August 2019 Monthly Astrology Forecast

Monthly Astrology Forecast for All Signs August 2019

By our astrologer Elena


  • Just say ‘Yes’!
  • Fall in love with life
  • Discover where your dreams can take you

Fabulous togetherness aspects and a new Supermoon in your 5th at the start of August, set the month up to be one of connection, romance and self-expression, Aries! You’re always the sign who goes boldly. But August says you’re now owning a boldly playful vibe that others find simply irresistible. Playing to a full house is one expression which comes to mind to describe this. The Sun rules your 5th and is partying with not just that Supermoon in here on the 1st, but ruler Mars, Venus and Juno. It’s all about feeling connected and making a commitment now. Mercury enters your 5th from the 11th and what is more, you have Jupiter heading direct in its ruling 9th from the 12th. Time to make lasting promises to love, pleasure, creativity, fun and freedom.

Needless to say, the new Moon in your 5th is one of the most important of the year when it comes to romance or simply conceiving something wonderful for your future. This is after all, your house of babies, children or even relationships which could end in your becoming a parent, step parent, foster parent etc. It’s also your house where you shine and where you abandon yourself to what you love to do. When ruler Mars meets Juno in here on the 2nd, this could not just be about making promises to someone else – or they making one to you. This could involve a commitment to your own creative process or to pursuing something that makes your heart sing. An activity, hobby or pastime. Or something you excel at that you wish to turn into a profession. Sometimes the promise we make is simply to give ourselves permission to go towards our dreams. Love affairs which begin now come wrapped in extra special promise. Unlike full Supermoons which we can clearly see in the sky, new Supermoons are invisible. So, it’s up to us to get more imaginative, to dive deep and to bring all this potential to the surface – in the most creative way that we can in our 5th

Your dreams are calling you to pack that mojo and see where it takes you. Travel and holidays could form part of your pleasure journey especially as those 5th house planets trine Jupiter. The Sun on the 7th, Venus on the 8th and Mercury on the 21st. Once Jupiter heads direct from the 12th and Mercury clears retroshadow on the 15th, the world is waiting for you to explore it! If you are not heading to the airport, expanding your world via learning and study may also be keys to not just expanding your horizons, but standing out and shining too. Prepare to be noticed and to create your best possible impression on hearts and minds. People just want to fall in love with what you have to offer as fabulous connections, saying ‘yes’ and doors opening are promised when the Sun and Venus meet on the 15th , and the Sun and Juno on the 22nd. What’s on offer is the real deal now. You’re being asked to say ‘yes’ to something that could have a lasting impact. Don’t hesitate.

While all this is going on, stay connected to your values. Uranus retrograde in your money zone from the 12th, is all about reassessing what’s truly important to you – and what your money does and doesn’t buy you. How you make your money, what you will and won’t sell out for and knowing your worth – not in financial terms, but in soul terms, are the areas you may be auditing now. Those promises and good times I mentioned don’t just include love, but also encompass entering into a new and rewarding professional or working relationship too. Remember, Uranus is all about freedom and this freedom includes earning your living in a way that inspires you. All the more reason to come from a place of revived self-worth.

This month’s full Moon strikes your 11th on the 15th. It shines on those goals and dreams that I said were calling you, as this is the house of your future. It’s also about your friends, networks, contacts, clubs, groups, associations and who you interact with in a wider sense. This is a Moon under which to spend time with like-minded souls and also to be on the lookout for important and even radically different, new connections to be made. If you get the opportunity to step outside your usual circles – then take it. Be ready to exchange contact details with new people. They could have a bigger, more important role to play in your future than you think. This Moon reminds you it’s not what you know but who you know that often determines our future. Mine that network. However, this full Moon can highlight those friendships you may have outgrown. If you suddenly realise the resonance you once shared is missing, please be philosophical about this. This Moon just wants to mark the release point where you commit to discovering new connections that support your evolution.

Ruler Mars leads the charge into your 6th from the 18th. You feel up to tackling any task. Whatever you do however, don’t rush. Especially when it comes to work as you may miss important details. Also don’t take on too much in your desire to get things done. This is your house of health and wellbeing. Venus enters here on the 21st and is joined by the Sun from the 23rd. While the energy has changed around you, your ability to stand out and make your best possible impression continues. This time with bosses (or potential ones), customers and co-workers as Mars and Venus meet in here on the 24th which is the same day as Juno arrives in here. Time to work on that pitch, idea or presentation or to fire off that job application. Many of you may use this energy to start a new wellbeing regimen. Mars hands you energy and determination, while Venus wants you to simply look and feel your best. Going for it – be it that interview, meeting or business idea based on those values, could see you literally banking on the results as Mars trines Uranus in the 28th.

The 29th sees Mercury enter this its ruling house (and its ruling sign) so expect work and those body issues to be front of house the same way you’ve been recently. We have a ‘black’ new Supermoon in here on the 30th. Don’t worry – it’s nothing sinister! A ‘black’ Moon refers to the second of two new Moons in a single month. This new Moon brings the planetary count in here to six if we include Juno. With two new Moons – and both being Supermoons, this adds up to two super soul-boosting new beginnings. This new Moon says black is back when it comes to initiating that new routine, approach to wellness or way of working. This is the day that Mercury and Juno meet in here so any commitments you make in these areas are likely to be lasting ones as the Sun and Mars are also conjunct and all trine Uranus in your 2nd. That sense of fun, lightness and pleasure that’s fired you throughout the month, now extends out into the everyday. And shows you that feeling good and enjoying yourself isn’t just confined to your leisure time or love. Commit to making everything special this month. From yourself to your day job – make work seem like play as we head on into September.

In a nutshell: Commit to something you love. Or just in being in love with your life, Aries. It’s time to say yes to the romance of living. Not just that love affair – but to feeling and having the passion every day!


  • Go directly to your dream
  • Get a new sense of place and purpose
  • Can you feel the love?

We’ve a special month ahead for you Taurus where important decisions can be made which lay the foundation for you to take your life in an exciting new direction. Your sense of belonging plays an important part of all this as we roll into August. You begin the month with a big planetary line up in your 4th which includes ruler Venus, the Sun, Mars, Juno (which rules commitment). Plus Mercury from the 11th which rules property, business and career matters. And most importantly, on the first day of August, a new Supermoon in what is, the Moon’s ruling house in your chart.

Unlike those full Supermoons we simply cannot miss simply because they are so large and bright, new Supermoons are like secret potentials we are being asked to discover and unlock. That potential is super-sized – but requires our intuitive skills to make the most of them! This one is all about your sense of place – home, homeland, roots, family. All that supports and grounds you. In other words – where you belong and what gives you that all-important feeling of security. The people who surround us and who we live with obviously have a massive influence on this. As does very often our work and career as finances play a major role in how secure we feel. So, is where you currently live providing that? Where do you feel that ‘home’ connection? And what do you need to do to ensure you feel like you belong and are supported and sustained?

This new Moon wants to send you towards just that now. Major decisions can be made with regards to living arrangements or relocations. Career moves can also be made. It’s all about enhancing your lifestyle and living better this month. As the planets move through the rooms of your 4th, they meet, engage and also connect to other planets. Especially Jupiter in your sector of change. Jupiter is retrograde in here until the 12th, but it’s now time to tackle changes you may have been putting off. Especially when deep down you know they are going to be to your benefit. The Sun trines Jupiter on the 7th and ruler Venus on the 8th. Loans, pay-outs, pay rises, mortgages, salary increases – yours or even your partners, could play a part here and enable you to make that move, purchase or simply upgrade your current living arrangement.

Mercury will exit its retroshadow in your 4th on the 15th. Remember, Mercury rules contracts, business dealings – and this includes property as well as work matters. So signing that lease, purchase agreement or mortgage application is favoured now. Especially as this is also the day when the Sun and Venus meet. If you have not been living in a way that is true to who you are or where you feel you belong, or if you have been just going along with someone else’s vision – or decision around this, Mars conjunct Juno in here on the 2nd and Vesta in your 1st angling to Pluto in your 9th on the 10th, sees you now unafraid to assert your own needs.

Unilateral decisions taken by someone else you live with or another family member, are likely to be met with opposition by you now. Especially if you feel your needs are not being taken into consideration. It’s not selfishness or even neediness. Just an enhanced appreciation that your needs are simply as important as anyone else’s. You won’t be afraid to stand by this now. To stand firm on what it is you need to feel loved, supported and secure. Whether this is emotionally or in a material, bricks and mortar sense.

Uranus in your 1st has been asking you one simple question since it first arrived in your sign. Are you living your truth? August promises you the answer as Uranus turns retrograde from the 12th. Remember, Uranus’s agenda is to free you from what restricts you, holds you back or which stops you from evolving. It’s one of those planets which gets more potent as it heads backwards. So, it will allow you to see all too clearly, where you are not living your truth – and remove blockages to this. With all this 4th house activity, this is all about living your truth in terms of where you live, family matters and how you want to be living. Make a commitment to this truth on the 22nd when the Sun meets Juno in here before heading in to your 5th the following day.

