Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs April 5th 2021
Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs April 5th 2021
Time to write your own rules
Be the centre of your own universe
You: Newly minted and ready to rock!
Your birthday cycle means the planetary focus is on you. And as we say – As Above, So Below. So, take it that you too are the centre of attention now. Yes, the world does revolve around you and the rest of the solar system too.
So, imagine your chat for a moment and you at the centre of it, and all the planets orbiting around you. With a cluster of them in your sign – Sun, Mercury. Venus, Chiron, Ceres and Chiron and then by the end of the week the Moon. You’re getting prepared to take a leap into something new. And being pushed forward by all this planetary motion.
Dare to follow through
Part of this may involve trying something daring. That thing you never thought you would. Or were told you shouldn’t. But its oh-so-temping now. Because why be the ruler of your own little universe if you can’t push the laws of it just a smidgin? Especially around the 9th when Mercury and Chiron meet. Think of the card of the Magician in the Tarot. That’s you now. Working with what you have but more powerfully and taking a direct approach.
Ruler Mars squares Neptune on the 9th also. It gets you looking closely at whether or not you are playing by someone else’s rules. Maybe over-thinking something or hesitating because you are worried about what they may think? You’ve got a green light to go for something this week as Venus sextiles Jupiter on the 10th while Mercury sextiles Saturn.
But chances are the only person who has been in your way is you. But now you’re the heart and soul of your own life and it all spins around you. You can stop it, send it backwards, fast forward it. It’s up to you. You decide at what point you want to spin that wheel of fortune again, Aries.
In a nutshell: Are you feeling reborn, renewed and ready for anything, Aries? Work with what you have at your disposal right now. The card of The Magician in the Tarot captures your vibe. You’re got power and potential this week.
Keep your dreams close
Reframe the past to step into the future
Experience is your resource – and your take-out
Whatever you’re keeping under wraps is monumentally important to you, Taurus. And you’re keeping it close. At least for now. A loaded 12th house speaks of working behind the scenes and something in your soul closet you’re not yet ready to reveal. Anything from that money making idea, to a home truth around where you should be going next.
This doesn’t mean to say you’re not busy. But the thing about your 12th is that it is a house of reflection, contemplation and where we unplug to discover what’s really going on with our lives. So, this week could see you withdraw into your own fortress of solitude and do just that.
Don’t underestimate the good this can do you if you choose this path. You’ll get back in touch with what makes your soul sing and is truly important. And then emerge with not just a fresh understanding of your priorities, but a new sense of purpose too.
Deep healing – not soul Band-Aids
As this is your house of the past, it may feature in terms of memories or even people from it. Hopefully this should be in a way that simply allows you to put things into perspective around why you made the choices you did. No judgement, just experience and learning as Saturn in your house of the future trines the North Node in your 2nd. You now need to look at what does and doesn’t align with your present values. Sift through all areas, Taurus. Toss and take accordingly.
This is an inner time not one for outer action. It is time to get very clear about the actions you need to take however. But you get all the time you need to do that once you have made that decision. Your new cycle beckons later this month to initiate just that. However, while you wait, past efforts could just get rewarded thanks to ruler Venus in your 12th and Jupiter in your status sector. Go within, contemplate and reveal when you’re ready, Taurus.
In a nutshell: Ready for deep healing and freedom to go after your dreams? The new Moon in your 12th promises both. You may not be ready to reveal your plans however. And that’s fine. Seeds need darkness to germinate.
Confidence is your catalyst for change
Trust your own judgement
Jump in when it comes to claiming your life!
Mars in your sign is all about being pro-active. The North Node asks you to look at the bigger picture and what you set in motion a long time ago. Maybe 19 years ago or depending on your age, jump back in 19-year increments. It’s a good idea to check your Gemini chart factors this week as we have the North Node trine Saturn in your house of expansion, learning, overseas factors and freedom.
