Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs April 4th 2022 – Love is all around

venus in pisces

Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs April 4th 2022


Choose your company wisely

Get social

Find your purpose – and your people

You’re the warrior sign of self assertive individuality, Aries. But this week has an ‘All for one and one for all’ flavour. Being part of something bigger – a group, party, club, organisation, band, movement may feature as ruler Mars in your 11th meets Saturn and then angles to Mercury in your 1st. It’s time to be a joiner and to embrace people power and just what can be achieved when more than two people align with a joint purpose or goal in mind.

Time to get social now. Network. You may find yourself in an organisational or leadership role if you do. Do you usually shy away from this? Yes, I know you are the sign associated with an excess of self-confidence but often this hides a shy sensitivity you are adept at keeping hidden. In fact, you can do such a good job you have everyone fooled. If this is an issue then please push past it this week. You may have to be the organiser when it comes to rallying those friends to meet up.

Embrace people power

However, if there is one particular connection on your mind causing you concern, you may want to leave them out of it. If someone has cooled off or has a reputation for creating drama, it may be time to let them go. Venus moves into your mysterious 12th this week allowing you to see beyond the obvious and decode past actions. The past is about to feature in a big way for you. As well as your path, purpose and what you feel you are here to do, see and experience. This includes the people you experience this with. Or those who act as that cheer squad. That’s not being a hermit this week, Aries. So get out, connect and circulate.

In a nutshell: People make things happen, Aries. So, no matter that direction, goal or purpose its time to find yours. This may take effort. And editing your present friends list. Listen to your gut when it comes to those you surround yourself with this week.

Apr 5 2022 Venus enters Pisces (12th)

Apr 5 2022 Mars conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (11th)

Apr 7 2022 Mercury in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (1st to 11th)

Apr 8 2022 Mercury in Aries sextile Mars in Aquarius (1st to 11th)

Apr 10 2022 Mercury in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (1st to 10th)


Find your people

Be cooperative

Craft that public persona

Ruler Venus moves into your 11th this week bringing a touch of magic to friendships. Please keep in mind if you are single and ready to mingle, that this experience is about the love of friends and not the romantic kind. Even if you head into that territory, the connection is likely to simply de-evolve back into a good friendship or ‘friends with benefits’. Just keep this in mind if you are seeking something serious.

Avoid run-ins with authority figures this week as you are unlikely to win and they may simply throw up more restrictions or halt your progress. That would be a pity as you have incredible energy at your disposal to make inroads into work/career areas. But please don’t rush in or take a bull in a china shop approach. Again, if you do this won’t get you the results you are seeking.

This is a week to pause and listen to that inner voice for guidance. Especially if despite your best efforts, doors continue to remain closed no matter how hard you knock. Is there a better way to approach this? Or do you need to knock on a different door entirely? If you find yourself passed up for promotion yet again, it may be time to move on somewhere that offers you more career progress. This week promises you freedom on some level if you take a new and different approach.

In a nutshell: Ruler Venus in your 11th enhances friendships and all connections while giving those goals that extra blessing of creativity, Taurus. Be aware of your public image and how you come across. That first impression counts this week.

Apr 5 2022 Venus enters Pisces (11th)

Apr 5 2022 Mars conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (10th)

Apr 7 2022 Mercury in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (12th to 10th)

Apr 8 2022 Mercury in Aries sextile Mars in Aquarius (12th to 10th)

Apr 10 2022 Mercury in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (12th to 9th)


People make dreams possible

Reach for that higher goal

You mean business now

Life is a collaborative effort and never more so than for you this week. Who are your joint visionaries? Your friends, groups, networks? Ruler Mercury in your 11th is at its most social now but is also telling you that the way towards freedom or anything you want to have, do or attain, is through those you know.

It’s time for some boundary breaking moves as Mars meets Saturn in your 9th on the 5th. This is the same day as Venus enters your status setting 10th. Be seen as someone who knows what they want and where they are going. It’s important to project a sense of self-determination and direction now. Have a clear outcome in your mind and convey that you mean business.

This applies whether you are aiming at a personal or professional goal this week. Venus joins the once in a lifetime aspects in your 10th which are working to lift you higher. As a result, you’re willing to take things more seriously than usual. And maybe slowly too. Single? Your heart has its criteria now and you’ll go through a sifting process to ensure that prospective lover meets them. And is seeking the same things you are.