This month’s full Moon – not a supermoon, appears in your 10th of career, reputation, rewards and status. Again, this is all linked to your sense of security. Because full Moons stir up our emotions, we have peak experiences at these times. In our 10th, it’s really important to remember that no matter what we are feeling – feelings are not facts. The full Moon in here can hand us success making experiences – that all important interview, presentation or chance to impress for example. You are very much ‘on show’ under this full Moon so act accordingly. You are being asked to ensure you come across to others as someone to be taken seriously. And while the Moon rules our emotions, you need to understand under this one, that you need to be professional and business-like. Especially when under pressure. Stick to the facts and keep emotion out of it – even if situations or other people may arise which rattle you on the inside. Allow the outside to shine nonetheless. An example of this would be where you are under pressure from a deadline and the goal posts are moved at the last minute. Or someone says something which has a powerful emotional effect on you just before that all important meeting. Stay calm and remain focussed on your outcome. This full Moon could hand you validation and a satisfying conclusion if you do!

The shift into passion, love and simply feeling fabulous about the choices you’re making begins mid-month. Mars enters your 5th on the 18th putting romance, attraction and following wherever passion takes you top of your To Do list now. If you’re settled and things have been somewhat routine lately, when ruler Venus follows on the 21st, make reinjecting romance into your relationship your priority. This is your house of holidays, fun and pleasure. Time to step out of that rut with your significant other and reawaken that rush you felt when you first got together. If you can, plan to get away. If not, create some staycation romance even if it’s just for an evening!

Single? I should not need to tell you that this is one of your best times of the year to attract that new lover. Venus and Mars intertwine in your 5th on the 24th – the same day as Juno’s arrival in here. Not only does this promise that this could turn into something wildly significant, this could also be one of those wonderful connections where you feel you can truly be yourself. Call this a follow-up effect of living your truth – and knowing it. Venus and Mars will trine Uranus in your 1st on the 26th and 28th respectively. In other words, the other party has been looking for someone exactly like you. And chances are you’ve been looking for the same thing – and could find it.

Our 5th house is where we set ourselves free to be us. Where we abandon ourselves to what we love to do without worrying about what other people may think. Attracting that special someone or even that work opportunity, could come about simply by expressing ourselves and our talents. This is how we work our mojo and the force of attraction! Your 5th rules love affairs and also children. So relationships which result in your becoming a parent or step parent come under the 5th. As do your hobbies, pastimes, holidays, indulgences and opportunities to shine. Mercury has your flirting with ideas, people, conversations, creativity and possibility when it also arrives in your 5th on the 29th. The 30th brings the heavenly body total in here to six – the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Juno and now another new Supermoon. This is a ‘black’ Moon – the second new Moon to appear within the month. It’s also extremely rare to have two new Supermoons occur in the same month. New Moons are always new beginnings so two hand you two significant fresh starts in two different areas. A ‘black’ Moon is nothing sinister. This one says: Can you feel the love, tonight? Again, it speaks of massive potential you may not yet be able to see or conceive of. You’re stepping into new and powerful cycle of creation. This is also linked to a deeply personal desire that forms a big part of who you are. Again, this is all about your truth. Wishes on this level are the goals our souls create. This is about following what your soul can conceive of when it comes to love, creativity and following your bliss. Re-read the earlier list I gave you with regards to what the 5th house contains and see where these and those soul wishes intersect as this is the area where that new beginning can emerge. Being you also means living in a way that supports you and enhances your sense of belonging and being loved. You just could have it all this August, Taurus.

In a nutshell: Ready to live your truth? Passionately and authentically, Taurus? Time to claim the truth of what you need to really feel loved and a sense of belonging. Go directly to your dream!


  • Get ready to say ‘ I do!’
  • Conversations take you somewhere new
  • You need somebody

Let’s talk about long term loves and partnership matters, Gemini. Ruler Mercury is always ready to start a conversation and the good news is, it enters its ruling 3rd in your chart from the 11th and also exits its retroshadow on the 15th. You begin August with a full 3rd house so expect writing, publishing, communication, the internet, learning, business, commerce, getting around and more precisely, the other party on the other side of this conversation, to feature.

Let’s talk about ideas and let’s talk about new Supermoons. New Supermoons are like secret super-powers. We all know when there’s a full Supermoon happening. Provided it is a clear night we cannot miss it. It’s big, vast and illuminating. New Supermoons however – there’s nothing really to see. But we feel them on an emotional level. In your 3rd this could mean the awakening of an idea, project or plan. The start of a conversation that could take you somewhere new. If you are starting a new job right around now, you could be there for the long haul thanks to commitment-making alignments in here between Mars (passionate action) and Juno (commitment) on the 2nd. Act on or put words to, those ideas. Don’t leave them to languish in the realm of ‘gonna do’ or imagination.

This is your house of contracts so push forward with that pitch or pursuit of that new job or client now. Commit to that course of study as this is one of your houses of learning. When it comes to those ideas – what do you have to share or teach? How about starting that blog and sharing that knowledge and experience? This is your Launchpad now. Fabulous days to launch that product, business, or service, apply for that job, schedule that meeting or interview or make your pitch are the 15th when the meeting between the Sun and Venus enhance you and everything you say. Venus also meets Juno in here on the 20th and the Sun has its own meet-cute with the ruler of big commitments on the 22nd. This could be your moment to say ‘I do’ – to that project, job or study offer or even to what someone is holding out to you on a personal level.

We can’t talk about ‘I do’s’ or even ideas or conversations, without including that person you are talking or saying ‘I do’ to! As the planets move through your 3rd they make twosome-charged angles to Jupiter in your 7th. This is all about your opposite number – that past, present or potential partner whether this is in love or work. Venus which of course, rules your 7th, aligns with Jupiter on the 8th and the Sun the previous day. Love or just matters between you and another, take a giant leap forward as Jupiter heads direct again from the 12th. No matter what it is you want to achieve, this tells you that nobody does it alone. That blog needs people to follow it. That manuscript needs an agent or a publisher to see it in print. People need people in order to make things happen. That’s the bottom line.

If you are seeking any kind of long term partnership – be it the love, working, collaborative, activity or even friendship variety, now is the time to put the word as in yourself, out there. Time to tell people about yourself and all you have to offer. Your message has a little bit of magic attached to it and your words and ideas can be woven together to form irresistible spells that capture hearts and minds – depending on your audience.  If you need to talk anything over with a current partner – again, be this a long term love, working relationship or friendship, that spell you craft can bring about a fresh understanding and commitment between you. However, if things between you have not been going well, this isn’t a potion that will fix it. What it can do is allow you both to separate amicably and with less rancour than at other times.

You’re seeking freedom, a new adventure or a fresh challenge now. Step free of limitations and embrace just where those ideas can take you as the full Moon appears in your 9th on the 15th. Coincidentally, the same day as Mercury retroshadow ends. Time to push forward and to take action on what you say. This is a full Moon of discovery. Sadly not a Supermoon but one of the most powerful of the year for you nonetheless. The Moon rules the tides and our 9th house is one of explorers. You’re poised at the start of a new learning journey now. This is one of the best days to launch and discover just how far you can go with someone. I personally love this quote but T S Eliot which perfectly sums up the full Moon in our 9th: ‘Only those who risk going too far can possibly find our how far they can go’. Discover just how far that idea or starting that conversation can take you now.

Funnily enough, while Cancer and the 4th house of our charts rules family, roots, home, homeland and our living arrangements, this is also a sign which in ancient times was associated with restless hearts, far-away places and explorers. Why? Because Cancer’s ruling planet is the Moon. Before air travel and today’s mass transportation, the sea was the key to other countries. We set sail in search of new horizons or people to do business with – literally. In the days of sail, we needed to wait for the tides to do this. And we would return to our home ports afterwards. So, it’s easy to see how long distance travel and commerce came to be linked to Cancer and the 4th as a result. From the 18th you’ll feel a subtle shift as first Mars and then other planets, begin to move into your 4th. That doesn’t mean travel or those big ideas are off the menu now. It just means you’re bringing them down to earth.

Uranus retrograde in your 12th from the 12th could uncover that intuitive next step you need to take to achieve soul freedom. You beliefs around what is possible for you will undergo a radical shift over the next seven years. This also includes your beliefs around where you belong and what ‘family’ means to you. Venus follows Mars into your 4th on the 21st and the Sun on the 23rd. If you love how and where you live or your current lifestyle, you’ll commit to it around the 24th when Venus and Mars meet in here and also Juno enters this house. Some of you may make the decision to move in with your partner or set up home with them. Especially if this has been where those discussions of the past new weeks have been heading! If where you are doesn’t feel like home, you’ve both the desire and the ability to do something about that. And also a clear idea of where this is for you as Venus and then Mars align to Uranus on the 26th and then 28th. This is all about crafting a vision for a home or lifestyle that suits your own personal and highly individual Grand Design. There’s no place like home differs for each of us. But chances are you now know where that is.