Remember, Saturn rules your karma and the Nodes are karma in motion. Check your chart for Gemini factors at 12 degrees as if you have them this will especially apply to you. Or at 12 degrees of any of the other mutable signs. One of our astrologers can help you if you are uncertain.
Take a chance on the impossible
You also have a slew of planets in your 11th of connections and the future, including ruler Mercury. This is where goals get activated or fulfilled. And it rules the people who may influence or be instrumental in this. Or who have the ability to influence our future in ways we cannot yet imagine. One unimaginable, brazen connection could provide this as Mercury and Chiron meet. Watch out in all the best ways.
Friends offering all kinds of benefits, new connections or even old may feature. But the essence of this week is that is wants you to take a chance on something and jump in. And as you do so, let go of where you imagine you will end up. Or what you think the outcome will be.
There’s equal elements of trust and chance in play here. Mostly your own ability to trust yourself. In doing so you are setting a new karmic cycle in motion. Leap and see where you land, Gemini. Possibly far away from ‘what goes around, comes around’.
In a nutshell: Escape from a cycle that has kept you restricted for too long is possible now. As is re-booting those dreams. What you thought beyond the realms of probability could prove you wrong. But the rest is all about trusting your insight, Gemini.
Choose the path that’s right for you
Own your choices
Your right to choose – again this week!
Paths, choices and decisions that impact directly on your status, career and public image will feature this week. The course you set yourself on, the career you chose as well as potentially the partner – you’ll see the impact these have had on where you are right now, Cancer.
This week wants to you own it. It’s a week where the universe can open doors and offer rewards. Or simply hand you a ‘time out’ for reflection for a while. The important thing is for you to do some adulting. To know what you want and to take this seriously. And if you don’t like where you have landed, to own the decisions that got you there. But not in a self-blaming way. More of an ‘Ohhh, I get it!’ empowerment.
Your choices are your destiny
It’s all down to the slew of planets in your 10th plus Saturn which rules this house in your change and empowerment sector, linking to the karmic North Node in your house of the past. Hence the emphasis on those past choices and decisions. Also understand not choosing is a choice.
This week could hand you substantial rewards for correct choices. Or just the opportunity to choose again based on all you’ve learned. It’s a fabulous week for advancing that career agenda – applying for a new job, interviews, important meetings etc. And if you are going through this process, ensure you come across in the best way possible. Make a serious investment in you now.
Knowing what you want extends to your love life. Your 10th rules the status of your partner in old school astrology. Again, if this is an area where your ambitions have not been met, look back and understand your choices around love. A powerful new beginning is possible. Reboot your future based on all you’ve learned and by taking personal responsibility for your choices. Good choice, Cancer!
In a nutshell: You’ve got to know what you want to get it, Cancer. And this extends to knowing how your past choices influenced what you have right now. Rewards are on offer for those who own theirs. Don’t like what you have? Make a dynamic new choice this week for a better outcome!
Sometimes you have to leap for your new life!
Time to take a chance
Love propels you in a fresh direction
New deals are on the table this week, Leo. Opportunity knocks and has the ability to send you spinning off in a fresh direction. Freedom, fire, passion and love being part of the package. Don’t hesitate, don’t over-think and don’t delay.
Mars and the North Node sit in your house of goals, the future and a whole cast of characters that make up your personal wish-fulfilment production. When these angle back to Saturn in your 7th and Venus in your 8th, you are looking at positive and empowering change involving you and at least one other person.
Work your luck
Luck in love or money could appear. But chances are this stems from something you have set in motion for yourself. It’s not a week to simply sit back and wait for something (or someone) to turn up. It’s a time to be daring and try a new and different approach.
Key dates for you are the 6th for attraction, 7th to forge a new outcome, the 9th when Mercury and Chiron get you rockin’ out in a new direction, and the highlight of the 10th.
This day sees Saturn in your partnership sector trine the North Node in your 11th and Venus sextile Jupiter in mutual reception. Love or a new partnership dynamic could appear. You and someone else makes your future happen now. Get up close and personal this week, Leo.