Craving closeness? Whether single or settled? Take that bold step and open up about your fears, inhibitions and worries. Venus in here can enhance your public and professional image. Making you the must swipe right or interview candidate. It can hand you entree to VIP circles. Or land that potential partner who could be termed a ‘catch’. Meeting someone who could turn into a lifelong friend, colleague or lover is possible now. Take it slowly – one step at a time now.

In a nutshell: Breakthroughs in career or status linked plans can happen this week. But it’s important to know exactly what you want to achieve, Gemini. Don’t be distracted by what simply doesn’t measure up. Love needs a considered approach.

Apr 5 2022 Venus enters Pisces (10th)

Apr 5 2022 Mars conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (9th)

Apr 7 2022 Mercury in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (11th to 9th)

Apr 8 2022 Mercury in Aries sextile Mars in Aquarius (11th to 9th)

Apr 10 2022 Mercury in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (11th to 8th)


Play with the forces of change and luck

Make inroads to that goal

Enter something bigger

Freedom and expansion should be your goal thanks to the mega-stellium in your 9th, Cancer. This is a week of empowered and exciting change. Without which things cannot improve. Boundary breaking Mars meets Saturn in your change sector on the 5th while Mercury in your 10th angles back to Saturn and Mars while aligning to Pluto in your 7th. Something comes to a conclusion which you now see is inevitable. The shift may see you getting the support you need or else simply taking serious and considered steps towards realising that goal. You understand you make it happen now and this marks the point you are in charge of your destiny.

Sure, this may take effort, hard work and even a shift in your usual approach. But the change brings the release or access to something you have been waiting for.

Venus in your 9th along with Jupiter and Neptune opens up horizons to travel for pleasure, music, art and a bigger love experience. Lucky breaks may feature combined with those 10th/8th aspects. Of course, to outsiders it may seem that way but you’ve worked for this, Cancer. Time to become a soul seeker and actively go after whatever it is you want to go, do or experience. Luck is a force the same as gravity. To harness it we need to put ourselves our there and take action. To step forward and show the universe we are ready to receive more. Engage with change this week. And watch what gets delivered.

In a nutshell: Time to expand your world. Or simply your experience. This week tells you its no time for limited thinking. In love or with any other goal. Time to break out that thinking – and break free towards those dreams.

Apr 5 2022 Venus enters Pisces (9th)

Apr 5 2022 Mars conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (8th)

Apr 7 2022 Mercury in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (10th to 8th)

Apr 8 2022 Mercury in Aries sextile Mars in Aquarius (10th to 8th)

Apr 10 2022 Mercury in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (10th to 7th)


Reclaim that mojo

Desire and deservedness fuel your path

You’re bringing sexy back!

If it works, werk it this week, Leo. Your beat for the week is the classic 70’s track from Hot Chocolate – You Sexy Thing. If you don’t know now that you own it, Leo – you never will. Venus joins the line up in your 8th and Mars – co-ruler of this house, isn’t far behind. Mars in fact meets Saturn in your 7th this week. What’s hot and what’s not is laid bare for you. You won’t be able to fake that feeling, Leo. And neither should you.

Escape routes may feature if something has become all too tepid and tired thanks to the alignments between Mercury n your 9th and Mars/Saturn. This can ripple across everything from work to a relationship which you understand is now on a road to nowhere. If you realise you’ve come to a dead end, an exit route beckons.

You don’t just desire passion. You now know in every particle of your being that you deserve it. Along with this comes searing insights into your true needs now Venus arrives in your 8th. Confront fearlessly any behaviours that trip you up – or have done in the past. Jealousy, clinging on to something you know isn’t right simply out of fear of letting go. Because they not only keep you stuck but prevent you from getting what you want, Leo. Not only that, they cover up that sexiness.

The reset button could also get pushed on money, finances, borrowing, mortgages and investments. Venus rules your bank account as well as those desires. However, keep a close eye on anyone who love or friend-bombs you now. It could be there are strings attached. Not that we blame them for being pulled into your orbit now. They probably can’t help themselves. Werk it – you sexy thang.