Ruler Mercury arrives in here on the 29th favouring moving experiences, buying, selling and leasing of property and contracts. Your secret superpower now resides with your ability to make the most of opportunities that enhance your sense of security in the long term. We have what is known as a ‘black’ new Supermoon appear in the Moon’s ruling 4th on the 30th. This is nothing sinister – just the term for when we see two new Moons appear in a month.  Keep in mind that connection between your 4th and heading towards distant and far-flung shores. For some of you, security begins with yourself and leaving what you know behind. You may think of the world as your home as well as your oyster. Or the place that you want to call home is another area, region or even another country entirely. The 30th sees Mercury and Juno conjunct while the Sun, new Moon and Mars all meet and trine Uranus in Taurus. This is more than bricks and mortar but telling you that it’s your spiritual home that’s calling you. For some, this will be right where you are right now. If so, send those roots deeper. Others may commit to a move fuelled by a job in a new area or just take the first steps towards making it happen. You’re raising up more than ideas this month, Gemini. You’re building a future.

In a nutshell: It’s all about weaving magic spells with ideas and what you say this month, Gemini. And who you say it to. Winning hearts and minds – that’s your superpower secret for success in August!


  • What’s the story, Morning Glory?
  • Invest in soul worth ambitions
  • Embracing abundance brings more than small change

I see a black Moon rising! Fear not, sweet Cancerians. A black Moon simply describes the second of two new Moons in a given month. But not just any new Moons. Both are new Supermoons. Now, we often disregard new Supermoons or remain completely in the dark (pun intended), that they are occurring. That’s because unlike full Supermoons which you simply cannot miss due to the fact the Moon looks like a massive mirror in the sky, with new Supermoons, they is nothing to see. Yet, you of all signs understand the significance of a new Moon. You know each one brings you an important new phase of relating in a given area. That they represent shy, fresh opportunities to be explored and nurtured. It’s a time for new beginnings and to plant seeds for the future.

So, supersize all that and then – double it up, this August. The month starts with the first of these new Supermoons in your money zone. Connect to an enhanced sense of emotional self-worth. Time for a new beginning when it comes to your relationship with your money, assets, talents and skills. What’s your price? What are you prepared to pay? What’s worth it and what isn’t? There’s more to this than just a price ticket or even how much you have in your bank account right now. It’s how you feel about it. Venus which rules this house is also in here along with the Sun, Mars, Mercury from the 11th and Juno which rules commitment. If you are setting out under this new Supermoon’s influence to increase not only your net worth but that self-worth, you have Juno’s blessing that this could result in long term benefits for you. Mars gives you go-getting confidence to surmount any barriers between you and abundance. It’s where you direct those resources that counts. And possibly on a daily basis.

Look to your routine, your day job (paid or unpaid) and even your wellbeing and see how this has a direct impact on your bottom line. Of course your pay if you are in paid employment has a direct bearing on this. As will benefits or your allowances if you do not work. You can make what you have – and this includes those abilities, work harder than even before for you just by being extremely mindful of where the money actually goes on a daily basis. If you are seeking work or a better paid job, Venus and the Sun in here trine Jupiter in your 6th on the 8th and 7th plus the Sun and Venus meet in here on the 15th. Jupiter always wants to open doors for us so apply for that job, ask for that raise or know you are attending that interview in one of the best cycles of the year to land that position, order or new client. Especially after Jupiter heads direct again on the 12th and Mercury exits retroshadow on the 15th.

It’s also a fabulous time to look at just where your money goes and to stretch it further by considering sending it in another direction. I’m not talking about subjecting yourself to a life of total denial. Just money mindfulness. It’s not so much about budgeting for those of you who hate that word – it’s more to do with a spending plan. Your 6th as I say rules your everyday routine and this includes those things we buy every day or perhaps on a regular basis that have become habits. Very often we are unaware of the impact these have on our bank accounts. Or even stop to consider whether we need them or not. Again, I am not advocating you give up that caffeine fix on the way to work that kick-starts your day and without which you simply would not function. But time to look at how the cost of things add up over a year and to ask whether they are 1) necessary 2) relevant or 3) even good for you any more.

An example of this would be you wanting to take that dream holiday but you feel it’s beyond your budget. Yet when you look at what you spend your money on, you realise that if you make your lunch at home instead of buying take-out each day or get a job that doesn’t stress you out so you need too many delicious glasses of wine just to unwind in the evening, that trip becomes do-able. It’s about channelling what you have into what you really want and need now. Plan ahead and that includes your spending. And get savvy about your resources. You can do this with a sense of power and determination that simply sets you up for success. Thinking about embracing the Fire philosophy? (Financially Independent, Retire Early) – Jupiter is in its ruling fiery Sagittarius which is your 6th. This tells you there’s never been a better time to aim at financial freedom.

This month’s full Moon in your 8th on the 15th occurs the same day as the Mercury retroshadow ends in your 2nd. Move forward with confidence when it comes to finances. This includes negotiations, your salary, mortgages, loans, even joint accounts, how you utilise your resources and yes, making changes to how you spend and save. With Mercury out of retroshadow you have the green light to sign important papers relating to your financial status. Also to enact any changes around what you do with your cash.

Feeling in control of your finances is what this is all about. This includes what you do with your money – or what you will choose to do with it in the future. Some of you may choose to commit to get out of debt. To substitute buying one thing for a better, cheaper alternative and to channel the surplus into being financially free. Others may take on new financial responsibilities or seek out a better deal and refinance. Again, it’s all about you feeling powerful when it comes to your cash or how you utilise the assets you have. The meeting between Venus and Juno in your 2nd on the 20th and the Sun and Juno on the 22nd says you’re committed to this new course of action. And feeling simply wonderful about it.

Some of your best assets are your friends and the people you know. Again, don’t be afraid to see these in a fresh light as Uranus heads retrograde in its ruling 11th from the 12th. Are you comparing yourself to others based on what you earn or have? Or don’t as the case may be. Uranus says time to free yourself from this madness. Time for real connections based on like-mindedness and shared ideals. Rather than any need to ‘keep up appearances’.

Your 3rd rules communication, business, contracts, commerce and how you get about – your commute for example. The shift from your 2nd to here begins from the 18th when Mars leads the charge propelling those ideas forward. Venus follows on the 21st and the Sun on the 23rd. The 24th has Venus and Mars meeting in here and also Juno arriving on the same day. Deals can be done and agreements reached. While a conversation piece of news or a discussion has lasting impact.

Time to be a storyteller and an initiator when it comes to tabling that topic. How can you say what you want to say in a new, compelling and engaging way? Work on that opening line now. See every interaction from that business email to that interview to talking to that person on your commute, as an opportunity to tell, share or collaborate on a story. Frame it this way: you are attending an interview for a job you really want. There’s a story behind why you have applied for it which includes your experiences to date (backstory). The company you’re applying to has their story. Show you’ve read it and then demonstrate how your story and their story can evolve from here on in. That’s the kind of message and content people respond to.

If there’s a story behind something you need or want to achieve, share it with others as Venus and Mars trine Uranus on the 26th and 28th. Harness those real connections I spoke of by being an open book. Remember – people love to help other people. And they do this when you let them in to your story. Mercury’s entry into its ruling 3rd on the 29th and the new ‘black’ Supermoon in here in the 30th, points to a new chapter to be written in your story. You now have six astral bodies in here – Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars and Juno. Lost for words or ideas? Unlikely. This is you launch date. The day to present your story on some level whether it’s your own you are telling via a blog, idea, interview or yes, flirtatious date. Or someone else’s product, company or service. This day sees Mercury and Juno meet in here and the Sun, Moon and Mars all opposing Uranus. This tells me that story, message or idea can reach more people than you think and is resonating with at least one person. You have your opening. It all begins with ‘Once upon a time’ Cancer – and that time is now.

In a nutshell: There’s a story to be told around your ideas, your dreams, love and even your money this month, Cancer. Get ready to write a happy ending – or at the least, a new chapter.