In a nutshell: Take a chance on something different this week, Leo. Your future is a joint project between you and someone else now. Whether it’s love, friendship or business – time for a leap of faith.
Without change there would be no butterflies
Focus on a key area
Reach for a new kind of agreement
Change is the engine which powers our future. We should not fear change as without it we are simply stuck. Change always begins within however. With a desire for something different.
Harness that desire and direct it into work, career or any area which will elevate your status and raise your stock now, Virgo. Chances are you have a schedule, strategy or plan to get this done. If so, this is your week to initiate it. Ruler Mercury sits in your house of change, empowerment and yes, sexy moves of all descriptions. Along with the Sun, Venus, Ceres, Chiron and by the end of the week – the Moon.
Plug into your power!
All this points to satisfaction around something you yourself initiate to bring about a transformation. It’s also asking you not to be afraid to take a risk or suggest a totally ‘out there’ solution if this involves a negotiation between you and someone else. Best days for this are the 6th when Venus sextiles Mars in your 10th, the 7th when the Sun and deal-maker Ceres meet and the 9th when your ruler meets Chiron.
You are being propelled upwards and forwards now. Perhaps not just professionally but via changes in a key relationship or changing dynamic around one. Your 8th rules sharing. Everything and anything from money to that bed. Don’t b afraid to ask to change the T&C’s around existing relationships be they intimate or financial. Asking for what you want and need is your key to progress.
But overall, this week is likely to change up that work dynamic to be more rewarding and satisfying than in the past thanks to Mercury and Venus aligning to Saturn and Jupiter in Mercury’s ruling 6th. Once set in motion, changes bring about more freedom and a feeling of wellbeing. Plus added rewards and enjoyment from what you do each day. Next week marks the official start of this new beginning. Schedule for it, Virgo.
In a nutshell: Attraction and powerhouse moves could bring about new beginnings and dynamic changes across work, money or relationships. Don’t resist the process, Virgo. Without change – things cannot improve.
Does your love history repeat itself?
Partnerships go deeper
What you share dictates longevity
Look carefully at your history of love and partnerships this week, Libra. Because the North Node is implicated in your 9th, this means looking at love or connections to overseas people and places too. Big loves, love experiences – don’t think small – supersize it.
Ruler Venus sits in its ruling 7th along with the Sun, Mercury, Ceres and Chiron. By the end of the week the Moon will be in here also. Preparing you for what is a new beginning in love or with a key personal dynamic. Chemistry is all very well, but what will ensure longevity if that is what you are seeking, are shared interests and values. So, please bear this in mind if starting something new. Find out what you have in common on a soul level before going in deeper.
Love is your work in progress
That being said, fate is at work now. If you are old enough look back 19 years or even 19 back again. What or who featured? An existing union may undergo a radical repositioning. Or you may enter into a new kind of partnership dynamic. It may not be the love kind – but it could be. But the nature of it or the kind of couple you become, may be different or simply a fabulous work of art in progress!
Don’t be limited now by what you think love can be. Or by how your relationships have been in the past. Something is on offer now. Someone you are already involved with on some level could bring benefits an opportunity or simply want to seal the deal with you. With any existing union, you want to know where you stand and where you are going. And you won’t be satisfied with just being fobbed off either.
If someone cannot deliver, you will walk away even if you thought this unthinkable before. Others could ask for what they have been afraid to up until now. And again, take action they previously thought impossible if the answer is no. Or simply set new and outrageous but perfectly sane criteria before giving away their hearts. Love says take that impossible step this week. Because anything is possible.
In a nutshell: A new kind of partnership or love dynamic is on offer for you this week, Libra. Sure chemistry has a big role to play. But it’s what you have in common that keeps the commitment going.