In a nutshell: Escape the tepid and head towards the heat this week, Leo. Lost mojos can be reclaimed and it’s time to strut. Simply put: you’re a magnetic force few can resist this week. Werk it!

Apr 5 2022 Venus enters Pisces (8th)

Apr 5 2022 Mars conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (7th)

Apr 7 2022 Mercury in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (9th to 7th)

Apr 8 2022 Mercury in Aries sextile Mars in Aquarius (9th to 7th)

Apr 10 2022 Mercury in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (9th to 6th)


You are complete

Habits fuel that dream

Duos, duets and double acts dominate

Venus arrives in its ruling 7th this week. Joining Jupiter and Neptune in here while your ruler Mercury in the hot zone area of your chart tightens its grip on Pluto in your 5th..Time to head towards feel good love and not the other kind, Virgo.

There’s a dynamic efficiency about everything you do or undertake this week thanks to the meeting between Mars and Saturn in your 6th. Mercury aligns to both on the 7th/8th. Those feelgood changes could ripple out into your work or daily habits as you establish a new schedule or routine.

But the feelgood factor rules now. You require partnerships which energise and elevate you. Not the reverse. The love that hands you the fuel to be the best version of you that you can be. Is that happening for you now? Venus along with the once in a lifetime aspects in your 7th bring the promise of just such a union.

Just remember it doesn’t have to be a romantic one as cosmic togetherness takes many forms. Whatever form it takes, this will be about opening your mind, eyes and heart to a love which expands on your previous experience. Ditch any feelings of neediness, fear of abandonment or need for someone to ‘complete’ you. You are already enough, Virgo. The love that enhances everything you already have – that’s the kind to gravitate towards now.

In a nutshell: Honing those habits to be the best possible version of you is simply the ground work for love. Partnerships matters – past, present, future – shine with potential like never before. It takes two for you, Virgo.

Apr 5 2022 Venus enters Pisces (7th)

Apr 5 2022 Mars conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (6th)

Apr 7 2022 Mercury in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (8th to 6th)

Apr 8 2022 Mercury in Aries sextile Mars in Aquarius (8th to 6th)

Apr 10 2022 Mercury in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (8th to 5th)


Free up that routine

There are no coincidences

Get ready for a bigger love experience

Your day job (paid or unpaid), your health and habits get that extra special love dose as ruler Venus joins the everyday bustle of planets in your 6th. All are intent on bringing you a better, healthier lifestyle or way of working, Libra. Freeing you up for more juiced-up pleasure in other areas.

You will no longer be willing to put up with restrictions or unfair demands on your time, love or other resources. If a current situation is no longer what you want or has simply becoming too confining, this week brings matters to a head as Mars and Saturn collide in your pleasure zone. The task for you this week is as usual all about finding that sweet spot – the perfect balance between what you have to do and what you want to do. Or else tackling areas which have become one-sided in terms of what you put in vs. what you receive back in kind.

Someone could trigger a big response in you over something they say and if so, this is linked to an area you know deep down needs to change or requires your TLC now. Even if this is just a random or throwaway remark it hits home. This is no coincidence if this occurs. It’s just highlighting where your focus or intention needs to go. You are in the middle of your annual emphasis on partnership matters and thanks to Mercury as well as the Sun in your 7th, no togetherness topic is off limits now. You’re just over a month away until Jupiter’s arrival in here and the biggest cycle around double acts you’ve experienced in 12 years. This week marks that preparation time. Get everything back in balance, Libra.

In a nutshell: You’re on the cusp of the best cycle for lasting love and partnerships that you’ve experienced in 12 years Libra. Time to clean up your act in readiness. Tackle that routine and get love ready this week!

Apr 5 2022 Venus enters Pisces (6th)

Apr 5 2022 Mars conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (5th)

Apr 7 2022 Mercury in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (7th to 5th)

Apr 8 2022 Mercury in Aries sextile Mars in Aquarius (7th to 5th)

Apr 10 2022 Mercury in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (7th to 4th)


Make it happen

Create opportunity

Radiate to attract

Venus in your 5th this week tells you not to simply sit back and wait for life (or love) to happen. But to make it happen. It joins Jupiter and Neptune in here and your ancient ruler Mars isn’t far behind. Travel, far away or higher love features. This is also your house of babies, children and parenting. Some of you could take that step now or meet someone new who could turn you into a parent or step-parent. But if this isn’t on your agenda right now you might want to take extra steps to ensure this doesn’t happen.