  • Time to roar about those values
  • Launch yourself
  • The world’s reflection tells you – it likes what it sees

Brand you or rather brand new you is ready to launch as we head into August, Leo. Your ruler the Sun remains in your sign until the 23rd. Until then, you’re very much where you love and need to be. In the spotlight. And it may seem as if the world truly does revolve around you now due to Venus, Mars and Juno also in your 1st. You’re ready for your close-up from the 1st when a new Supermoon marks the cosmic starting point of your new year no matter when your birthday actually falls. Supermoons are our secret superpower. Unlike full Supermoons which we really cannot overlook due to them being so large and bright, new supermoons can be easily ignored. Simply due to the fact there is nothing to be seen. That does not mean that they don’t have supersized potential concealed within them however. And when we have one in our 1st this is like a birthday surprise that only we get to open!

This one is therefore all about your image, brand, appearance, profile, title, look, style and the impression you make on others. With Venus ruler of beauty in your sign and Mars’s passionate hot, confidence at your disposal as well as the Sun’s spotlight illuminating you, now is the perfect moment for that makeover, new haircut, fresh make-up, relaunch, Instagrammable wardrobe update or even for some of you, that cosmetic treatment. This is all telling you not to be your old self. Juno wants you to commit to this brand new version of you. Unless of course your aim is not to be noticed? Most likely impossible as both the Sun and Venus trine Jupiter in your house of love and attraction on the 7th and 8th. These are your gifts. Get ready to open then, Leo.

You are more aware than usual of the impression you have on others – and the one you want to create. This extends beyond that impression based on how you look and includes what you say and how you come across. Mercury’s entry into your 1st on the 11th hands you opening lines for any occasion worthy of Saturday Night Live. You’ve the confidence to say it, to showcase those ideas and if the opportunity presents itself, to flirt and to start something new. That project, that love affair, that new job. It’s time for new moves – and bold, new beginnings.

As usual it’s not just about you. Your generous nature means you want to share anything from your thoughts and feelings to good times with those you care about. Your open hearted approach is always a winning one. You intuitively know that the more you give out, the more you attract back in kind. Not that you do this with any agenda in mind. This is simply second nature to you. That new aspect of yourself you are showcasing goes hand in hand with any barriers that may have held you back – especially around love, travel or your ability to express yourself, being lifted. All thanks to Jupiter moving forward again in your 5th from the 12th and Mercury exiting retroshadow in your 1st on the 15th.

The 15th also sees ruler the Sun and Venus meet in your 1st and a full Moon appear in your 7th. That new potential that’s swirling around you includes someone opposite you who may have a new, revived or equally important role to play in the coming year. The full Moon in our partnership zone always reflects back at us. It’s like a mirror someone holds up for us that shows us how they see us. It offers the best kind of insight. The ability to see ourselves as others see us. The full Moon in here on the  15th may not be a supermoon. But it happens the day the Sun and Venus meet in your 1st. Whoever is holding up that mirror – and this could be a past, present or potential partner, a close friend or associate, likes what they see. Hopefully you do too. This could be a wonderful night for a birthday celebration, date night or any occasion where you want to create your best impression.

Now you’ve worked on your relationship with yourself and your outer packaging – it’s time to work on your self-worth and relationship to the material world. It’s no coincidence that the material girl herself, Madonna, is a Leo. This is also the artist who brilliantly channelled her Leo qualities when she urged us all to ‘express yourself’ – as your sign rules creative self-expression. Don’t go for second best is the message of your second house. Mars knows this as it arrives in here on the 18th boosting your confidence and your passion when it comes to knowing your worth. All that reinvention and re-branding is merely an outer refection of the inner you after all. And it’s the inner you that determines how you attract and interact with the material world.

Venus is the planet which rules this house and arrives in here on the 21st – the day after it meets Juno in your 1st. This is the time to make a promise to yourself regarding your goals for the coming year. The Sun also meets Juno on the 22nd before following Venus into your money zone on the 23rd. There’s a choice to be made here and I could describe this as the ‘reality of the deal’. Unlike Ceres who rules compromise when it comes to negotiations, with Juno there is no room to manoeuvre.

Your ruler along with Venus says the promise or deal is in your favour but you need to understand that there are still pluses and minuses in it. One example especially with Juno involved is entering a committed relationship. We trade freedom for security. What’s the trade-off you’re making? So long as you are aware of it – that’s fine. With the planets entering your money zone it’s all around those values. A prime example as Juno is about to follow the other planets into your 2nd on the 24th is choosing to spend either more or less time at work. One gets you more money/success but you have less time for the things and people you love. One buys you more time but less cash. This is why your 2nd house is always about your values at its heart. But with Mercury still in your 1st and trineing Jupiter – guess what? That decision you make is the perfect one for you!

Venus and Mars meet in here on the 24th making this one of the best days of the year for money matters. They also trine Uranus in your 10th. New directions could open up with your career and how you earn your money. This is also promised by the second ‘black’ Supermoon of the month on the 30th. This is a rare event. Black does not mean anything sinister. It merely describes the second of two new Moons in a month. So, two new beginnings and both super-sized in their potential. Mercury’s arrival into this house the previous day puts the number of astral bodies in here at six (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Juno). The day of the Supermoon sees the Sun, Mars and the Moon conjunct, Mercury and Juno conjunct and the Sun and Moon trineing Uranus in your 10th. A new and previously unexplored source of income could open up – perhaps that side hustle, or a change of job brings you a new sense of freedom or you strike out in a fresh direction. Mercury in here again promises clear-headed financial and business decisions while Mars adds confidence to go for it. You head into September with a powerful sense of self-worth and surety about those values. The perfect deal for you is the one you make with yourself first and foremost, Leo. That’s something you can bank on.

In a nutshell: Time to roar! Especially when it comes to your values and what you know you deserve, Leo. You’re feeling brand new now. Your birthday season continues with a brand new direction.


  • Become the love you want to see in your life
  • Get ready to spread those wings
  • Happy birthday like no other, Virgo!

The start of August lends you in a deeply spiritual perspective, Virgo. You’re in chrysalis time now as you prepare for your brand new cycle. Soul contracts, karma, the past, spiritual insights, your higher purpose and journeying into life’s mysteries feature now due to the heavy planetary weather in your 12th. This is always our psychic decluttering time. When we look closely at what we want to take with us into our new cycle. Often this process involves spending time alone or unplugging. So, don’t be afraid to do that now. If you feel the pull to go within rather than accept invitations to socialise, listen to that inner voice. You’ll emerge back into the outer world with iridescent wings unfurled soon enough!

If you can spend time near the ocean during this cycle, then please do so. Even if it’s just a day trip. You’ll find this is an excellent way to tune in and receive those insights. Your psychic and creative abilities soar under the new Supermoon in your 12th on the 1st. It’s time for a little escapism (hence, get away to the sea if you can). If not, escape via dreams, visualisation, inspiring books, creative projects and the realm of imagination where you design your future. New Supermoons are like secret superpowers. Unlike full Supermoons which we really can’t miss unless the sky is overcast, with new ones, there is nothing to see. So, we tend to dismiss their importance. This month brings us not one but two. New Moons are always about a new phase of emotional experience in a specific area of our lives. Supermoon simply supersize the potential for new beginnings.

Reframing your past in order to make the most of your future could be the early birthday present you get to unwrap thanks to the first Supermoon. Despite sending you deep into the mysteries of your soul, you need to know your energy is actually at a peak this August. This is due to so many planetary bodies in your 12th – the Sun, Venus, Mars, Juno and from the 11th – ruler Mercury. So, once you receive your inner wisdom – you’ll take action on it. Saying what needs to be said and doing what needs to be done now. Generous Jupiter in your 4th of home, family, roots and security (the Moon’s ruling house) wants to improve your lifestyle or living arrangements or hand you a way to enhance that all important feeling of security. This month sees it not only head direct once again, but it impacts on those 12th house planets. The 7th, 8th and 21st are golden days to make decisions around where you want to be for the coming year or your career as the Sun, Venus and then ruler Mercury trine Jupiter on these dates. You need an environment in which to grow into now. So aim for that bigger space, extending your present one and living larger in some way.

You’re not being selfish – just prioritising,  if you begin your new cycle with a ‘Me first’ mindset. An awakening is taking place as Mars moves through your 12th. It meets Juno in here on the 2nd and will arrive in your1st on the 18th. You may be seeing a connection in a different light now and feel the need to rebalance this. Perhaps there has been too much take and not enough give. Because this is your house of the past, the past may turn up in person in the form of a past lover or a friend. Look back and take a practical approach. Ruler Mercury allows you to access clarity here especially when it exits retroshadow from the 12th. You are also assisted by Uranus heading retrograde in your freedom sector from the 12th. This is asking you if you want something new or more of the same? Think carefully before any reinvolvement. Especially if you believe the same issues will resurface again.

Blessings appearing from the past, good karma paid forward could be yours as part of that early birthday package deal on the 15th when the Sun and Venus meet in here. If someone helps you now for no apparent reason or if you receive unlooked for opportunities or benefits, take it that this is interest on those karmic deposits you’ve made. Others could feel a deep letting go and release from something that has held them back possibly without them realising it. The 15th also brings you a full Moon (not a supermoon), in your 6th of wellbeing. Under its gaze you suddenly see how one particular thought, situation or even a person, has impacted on your wellbeing or energy. And now you see it, you’ll take whatever steps you need to in order to rectify it. Especially when Mars appears in your 1st on the 18th.