Be your own support system – and your coach
Sometimes ‘me first’ is an act of self-love
Make the feel-good factor your priority
Feeling fine has to be your focus this week, Scorpio. Thanks to a team effort by all the planets now in your 6th of everyday work and wellness. You’ve got that added push and impetus to make this occur thanks to ancient ruler Mars and the North Node in your 8th. This is change for the long term.
Tacking the impossible or what you have previously labeled ‘unlikely’ or even ‘over my dead body’, now becomes child’s play. Better times, working conditions, relationships or feeling energized and ready for whatever comes your way will follow. If you never thought you would say, do or try something – well, if you want radical results you have to resort to radical methods. Mercury in its ruling 6th meeting Chiron promises just that.
Be your own wellbeing coach
Don’t hesitate now as whatever means you do dare to experiment with brings about a lasting and positive shift. Part of this may be ditching those energy drains and bad habits. Deciding not to put up with psychic vampires or what drags you down. And also in understanding and supporting yourself better. Identifying why you do what you do to self-soothe. Or what triggers that stressor that has you reaching for that thing you deep down know may make you feel better in the short-term but has a long term negative effect.
Go to the source, weed it out and then ditch it for good this week. Beneficial moves can be made on the work front, around living arrangements and those habits. It’s spring clean week body, mind, soul and living space, Scorpio!
In a nutshell: Your habits, routine, day job, studies, diet, exercise – focus on what you do or don’t do everyday that supports your wellbeing. Time to set fresh priorities. And to see small changes as adding up to the most radical benefits, Scorpio!
Wrap yourself in some feel-good fabulization!
News brings solutions and opportunities
Turn up the heat on passion
It’s all disco ball and Donna Summer for you this week, Sag. Yes, you’ve hot stuff thanks to Mars in your 7th along with the love attractor North Node. Anything at 12 degrees of your sign? Or in Gemini? Or any of the other mutable signs – Virgo and Pisces? You’ll feel the heat and the love changes if so. Not sure? Ask one of our astrologers to turn up the astro temperature.
There’s nothing you won’t do for love now. Or to go in search for it. Impossible, stranger than rom-com outcomes are likely. Thought you would never hear from someone again? Or be offered that second chance? Think again as Mercury in your 5th meets Chiron.
Dance to the beat of opportunity
Ruler Jupiter is in da house! And set on delivering news, solutions and opportunities for you. All to that disco beat. Ditch the lockdown fatigue clothing and reach for the sequins instead (even if this is on an inner level!). Feel it to attract it now. Time to emerge and shine in some way. Venus angles to Mars in your 7th on the 6th and to ruler Jupiter on the 10th. There’s a fresh start around partnerships, duos and double acts emerging now. And one perhaps you never thought you would see (again).
The North Node is all about karmic cycles. If you are old enough jump back in time 19 years to see what relationship was emerging, ending or all-important for you. It doesn’t have to be the romantic kind. It could easily be a working one, a best friend or collaboration. What comes around has a new flavour now. Get a taste of your love future.
In a nutshell: Mars in your 7th sends the temperature rising while unexpected opportunities around love or luck restore your glow, Sag. Watch for news that puts you centre stage and back where you belong.
Let others in to your emotional world
Fill those needs
Vulnerability IS strength
You’ve got an emotional thirst this week, Capricorn. So, be upfront with others about what this is and what you need. No need to walk around parched. Ask for that drink! The waning Moon conjunct Pluto in your 1st on the 5th is telling you that the only way to get what you want is to let others know what this is.
The major line-up in your 4th is all about emotional security, nurturing, home and your vulnerabilities. We know you are the sign who gets the job done. Who others rely on. But you need support and emotional bedrock the same as everyone else. Understand that no matter how close we may be to someone – they are not a mind reader. And you come across as so capable often people don’t imagine you needing that hug/cupcake/blanket fort like they do. But we all know you do, don’t you?