Love is in the air and Cupid could go crazy. You also have the ability to attract people who can help you, gifts, opportunities and new possessions. Luck is on your side so take a chance. Putting yourself ‘out there’ and being seen is all part of the process. Yes, you are allowed to be a little more focused on the wonderful world of you, now.

Ancient ruler Mars meets Saturn in your 4th this week and you might want to channel that energy into DIY or spending as much time outside the home as you can as neither planet is happy in here. You may feel unusually irritable and the quirks of those you live with now become major triggers for conflict. Old emotional patterns from the past could surface with the shocking revelation you sound like your mother/father – possibly something you vowed never to do! Shake yourself up and outside if this occurs. Others may simply feel their present home has become far too confining. If so, do something about it. Go seek your life this week and don’t be content to stay stuck. Get moving, Scorpio.

In a nutshell: Who makes it happen? Not just the stars in the sky working in your favour this week. But you do, Scorpio. Set the forces of luck and love in motion by taking action. The universe partners with you if you do.

Apr 5 2022 Venus enters Pisces (5th)

Apr 5 2022 Mars conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (4th)

Apr 7 2022 Mercury in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (6th to 4th)

Apr 8 2022 Mercury in Aries sextile Mars in Aquarius (6th to 4th)

Apr 10 2022 Mercury in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (6th to 3rd)


Keys and homecomings feature

Talk is cheap and actions speak louder than words

No more love fixer-uppers

Luck could be on your side when it comes to any property or real estate matters this week. Venus enriches your home life, lifestyle, feelings of belonging and security as it joins your ruler Jupiter and Neptune in your 4th this week. This is a good week to sign contracts or seal the deal thanks to the meeting between Mars and Saturn in your 3rd.

Don’t jump into anything too quickly however. Mars in this house can have you certain you are on to a ‘sure thing’ but Saturn is all about the due diligence aspect. This also applies to love with the Sun and Mercury in your 5th. Mercury has you flirting up a storm – or someone saying all the right things. The Mars/Saturn combo however tells you they need to be walking that talk. All talk and no action? They are unlikely to keep your interest for long if so. But the danger is in being hooked by the promise of more to come which never gets delivered. Ensure it’s real before going all-in, Sag.

Also, don’t fall prey to emotional manipulation or sob stories. Anyone who appeals to that soft, generous side of you. Beware the lover who needs fixing. That’s not your job now. If you have access to extra resources this week – possibly via a lucky break or bonus, don’t waste this on anyone or anything undeserving. Life wants to hand you the keys to a more satisfying and secure future. Share and care by all means. But first enrich your sense of self-love and invest in your future path. Everything flows from that this week, Sag.

In a nutshell: Ruler Jupiter and now Venus in your 4th want to hand you a more blissful, beautiful and bigger living situation. Where do you want to call home, Sag? When it comes to love or connections – its not your job to fix someone. Stick to property instead.

Apr 5 2022 Venus enters Pisces (4th)

Apr 5 2022 Mars conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (3rd)

Apr 7 2022 Mercury in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (5th to 3rd)

Apr 8 2022 Mercury in Aries sextile Mars in Aquarius (5th to 3rd)

Apr 10 2022 Mercury in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (5th to 2nd)


Hot and committed? Double threat love!

Craft that opening line

Priorities shift

Looking for love this week, Capricorn? Mars aligning to your ruler Saturn in your 2nd could deliver a serious contender for you. Or alternatively a long term friendship or employment opportunity. If you are seeking romance this week you need to be out and about and striking up that conversation.

Watch for someone very different to that usual ‘type’ and also for an age difference which can go either way. So, they may be younger or older. Just remember it’s just a number. Venus joins the conversation of planets in your 3rd this week and you’re set to charm and be charmed in return. Let your current boo know how much they mean to you if you are settled. This is also one of the best periods of ‘22 for anything to do with business, writing, publishing and the internet. It’s all about the conversation to initiate now whether this is something you share on social media, that opening line, that pitch, application or proposal.

Your personal agenda or what’s important may shift this week. Mercury in your 4th aligns with Saturn and then Mars on the 7-8. It then makes a tight angle to Pluto in your 1st. You could be making decisions around moving, your home, job, lifestyle and what you need to sustain and support you for the future. And you may be surprised that what was once a priority, no longer is.