Venus in your 1st from the 21st is all about indulgence and beauty. In mythology Venus was of course the goddess of love. No matter what gender you identify with – channel the goddess now. It’s time to look and feel your best and to project self-love out there. Simply because all relationships begin with our relationship with ourselves. This is now your emergence time. Where the butterfly gets to spread its wings. Showcase your inner changes via your outer appearance now. Change up your look, your brand, your on-line profile, your image. Become the future you are heading in to now. And commit to this.

The Sun’s arrival in your 1st from the 23rd puts you in the spotlight. Plus the 24th brings you that loved-up feeling thanks to the meeting between Venus and Mars in your sign. The cosmos is saying it’s okay to focus on you. To want what you want. Mars ignites passion and desire. It’s also about boundaries. Don’t be surprised in the coming year if you find it easier to impose these and say ‘No’ more often. Venus says you’ll do this nicely.

There could be surprises in store for you and the opportunity to say ‘Yes’ to something that arrives out of the blue. Call it a birthday present from the universe. This may involve you having to let go of an attachment to a particular path or plan and make a leap into something new, untried and different! Be ready as the ‘black’ new Supermoon strikes your sign on the 30th – the day after ruler Mercury arrives in your 1st. You now have a planetary party happening with six astral guests in residence – Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars and Juno! It’s time to make promises to yourself for the upcoming year. And know you’ll keep them. There’s nothing sinister about a ‘black’ Moon. This is simply the term given to the second new Moon in a given month. Again, this marks a new phase of relating but it’s supersized in its potential. And it’s all about howyou see yourself and your abilities to get what you want in the upcoming year.

That unexpected opportunity, gift or experience I mentioned could be triggered by the Sun, Moon and Mars conjunct and trineing Uranus in your freedom sector on this day. While ruler Mercury and Juno also meet. This is asking you how deep your commitment goes when it comes to all that soul searching you’ve so recently completed. Have you emerged with an unshakeable belief in yourself and your destiny which is to spread those wings and experience as many of your desires as you can in the upcoming year? This could test your promise to yourself and also your flexibility as what’s on offer now may require you to say no to something familiar and yes to something untried. Don’t be afraid of offending others by making a new and radically different choice now, Virgo. Butterflies need to fly free. Happy birthday!

In a nutshell: Your birthday season begins with surprise gifts. Get ready to unfurl those wings and show the world a brand new you. And this includes making new choices. Happy birthday, Virgo!


  • Set the future in motion and connect
  • Lighten that load
  • Friendships take you somewhere new

Play with potential and future possibilities for the first three weeks of August, Libra. You’ve a massive line up of planets in the house of friends, groups, bands, networks, connections, clubs, groups, associations and yes, those goals which have a direct bearing on your future path. It’s not what you know but who now. Keep this in mind as people who can set your future in motion will cross your path. And they could have a major role to play in setting those goals in motion too.

It’s time to get out and about, make an extra effort to socialise and accept any and all invitations that come your way. Whatever you do, do not be a boxset hermit now. August sets the tone of your social scene for some time to come. So, being a Stranger Things binge watcher could prevent the miracle of stranger things than you can imagine entering your life. Ruler Venus is in residence along with the Sun, Mars and Juno. Mercury brings those invites and starts conversations that have the potential to forge new and exciting alliances from the 11th. But the major future portal opening aspect occurs on the 1st with a new Supermoon in here. The potential of new Supermoons often gets overlooked simply because they are not so large and bright as full Supermoons. Yet I like to think they contain secret superpowers and super-sized potential. This one promises new connections or entrée to  fascinating social scene as well as a new goal to aim for. It’s an invitation. One that you can choose to accept – or not. Just say ‘Yes’, Libra. Especially if this means stepping outside the circles you normally mix in. That’s where the magic begins.

Bear in mind this is your house of friendship – not one of the houses of love. So despite ruler Venus in here and a full Moon in your romance zone on the 15th (the day the Sun and Venus meet in your 11th), this is all about the love of friends rather than the love of one particular person. However, long term love flowing from friends, or a friend offering assistance, help or gifts to your long term benefit, could be yours to enjoy. Both the Sun and your ruler make social angles to Jupiter in your 3rd on the 7th and 8th. Business or overseas connections could feature as could publishing, the internet, writing and communication and contacts which touch on these. Big news could open doors for you now especially when Jupiter shifts to forward motion once more from the 12th. This is the day Uranus turns retrograde in your house of self-empowerment and shared resources. You could benefit from someone’s generosity now or willingness to give you access to their time, expertise or backing you need.

The full Moon in your 5th on the 15th is another call to get social. This is your house of pleasure, parties, good times and fun. This is also the day when the Sun and Venus meet in your 11th and Mercury exits its retroshadow. VIP or red carpet events, influential people, rubbing shoulders with the stars, concerts, music, finding yourself in the spotlight and attracting attention from unexpected quarters could feature now. Accept all contact details that are offered and have your business card ready to give out. Expect follow ups and follow-throughs from this.

The 18th sees a shift taking place and the beginning of your annual soul house declutter that takes place each year just prior to your birthday. You’ll still remain in extrovert, life of the party mode for a few days more despite this being the day Mars arrives in your 12th. Mars in here peaks your energy plus you have Venus meeting Juno and cementing contacts and friendships in your 11th on the 20th. The real shift inwards occurs when Venus joins Mars in your 12th from the 21st and the Sun follows two days later. You may now actively desire to spend time alone. Perhaps working on a creative project or just taking some much needed soul compass time. It’s a cycle where you can align yourself to those desires and wishes for your new cycle. And where you can examine what’s relevant in your world that you wish to retain and take with you. And what now needs to be consigned to the past.

This can involve anything from clearing out that closet to decluttering those thoughts of negativity. You’re examining everything and seeing whether it adds value to your life and provides you with opportunities for growth – or not. If it’s preventing you from evolving further, you’ll realise it has to go as Venus and Mars meet in ere on the 24th and trine Uranus in your 8th on the 26th and 28th.

Committing to a fresh outlook, path, dream or perspective is possible once Juno arrives in here from the 24th. Mercury follows on the 29th bringing clarity around any decisions you make. You’ll see what needs to stay and what has to go all too clearly. Once the new ‘black’ Supermoon casts its potential in here on the 30th, you’ll have a clearer grasp of what really matters to you than ever before. Don’t worry – the term ‘black’ isn’t anything sinister. It simply refers to the second of two new Moons in a given month. And for both to be Supermoons is an extremely rare event. Your intuitive abilities soar under it. Watch for lucid dreams, omens and synchronicities – especially those which appear to have a direct bearing on the decisions you are making. They tell you that you are on the correct path.

The day of this Supermoon sees Mercury and Juno meet in here. As well as a powerful conjunction between the Sun, new Supermoon and Mars – all of which impact positively on Uranus in your 8th. There’s a beneficial change occurring beneath the surface now. If things have felt like ‘tough’ going for a while – especially when it comes to your home, family, or living arrangements, this could mark the start of you seeing a new way forward. You’re in the process of reclaiming any lost power that also may have been drained by toxic relationships or psychic vampires as you see some connections in a new light. You know what’s worthy of you and what’s worth hanging on to now. Step free of what’s been holding you back without your knowledge. You’ll arrive in September with that load lightened, Libra.

In a nutshell: Time to get social, Libra. Friends offer support, connection and one particular connection could set your future on a new and exciting path. Don’t stay home this August!


  • Don’t talk a good game – bring it!
  • Author your version of success
  • New connections are part of your love evolution now

Game on, Scorpio! Hold your head high and show you’re the business this August. Your 10th house is your public house. The soul stadium where you compete and show your worth whether you have a high-flying career or not. It’s the top of your chart and is all about your reputation. Looked at this way, it tells you that you are CEO of You.Inc whether you are in paid work or not. It’s all about how you act and how you are seen by others – especially those people in positions of authority and power. Yes, this house rules CEO’s, those at the top, the ‘establishment’ and people in positions of authority and power. But on a personal level it’s about the authority or ‘authorship’ we take over our own lives. It’s about our word being our bond and owning our choices and decisions. It’s about living our own lives on our terms – not anyone else’s. Yes, it’s about adulting.

You are on show in some way now and if you do work, then this month is going to be all about your career path. It’s going to be time for serious choices and decisions whether you work or not and the results of long term efforts. Again, whether you are in paid work or not. This is a month where the books have to balance in some way and where rewards fall due if they are owed to you. Or it is a month where you are pulled up short and doors remain closed. Because this month requires you to take responsibility for your own path, if it’s the latter which occurs, you need to own this rather than place the blame outside of yourself. This is what being a grown-up is all about and often being a grown-up is hard work!

