Pluto also in your 3rd and link to the Moon in your partnership sector. One conversation you start now could literally be a game changer. Opening up a new potential or else charging an existing connection with the depth you’re seeking. In work – bring your passion. In fact – bring it to friendships, partnerships and any connection this week. The world needs to feel your passion and your purpose, Scorpio!

In a nutshell: Follow two things this week, Scorpio. Your intuition and your passion. Both have the ability to change your relationships – and link you to like-minded souls.


  • Love has some new rules
  • Make that bodacious move
  • Get ready to say ‘yes’!

Time to set the future in motion, Sag. Venus in your 11th is usually just about the love of friends and linking to like-minded souls via groups, clubs, organisations, bands, networks etc. rather than that one special love. However, this week Venus opposes Chiron in your 5th of love affairs. Outrageous fortune now applies which means the usual bets are off if its love you’re seeking. Put yourself out there and in a way that can’t fail to get you noticed. Bodacious and audacious moves are favoured in creative ventures. Nobody got anywhere by failing to stand out or remaining in the background. Your 11th is your house of the future, where it takes form and the people who can help us and make it happen for us. It’s your house where you receive benefits as opposed to one of attraction. And it shows us how open we are to this. Help, assistance and gifts are ways this manifests. Just say ‘Thank you’ and ‘Yes, please!’. And be ready to accept something radically different than you have settled for in the past.

This future you’re creating extends to recognition with what you do now. Yes, it requires effort as you’ve been discovering. But the rewards for your staying the course will be well worth it. Saturn moves direct in your 2nd on the 18th. This is about having a plan and a structure around your money. This may seem boring but think of it as investment in those dreams. The 19th sees a Grand Earth Trine soaring overhead. It stretches right across your entire money/work/career sectors linking Pluto in your money zone, the Moon in your house of work and confident and assertive Mars in your 10th of long term achievement. Go for it opportunities propel you onward with the power to bring you status setting improvement in the long term in your career or work. Set the future in motion this week by being open to simply going for it, Sag.

In a nutshell: This week wants you to say ‘Yes’ to a future that looks dramatically different to your past, Sag. Be ready to accept and embrace the new. This includes opportunities – and people!


  • Work that experience to your advantage
  • Step free of the past
  • S/he who waits, wins

You of all signs are content to press the ‘pause’ button on progress,  as you know planning and waiting are often the fastest ways to get where you want to be. Your ruler Saturn has been retrograde in your 1st since the end of April. During this time you’ve been able to look back at what you’ve accomplished since it entered your sign in December 2017. And to see what you’ve learned too. Now take that sense of achievement, purpose and knowledge, and move forward with it as Saturn heads direct from the 18th. It’s time to put it all to good use. Saturn is all about sustained effort and deferred gratification. It’s also about learning from the past and not repeating it. When we step free of the past we step into what is known as Saturn’s ‘Golden Age’ – where restrictions fall away from us and we receive what we have been working towards. That’s your opportunity this week, Capricorn so continue the process and put those lessons to good use.

There’s the promise of transformation in a key personal area if you do. A Grand Earth Trine links Pluto in your 1st to the Moon in your flirtatious 5th as well as Mars in your 9th. You want to explore something new now and what’s more, you’re doing so with a freshly minted confidence and sense of purpose. Venus in your 10th  both your career prospects and your professional image and status. Desirable? This could result in your being seen as the right candidate for that job or the person with the solutions to hand. You’ll make your best impression on bosses, decision makers and those at the top now. Daring to go after those long term goals and applying what you have been learning, not only gives you an edge. But that radically different approach has the potential to hand you the rewards and accolades you seek. You’re living proof this week that s/he who is prepared to wait, wins, Capricorn.

In a nutshell: Watching, waiting and learning may take time. But in your case they are shortcuts to success, Capricorn. Put all these into practice now. For simply astounding results.


  • Author yourself a new future
  • Watch barriers to what you want drop away
  • Dare to do it different

You should be stepping free of mysteries and speed bumps this week, Aquarius. Very often these are of our own making. Either in this life – or another. Whatever has been holding you back whether it is unconscious self-sabotage, soul wounds or karma, should have been exposed by the Saturn retrograde in your 12th. As it shunts forwards again from the 18th – time to take the answers and the clarity you’ve uncovered, and put these to good use. You’ve gone deeper than ever before during this cycle. Pluto also in here rules the underworld and it’s here our greatest challenges and also our power is hidden. One you tap into the latter you have what you need to meet the former. The underworld is also where riches and treasure are buried. Pluto guards the gates to serious money and rewards. You’re free to go after these now unfettered by whatever has been holding you back. And the Grand Earth Trine of the 19th releases you as it stretches between Pluto also in your 12th, the Moon in its ruling 4th and Mars in your 8th. You’re doing it on your terms now, Aquarius.

You of all signs resonate with the audaciously different energy of Chiron. Not only is it unlike any other dwarf object in the sky, in mythology, Chiron was unlike any other centaur. It is often depicted as having human forelegs as opposed to equine. Taking a different approach is what it is all about as is sharing its wisdom with others. Travelling, teaching, learning and radical new ideas could play a role in your new found freedom as Venus in your 9th of expansion opposes Chiron in your 3rd. Time to showcase those ideas no matter how ‘out there’ they are. And dare to try something different. Leaving the past behind means re-writing the future. Get authoring this week, Aquarius.

In a nutshell: Write yourself a new future based on what you’ve learned about the past. Leapfrog past barriers and head into new territory where all previous bets are off. It’s a blank page, Aquarius.


  • Tap in to your fearless streak!
  • Get ready for change
  • Deepen that passion and awaken!

People focus on the spiritual aspects of you sign, but there’s also a touch of the explorer about you, Pisces. You can be pretty fearless when it comes to heading into new territory. Especially if you know it is going to expand your understanding. Seeking out the higher truth is always your quest. This is because in ancient times, your sign was ruled by Jupiter which rules travel, exploration and higher learning. You’re now poised on the brink of one such adventure. And that’s to go deeper into a relationship or to leverage your own personal power in a way you’ve not done before (this too is an adventure!). Venus in your 8th can see a love affair deepen or rekindle the passion in an existing one. As well as partnerships, Venus rules our bank accounts too. Play with new and innovative ways to boost your income especially if these involve the sharing economy or your creativity. Again, if this takes you into new territory – so much the better. Time to awaken to your passion once more.

You’ve a need to share and connect this week thanks to Saturn moving direct in your social sector and the Moon entering your 3rd of communication. Mars in your 7th stirs up the heat. Looking for a passionate encounter? That could be just the adventure you’re seeking now. These two linking to Pluto in your 11th could deliver a powerful connection where the magnetism is undeniable from the get-go. Others could literally benefit from influential friends in high places. Your fearless self asks that you give it free rein to explore. Your 11th is your house of acceptance – where you embrace what is offered freely from others. Open your arms wide and be fearless, Pisces!

In a nutshell: It’s a choose your own adventure week, Pisces. One that sends you towards passion and fearlessly going after what you want. Head into new territory and awaken your potential!





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