Be strong enough to be vulnerable
Being unafraid to express our needs and vulnerabilities isn’t weakness or neediness. It’s strength. Beneficial changes around home, work or your income could also be on offer now. Or simply result in you being refueled and feeling loved, supported and ready for the next phase. Someone in turn may open up to you. Letting you in to their own emotional world and expressing vulnerabilities and needs you had no idea they had. This can lead to a fresh understanding and closeness between you.
Ruler Saturn in your money house links to the North Node in your sector of everyday work and wellbeing. Something shores up your future or sense of self-worth now. Property matters or new avenues of income could well contribute to you feeling supported and enriched emotionally and materially. You’re stronger than you think, Capricorn. So, don’t be afraid to try a little tenderness too.
In a nutshell: Don’t be afraid to ask for what you need this week, Capricorn. It’s okay to be human. If we want closeness and support, it begins with letting others see our vulnerable side. The take-out could just be you feeling stronger and more supported as a result.
What appears may have bigger potential than you think
Follow your passion
Know where to draw the line
Be open minded. Fate or your future pivots around one piece of shining news or something you say or share this week, Aquarius. It could open up a whole new era of fresh possibilities for you.
This week and next could mark the beginning of an important long-term cycle for you. This could even revolve around love, babies, children – whether your own or those you are connected to, parenting or something you love to do. It’s a positive cycle of opportunity and rewards thanks to both Jupiter and Saturn in your 1st. All mixed up with fate and passion thanks to Mars and the North Node in your 5th.
Just ensure someone doesn’t cross the line around the 9th when Mars squares Neptune in your 2nd. If they do, don’t be afraid to let them know this is not on. Bear in mind that longevity is very often built on mutual respect and valuing one another.
Expect the unexpected
Mercury occupies its ruling 3rd along with the Sun, Venus, Chiron, Ceres and at the end of the week, the Moon. Mercury and Venus link to Saturn and Jupiter on the same day (10th) indicating this could be something you’ve been waiting for. That unlikely outcome or amazing twist of fate could just land in your lap thanks to the Mercury/Chiron meeting of the 9th. Or someone says something you never thought to hear. Prepare to amaze or be amazed by something you won’t be able to wait to share.
In a nutshell: The potential around one piece of news, event or opportunity could be way bigger than you first imagine, Aquarius. Don’t judge the book but its cover or even the first chapter. Just say yes and keep reading!
Get a spiritual make-over
Invest in yourself
Work that worth
Neptune in your 1st is all about channeling your inspiration into your look, appearance, image or brand. Before you say ‘I am not a brand but a luminous, spiritual being of radiance that no mere style can encapsulate’ – well, I hear that! But also – how do you communicate this via your look?
Your look needs to reflect your values this week. Send a message to everyone you know, meet and interact with. And see this as sharing your realness. Invest in you now and show your worth. This becomes extra-specially important thanks to the huge deposit of planets in your 2nd this week.
Venus rules this house and it also contains the Sun, Mercury, Ceres, Chiron and by the end of the week, the Moon. Pointing to satisfaction and being able to work that worth you project.
Boost your worth!
Surprising news from the past could have a positive impact on either your earning power or simply how you see yourself. Expect something miraculous or embody the miraculous as Mercury and Chiron meet on the 9th. And as Mars will square Neptune on this day, don’t let anyone take advantage of you.
You have the ability to step free of a karmic cycle or ditch living up to other people’s expectations this week too. It’s not just about shrugging off your past but about that protective layer you may have evolved. The thing is, what feels safe may in fact, keep you prisoner. Time for healing now even on a family karmic level as Saturn in your 12th trines the North Node in your 4th. It’s safe to be vulnerable. You know your strength, your ability to renew your faith in love. So, show this via the outer you. Make it as brave, vibrant and beautiful as you are. There’s so much strength in that, Pisces.
In a nutshell: Just whose values are you living up to, Pisces? This week wants you to define your self-worth. And come up with a beautiful and creative new way to communicate this. The only opinion that matters now is yours. Werk it!
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