That being said, being a grown-up has its perks and benefits. You are in a unique position to make the world – or those in your professional niche, sit up and take notice now. Big decisions can be made which establish something worthwhile for you for the long term. The new Supermoon in here on the 1st awakens those ambitions and hands you opportunities to make your best professional impression. New Supermoons are like secret superpowers. Sure, their importance is often overlooked due to the fact that unlike full Supermoons – they’re invisible. But isn’t that what secret superpowers are all about? Clark Kent, Diana Prince – Superman and Wonder Woman appear ordinary but we know they are not. August says time to shake up some perceptions if the world has pigeon holed you and as the recruitment slogan tells us: be all you can be. Or aim to be. You’re being offered reinvention if you need it and an opportunity to head up the next rung of that ladder. Cape or indestructible bracelets optional.

Ancient ruler Mars conjunct Juno on the 2nd, says you’re taking yourself seriously now and playing for keeps. Venus in here enhances your professional image. Both the Sun and Venus are impacting on Jupiter in your money zone at the start of the 2nd week of August. Jupiter remains retrograde in here until the 12th when it finally shifts forward again. So you may have to wait 2-3 weeks to see the results of your efforts. Rehearse and prepare to make your best possible impression and schedule those all important meetings or presentation for around the 15th when the Sun and Venus meet in here and Mercury which arrives in your 10th from the 11th, has exited it retroshadow phase.

You’re in the process of exploring new dynamics when it comes to partnerships. Please don’t forget this includes long term business and working connections. Friends as well as lovers. Your needs around togetherness or your definition of this, are most definitely changing thanks to Uranus in your 7th. You’re more than usually aware of the shift that has already taken place as Uranus turns retro from the 12th.  New and surprising partnership opportunities may be about to emerge but for some of you, status enhancing shifts for you may come via your partner’s career as this too is ruled by your 10th. This month’s full Moon appears in the Moon’s ruling 4th in your sign. Your emotional needs and how secure you feel will be triggered by this full Moon. Don’t forget – full Moons reflect their light BACK into the house opposite to which they appear in. In this case your 10th. This is a ‘taking care of business’ full Moon and again, you need to reach for that best professional face. Make practical decisions rather than emotional ones now as this is about business. Look to the long term if you are uncertain and make your choices based on that. Then – own them.

You should now be in a position where you are acting with the certainty that you have done the work and all that you need to do. It’s not quite time to rest on your laurels but by the third week of August, you can begin to relax. Mars heads off into your 11th from the 18th and Venus follows on the 21st. This could also be the day when positive news around career efforts reaches you as Mercury trines Jupiter direct in your 2nd. Long term agreements can be reached, contracts signed or you commit to the path ahead as the Sun and Juno align in your 10th on the 22nd – the day before the Sun exits and heads into your 11th.

That theme of getting yourself noticed now extends to your social network. As the planets get ready to party in here, you could find yourself the life and soul of it or the epicentre around which your social scene orbits. A rush of invitations, events or people just wanting to include you in their plans could follow Mercury’s arrival in your 11th from the 29th. A new social circle, important new friendship or the opportunity to connect to people very much on your wavelength could be on offer as the ‘black’ new Supermoon of the 30th extends you a very special invitation. A ‘black’ new Moon merely refers to the second new Moon to appear within a given month. It’s nothing gothic or sinister. And being another Supermoon its potential is super-sized. In terms of who you meet or encounter now.

This touches on those themes around changing needs around partnerships and long term relationships. When we are ready for the next stage of our soul evolution, the person with whom we are destined to take that journey will appear. This is your house of friendships and is mostly concerned with the love of friends rather than romantic love. However, it’s well worth recalling that your 7th rules long term friends. And that friendships can evolve into romantic love. This new Supermoon falls in Uranus’s ruling house, while it along with the Sun and Mars, trines Uranus is in your partnership sector. You have a total of six cosmic influences in your 11th the day this new Supermoon appears. The Sun, Mercury which is conjunct Juno on this day offering a lasting promise, Venus which rules your 7th, Mars and of course, the Moon. The message is: don’t judge a book by its cover under all this. What begins as a friendship or even a business contact could in fact, turn in to so much more. Or if it is a friendship or professional link, it could open doors for you that may not be obvious at first meeting. So, be open-minded and open hearted now. You’ve done the work now it’s time to relax. And connect with potential this August.

In a nutshell: Game on, Scorpio! Fire up those ambitions and  get ready to make your best impression. Career in-roads can be made now. While new connections contain so much potential.


  • Aim high and follow your own North Star
  • Big up those dreams
  • Time to make your mark

Time to set your sights high and aim for far-far away. Far shores or freedom beckon this August as you find yourself on the cusp of an important journey. Either real or metaphorical. That feeling of spinning your wheels, lack of direction or just being held in place under starter’s orders is about to lift. Especially when ruler Jupiter shifts into high gear again ending its retrograde cycle on the 12th.

Travel, expansion and learning beckon you forward even before Jupiter heads direct again. In fact, all things close to a Sagi’s heart are very much back on the menu. It’s all about big dreams and that big love. Big plans and bigger opportunities to be sought out, discover and above all for you, experienced. The new Supermoon in your 9th opens the door to all of this on the 1st. new Supermoons often go overlooked. Simply because unlike full Supermoons there is nothing much o see. However, the potential they bring is super-sized – and closer than usual. So close you can feel, touch and taste it now Sag. Think big and set your sights accordingly.

You’ve five astral bodies in your 9th the day the Supermoon strikes. The Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars and Juno. Juno rules commitment and the day after the new Moon, gets caught up in the embrace of fiery passionate Mars. This tells me you are about to see those plans and dreams through. If you are not actually travelling or preparing to embark on a course of study now, then plans you make around these areas or any that are ruled by your sign – and you know what these are, have the best chance of coming to eventual fruition now. The 7th and 8th see the Sun and Venus in your 9th arc across to your ruler. For some this could present itself as a golden opportunity. Again, this may involve a trip, lucky career break or the fulfilment of that wild, big goal you get yourself. Watch for news after the 11th when Mercury swings in here. Publishing, the mass media, the law, academia, the internet, communication, outdoors, sports and large animals especially horses, may feature.

Making room for what you want to do means tackling what you have to do in a new way. I am of course referring to your day job whether this is paid or unpaid. Uranus in your 6th is set to change up and electrify your daily routine. More excitement, less grind. It heads retrograde in here the same day your ruler heads direct again. Think outside the square when it comes to rearranging that working life. You know you need a certain amount of freedom no matter what it is you do. Uranus offers you the chance to create that. This may be as simple as re-working that routine or involve you seeking out a new rolethat offers the variety you seek. With Mercury out of retroshadow from the 15th and the Sun and Venus meeting in your 9th the same day – make your move.

The 15th sees a full Moon appear in your 3rd. Again, this touches on your day job, business, commerce, routine, your commute, news, the internet and how you get around. But full Moons shine their light into the sign opposite to the one they appear in. So, once more this is all about those big Sag dreams. This Moon highlights a way forward to have or experience at least some aspect of this. Without quitting your day job and becoming a beach bum that is! (Yes, I know that seems appealing on the surface, but even beach bums need to eat and buy wax for their surfboards). Bring any work efforts, ideas, plans, presentations, interviews or any project that involves writing, pitching, presenting, blogging or communicating to a conclusion now if you possibly can. Results could be experienced and positive news around this arrive around the 21st when Mercury trines Jupiter – now very much direct in your 1st.

For some, working differently with more freedom and smarter, could actually involve taking on more responsibility and stepping into a bigger role (your 9th is all about size after all). Right after the full Moon comes a shift as Mars enters your 10th, firing up those ambitions and your desire to succeed. However, this is all very much on your terms. For you success may simply mean having the time or the resources to do what you want to do.

Venus enhances you professional image and if you are applying for that role or pitching that project, business, product or service, you’ll be seen as a desirable candidate or having what it is that people want, when it too arrives in your 10thon the 21st. Look to creating your very best first impression now. What does your ‘brand’ say about you? Your 10th is a ‘public’ house where you are very much on show. It’s where VIP’s, bosses, gatekeepers and people in positions of power and authority sit up ad take notice of you. One way or another. So be the very best version of you that you can be in your interactions now. Be an influencer in all the right ways. It doesn’t matter if you wear jeans rather than a suit to do your job. Make these your best jeans. Above all, walk your talk. That’s what people will notice the most.