This is also an excellent week to pay off debts, tie up loose ends or sign contracts or other important papers. You may suddenly see you have been undergoing a major transformation within without being aware of it. And now outer events align with this shift. The result is the arrival of someone or something different yet so much more in line with those needs. Talk up a new future this week.

In a nutshell: That new potential boo could turn out to be the total package. But may look different to those past lovers. What you say or send out has a big impact. Ideas are infused with creativity while that opening line? Just perfect to hook that fish, Capricrorn.

Apr 5 2022 Venus enters Pisces (3rd)

Apr 5 2022 Mars conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (2nd)

Apr 7 2022 Mercury in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (4th to 2nd)

Apr 8 2022 Mercury in Aries sextile Mars in Aquarius (4th to 2nd)

Apr 10 2022 Mercury in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (4th to 1st)


Hone those intentions

Set your standards and stick to them

Follow through on what you say

Saturn in your 1st is all about getting serious about what you do and don’t want from life. This week brings a meeting between it and Mars on the 5th. Mars is about fire, impulsion and confident, self-assertive action. Focus your intention on what you want to go for now. Let it be like a laser pointer into your future, Aquarius. And don’t allow room for distractions. This includes what you no longer want.

This week has Venus leave your sign and join the planetary party in Venus’s ruling 2nd. So, the focus is also on your self-worth as well as your money. This aligns to what you do or don’t want. What you are willing to accept or no longer put up with. Your standards have been shifting for some time if you are honest with yourself. This week could see you act on this.

Mercury in its ruling 3rd uncovers any further information you need this week. And also adds that extra level of credibility to those ideas or anything you say now. Nobody will misunderstand your meaning or doubt your ability to deliver. Getting behind a plan or idea is favoured now but all of this is telling you that talk is cheap. There is no result without taking action. And this week hands you the follow-through to do just that.

In a nutshell: Time to take action on what you know is right for you. You know when compromise is possible and also, when to say ‘The buck stops here’. No more selling out, Aquarius. Setting those standards and sticking to them pays off this week.

Apr 5 2022 Venus enters Pisces (2nd)

Apr 5 2022 Mars conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (1st)

Apr 7 2022 Mercury in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (3rd to 1st)

Apr 8 2022 Mercury in Aries sextile Mars in Aquarius (3rd to 1st)

Apr 10 2022 Mercury in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (3rd to 12th)


Play with the power of imagination

Be who you believe you are

Release yourself into something wonderful

Your soul expansion period continues to get a boost thanks to the arrival of Venus in your sign this week. Imagination, creativity, dreams and the power to attract feature now. It’s also time to focus on the wonderful unique vessel that is you. Add a touch of glamour to that look, appearance, brand or style. You have star quality about you now. Luck is on your side in a way you won’t experience again.

This is a brand new chapter of your life and to enter it you need to let go of the past. And to understand that just because the past played out in a certain way for you, doesn’t mean this has to determine your future. Which is yours now to author in any way you wish. There’s a massive build up of energy in your 12th this week followed by what could well be a release as Mars and Saturn meet on the 5th. You won’t shy away from telling the truth or doing what needs to be done – all in the name of self-healing, Pisces.

Mercury and the Sun in your 2nd takes care of any shyness or embarrassment over saying it like it is. This is also an excellent week for launching plans or attending to money matters. In fact, this is another area where you can’t afford to let things continue the way they may have in the past. This is a time where you need to be above board with your feelings, wishes and intentions. But also to watch for those who aren’t operating with the same kind of openness and integrity, Pisces. Leave anything that doesn’t reflect those values behind you where it (or they) belong now.

In a nutshell: Your magical journey of personal self-discovery continues this week with Venus in your sign boosting your image and power to attract. What you can imagine for yourself you can be or discover now, Pisces. Get creating.

Apr 5 2022 Venus enters Pisces (1st)

Apr 5 2022 Mars conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (12tt)

Apr 7 2022 Mercury in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius (2nd to 12th)

Apr 8 2022 Mercury in Aries sextile Mars in Aquarius (2nd to 12th)

Apr 10 2022 Mercury in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (2nd to 11th)


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