Golden opportunities for success could present themselves thanks to the Sun’s arrival in your 10th from the 23rd and a meeting between Venus and Mars on the 24th. Both Venus and Mars are about to trine Uranus in your 6th. Again, this could bring an unexpected job offer, a fresh direction or simply a fabulous, freeing new way of working which aligns you more closely to your sense of adventure and freedom. Mercury’s arrival in your 10th points to agreements, serious business or ideas, contracts and signatures.

This month also delivers you two super-exciting fresh starts in two different areas. This is all down to not one but two new supermoons. The first was about your big dreams and goals, freedom, learning and all things on that Sag bucket list! The second new Supermoon which appears on the 30th is what is known as a ‘black’ Moon. No, nothing sinister but think of it as being power dressed as it’s in your 10th! This day sees a veritable board of planetary directors working on your behalf in here. The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars and Juno. Mercury and Juno ate conjunct on this day indicating offers and agreements are lasting. The Sun, Moon and Mars are making positive angles to Uranus, lifting you out of that rut, dead-end job or mundane routine and putting you up where you belong. Be ready to say yes and head in an exciting new direction. The only way for you is up this August, Sag.

In a nutshell: You’re the visionary sign of big dreams who aims far and high, Sag. This month is all about setting your sights on that far flung star. And heading towards it with confidence!


  • Ready for a bigger, different kind of love?
  • Sharing is your superpower
  • The confidence you get from how you handle change – so sexy!

Be a secret superhero as August begins, Capricorn. New Supermoons hand you hidden advantages and the opportunity to enter into an important new phase. In your 8th house which is what we have happening on the 1st – a new Supermoon is the Bruce Wayne of new beginnings. Successful billionaire and crime fighting superhero all rolled into one. What I am saying is – you’re in a powerful position right now. We tend to forget the sheer potential of new Supermoons simply because well, there’s not much to see. Full Supermoons are a bit like the bat signal – we can’t miss them. So think of new Supermoons as Batman (or Bat Woman) cloaked and poised on top of a building ready for action. That’s you as August rolls around.

A cycle of peak experiences around money (how Bruce Wayne you feel about yours), shared resources, mortgages, loans, taxes, inheritance, benefits, maintenance and how emotionally powerful you feel is set in motion by this new Supermoon. It tells you changes are on their way in one or some of these areas. Some of you could be involved in negotiations now around salary (a new job or a raise), a pay out or perks. Serious business can be done now and you are the sign which excels at this. The month begins with not just the Moon but the Sun, Venus (which rules your bank account), Mars and Juno in here. From the 11th Mercury moves in which rules contracts, papers and commerce. Signing important papers – contracts, mortgages and loan agreements may play a role now.

This is also your house of joint accounts and shared assets. Especially in a marriage or which are held by long term partners. What you share with others and what is shared with you in turn. Anything from a bed to the home it sits in. Big decisions could result between you and another on a personal level. Such as committing to moving in or buying a home together for example. Mars is in its ancient ruling 8th now and meets Juno (commitment) on the 2nd. The commitment you make could also be with your bank (long term loans/mortgages) or your employer (work contract). Themes around how powerful you feel when it comes to taking on big financial responsibilities or even just naming your price could be triggered as Vesta in your 5th trines Pluto in your 1st on the 10th. This also encompasses how you expect to be treated by others – especially partners and lovers but also extends out to employers. Time to state those values – and also to know when to draw the line.

Fabulous days to strike a deal with someone or enter into an agreement? Or get entangled in the sheets? The 15th when the Sun and Venus meet points to both parties wanting a good outcome while Venus conjunct Juno on the 20th and the Sun conjunct Juno on the 22nd says you could be entering into something binding.

Soul contracts could also form a part of this process. These are the invisible but binding agreements we make with others before we even get here. Watch for who is helping you or putting their resources at your disposal this month as those 8th house planets trine Jupiter in your 12th of all things soul-forged and mysterious. The Sun and Venus align to the planet of good fortune on the 7th and 8th. Plus Jupiter moves forward again from the 12th. Mercury will perform the same angle on the 21st when you could hear positive news or an outcome from something you set in motion in the past. Karma is involved with your 8th and 12th houses. What you owe and what you are owed could fall due. So, take it that any benefits coming your way this month may not just be from what you have set in motion this lifetime – but in others.

Children, lovers, relationships that could result in you becoming a parent, step-parent, god parent, foster parent or even your inner child are all ruled by your 5th house. Which of course contains Uranus revolutionising your ideas, needs and ability to relate to all of these right now. Unconventional is the term I would use or at the very least – you’ll shake up the status quo. Allowing your inner child out to play, choosing a radically different lover to your usual type, adopting a different style of parenting or even becoming a parent unexpectedly – either by falling pregnant or by falling for someone who already has children, are all signs of Uranus at work. Uranus turns retrograde this month on the 12th – and with the 8th house activity you have going on, romance, sex, making babies and parenting issues could surface.

Your 2nd house is all about your money, assets and your self-worth. The full Moon in here on the 19th may not be a supermoon, but it could mark the conclusion of that deal, bargain, arrangement, negotiation or contract arrangement I’ve been talking about. Try to bring matters to a close around now if you possibly can and schedule important interiews, discussions and meetings accordingly.

Transformation around assets, money or anything you share could end with you simply feeling more powerfully sexy no matter what area this took place in. Handling change is a big adrenalin rush especially when we look at how we have navigated it. We are changed by the process. Any interactions we have with others – be they financial or deeply person which involve sharing, change us and them. Even taking out a loan changes us as it impacts on how capable and powerful we feel when it comes to attracting assets and our ability to pay them back. Sharing ourselves with a lover changes us and them. So, that newly-minted change in your confidence you should now be feeling is  what you take with you into the exciting new cycle that opens up for you from the 18th.

Mars heads into your 9th on this day driving you towards a bigger, more passionate experience. You’ve the confidence to venture boldly into areas you may have hesitated to explore before. Venus follows on the 21st and the Sun on the 23rd. A new, unexpected and highly unusual love could follow as Venus and Mars meet on the 24th (same day as Juno arrives in here). And both Venus and then Mars will trine Uranus in your 5th on the 26th and 28th respectively.

Mercury’s entry into this sector of your chart bumps up those astral bodies to five – Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars and Juno. After the inner and outer changes to your world that have characterised most of August – it’s time for soul freedom, Capricorn. Take that adrenalin fuelled confidence and step into something bigger now. Travel may feature for some of you especially as this is your house of long distance journeys and foreigners and Jupiter which rules this, headed direct mid-month. If so, you may be heading back to somewhere you have visited in the past or where you have a past life connection.

For others, expansion and learning may be on offer via studying, the law, mass transportation, the mass media, sports, the outdoors, philosophy, religion and even animals – those larger than a sheep for instance. The second new Supermoon of the month – what is known as a ‘black’ Moon, marks the start of this journey. A black Moon is nothing sinister. It is just a term given to two supermoons. Again, it contains superpowers and these are golden opportunities and expanding your horizons. The day it appears – the 30th, we have Mercury and Juno conjunct in here and the Sun, new Moon and Mars trineing Uranus in your 5th. Your opportunity could appear via someone highly unusual and larger than life who lifts you out of your usual realm and who opens your eyes to new possibilities. This could be anyone from a potential romantic interest or a work connection. They are spontaneous, open-handed and generous. So this is also about sharing. Others could just step into a new world of their own creation or one they have fashioned with a partner. Your horizons are set to expand in a key area now. Go share and explore.

In a nutshell: Go deep into how powerful you feel around money and anything you share with someone else, Capricorn. What’s shared with you and what you share opens doors. Walk through.


  • Transform connections
  • Explore what two can do
  • Love is your superpower

Passionate fresh starts and new beginnings in partnership matters are hidden within the promise of the new Supermoon which appears in your 7th at the start of August, Aquarius. It’s about a new relatedness with existing partners. And the possibility of a new and lasting connection with potential ones.

When the new Supermoon appears you have Venus which rules this house of your chart, the Sun, Mars and Juno all in here. Juno is the traditional ruler of marriage and commitment. So, anything you enter into now or any new commitment made within an existing union, just comes per-packaged with that long term potential. All new Moons mark the start of new phases of relating in a specific area of our lives. Some new Moons are more important than others. The one in our 7th being one of these. Simply because it always involves us and something close to us – or who potentially could be. New Supermoons often go unnoticed or overlooked because unlike their full Moon counterparts – there is nothing to see. But this does not mean their potential is not supersized. Put simply, love is your superpower this August. Or at least until the planets begin their shift into your 8th from the 18th.

Passionate declarations and encounters could result from the meeting between Mars and Juno on the 2nd. The 7th and 8th sees the Sun and then Venus trine Jupiter in your Aquarian-ruled 11th house. So, if you are seeking any kind of long term partner- a lover, a business partner, an activity or collaborative partner, a working relationship or even a long term friend, I should not need to tell you of all signs to put yourself out there in order to find them. Lucky Jupiter can just put you in the right place at the right time. Or have you speak to someone who knows someone who is exactly who you are looking for.

Mercury also arrives in your 7th from the 11th – the day before Jupiter shunts forwards once more in your 11th, setting the future between you and a key person in motion. Romantic encounters and beautiful unions could just be the result of the Sun and Venus meeting in here on the 15th. And this is also the day the full Moon appears in your 1st – shining a light on that all important opposite number. Be open to who this is now. Yes, it could be your marriage partner or long term love – or that potential one. But it could just as easily be another kind of partner or even that opponent – the person you simply cannot stand. It could be your boss, a mentor or even an animal companion. The person whose emails fill your inbox or who messages you the most is the one you are in a relationship with. So, looked at this way you may suddenly see you are in fact, in more than one close relationship.

The good news is, if one of those people does happen to be that enemy you are now in a position to change the energy between you for good. As well as new beginnings in love, this month also offers you the ability to simply transcend or opt out of a negative dynamic. Simply put, you don’t need to have a confrontation with them – or if you do, you’ll handle this better than usual, they simply no longer have the ability to get under your skin. Once you stop reacting to them the way you used to – they become powerless. How’s that for a superpower?

Love is therefore an unstoppable force in your life and just may intensify as the planets move on into your sexy and powerful 8th from the 18th. Mars is the ancient ruler of this house and enters here on this date. If you have recently started seeing someone or alternatively, if you have been in talks with someone about a working relationship, business or other kind of collaboration, this marks the time when things can hot up or commitments made and agreements reached. Again, Mars in here is all about boundaries. So, if you have been dealing with that ‘in your face’ individual, this is the moment when you will show them where yours lie.

Venus will meet Juno in its ruling 7th on the 20th and again, this could be an ‘I do’ moment where promises are exchanged or you enter into a long term partnership arrangement. This is a wonderful day for exchanging vows or announcing that engagement, new job or business partnership. Announcements can be made as well as new and potentially significant connections forged as Mercury (contracts and communications) trines Jupiter in your 11th on the 21st. The results could be deep and lasting as this is also the day Venus arrives in your 8th.

The Sun follows on the 23rd and the 24th is all about sharing. Resources, money and yes – love, as Venus and Mars meet in here. Expect a passionate intensity to flavour everything you do now. From personal intimate interactions as this is your house of sex – to business and financial dealings. You need to feel the heat, you need intensity, commitment and above all – depth. You are all in or all out. There is simply no middle ground for you now. For some this may have a knock-on effect to your home, living arrangements or salary (again these are all things you share or are shared with you) as both Venus and Mars trine Uranus in your 4th. Sudden shifts could result in a better paying job which results in you moving to a bigger home for example. Another would be the decision to move in with a partner. The changes you make now are likely to be lasting one once Juno enters here from the 24th.

Once Mercury enters this house from the 29th –favouring contracts and deals of all descriptions – you once more have a five body stellium in a house which is all about you and others. The new Supermoon in here on the 30th tops this off at six. This is what is known as a ‘black’ Moon. Don’t worry, it’s nothing sinister. It is simply the term applied to the second of two new Moons in a month. Supermoons or not. Like the first Supermoon however, this one promises important new beginnings. Especially around power money, shared assets, property, joint accounts, mortgages, loans and your bedroom (and who you share that with). The Sun, Moon and Mars are all conjunct and trine Uranus in your 4th. While Mercury is conjuct Juno. You’re entering into a commitment or arrangement with lasting consequences. It will change you and the other party on some level. Big decisions can be made now and could happen quite quickly. Even if the run up to them has been slow. Be ready to be transformed by what occurs under this new Moon. For you and someone else, the alchemy is set to happen this August.

In a nutshell: It takes two this month, Aquarius. Partnerships – present and potential, of all descriptions are in focus. Big decisions involving you and another await. Game on!


  • Turn up your vibrancy
  • Lay the groundwork for love
  • Wellbeing leads to new ways to relate – to your body and to others!

Work – whether paid or unpaid, your routine and most importantly, your wellbeing, are themes you just can’t escape this August, Pisces. Big 6th house aspects say your focus needs to be on feeling good and working well. A brand new routine, regimen or job could be ushered in by the new Supermoon in your 6th at the start of August. New supermoons are an untapped source of superpower. They can easily go ignored (just like those wellbeing issues), simply because they are largely invisible. Just like those energy zappers in fact. That routine that’s a rut, that work environment or job which leaves you feeling drained and wrung dry at the end of the day, the lifestyle or food choices you make that don’t nourish or support your physical form, negative people or energy vampires. The list goes on and on but you get where I’m coming from. These are things we tend to ignore or shunt aside. Maybe because we tell ourselves we’ve more important things to do. Or alternatively, we’ll get round to it later.

The superpower this supermoon hands you is knowing that there is no more later. Later is NOW. And yes, this is all important and should be scheduled top of that priority list. Any changes you initiate in any of these areas have the potential to be not only beneficial, but lasting. Time to do the work to make changes. You’ve the commitment and the confidence to do this as Mars and Juno meet in here on the 2nd. If the changes that need to be made revolve around your job and career the planets are aligned to help you make them if you take destiny into your own hands. Ancient ruler Jupiter is in your career zone and heading direct again from the 12th. Just prior to that we have the Sun and then Venus trine it from your 6th highlighting opportunities to escape that work rut if that’s what’s been happening lately. If you are happy where you are or with your day job, these aspects enhance your relationship with your boss and co-workers and could open up a better, more enjoyable or creative way of handling daily tasks or even see you singled out for recognition or a promotion. If you are not happy, then update that CV and send it out there.

Mercury rules this house of your chart and arrives in here the day before Jupiter heads direct. It also clears its retroshadow phase from the 15th – the day the Sun and Venus meet in your 6th favouring job related activities as well as enhancements to health, fitness and wellbeing. If you are thinking of starting a new exercise program, signing up for yoga classes, dance or the gym, hold off a while longer until the 20th-22nd when Venus and then the Sun meets Juno in here as this indicates you will commit to anything you start now.

Those themes of things we ignore or simply cannot see, will be exposed under the full Moon in your 12th on the 15th. This is not a supermoon but it is powerful enough to illuminate anything you are still continuing to overlook that has an impact on that mind/body/spirit connection. This full Moon reminds you they are all connected. You may have a sudden insight into how what you eat affects not only how your body feels but your mental state for example. Or you may suddenly see how that relationship or the environment you are in, has a draining rather than uplifting effect on your psyche. Once you see this, please do something about it. Your intuition knows when something is ‘off’. Don’t ignore that gut feeling.

Living our best life, loving our work and feeling energised and well on a daily basis, not just now and then, are every bit as important as other areas. In fact, we can’t enjoy those other areas unless we feel good in the first place. One more reason to focus on wellbeing and feeling your best before the planets begin their migration into your 7th house, Pisces! This begins on the 18th when passionate Mars arrives in here. It’s now not about body worship but about love for somebody! Surely that’s the biggest reason of all to feel your best? Venus which rules this house follows Mars in here frm the 21st while the Sun arrives two days later.

One of your best days for partnership matters or that special date or meeting occurs on the 24th when Venus and Mars meet in here and Juno also enters. Remember, partnerships include long term working relationships, collaborations and close friendships as well as that love partner. Venus and Mars will trine Uranus in your 3rd on the 26th and 28th perhaps sparking unexpected encounters or a conversation with surprising consequences. Sudden news could send you off in an exciting new direction that makes you glad you are feeling vibrant and energetic now! If you are seeking any kind of long term union – be it a romantic one or a working one, time to explore your options. Try internet dating and search on line for that perfect position.

Mercury arrives in your 7th from the 29th favouring love and partnership discussions, meetings and invitations. The 30th sees the second new Supermoon of the month appear in here. An extremely rare ‘black’ new Moon which is the term given to the second of two new Moons in a given month, be they Supermoons or not. Bear in mind what I said earlier about the potential of Supermoons being easy to overlook. But they are there nonetheless. And this time in a current or emerging relationship. Pay attention to all new beginnings around this or take this as your big opportunity to put an existing connection on a new footing.

Desire and confidence fuse with enhanced love and connection making it easier than at any other time for heart to heart talks or soul-centered connection. All thanks to Mercury onjunct Juno on the day of the full Moon and the Sun, Moon and Mars all trine Uranus. The partnership opportunity or definition of love that arrives might not look or be what you expect. But it’s the one which is going to evolve your understanding of what togetherness can be. So, that makes it the perfect one for you. Now isn’t that worth feeling good about, Pisces?

In a nutshell: If ever there was a time to feel energised, vibrant and alive, it’s August Pisces. Why? You’re on the cusp of a new cycle of relating. Isn’t love worth feeling your best for?

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