Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs January 18th 2021

astrologyWeekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs January 18th 2021


Lock in that future

Assemble that dream team

Harness your people power

New beginnings and seismic shifts are on your menu this week, Aries. Especially around goals and who you know. The Sun lights up your house of friends and the future from the 19th. Take it those connections are about to be cemented for the long term now as the Sun and Saturn meet in here on the 24th. Who is or isn’t on your team is going to be all too apparent now. Ruler Mars in your 2nd collides with Uranus, ruler of your 11th on the 20th.

Think of this week as your sorting hat, Harry Potter style. Are you Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw or Slytherin? What matters is whether or not the people who surround you are on the same page as you, support you and add to your life. And you to theirs. If not, expect the planets to show you that you or they, belong in another house entirely.

Get Your People Power Happening

There’s no such thing as a snarky Jupiter square. Especially when your ruler Mars is making it. An exciting opportunity could present itself via someone you know or reach out to. Or else someone new could enter your circle who offers you entrée into new experiences or is fated to assist you in some way. This could even be mutually beneficial as all relationships, even friendships, involve an exchange. You are there for each other. It’s not a week for love but it is a week to rekindle and explore all those contacts and connections. Populate your house with your people, Aries.

In a nutshell: Friends and connections shine and get locked in for the long term. Your superpower lies with your people now, Aries. The Now Age is all about the future. And who is traveling with you into it.



A milestone you have been diligently working towards for some time could now be within reach. With the recognition that goes along with this. As a result, you may be looking at what is your next logical step in terms of where and how you live, your lifestyle and what you have been or are working towards.

Your value system has been evolving ever since Uranus arrived in your sign in 2019. What once mattered may have increased in value for you. Or you may have decided it simply is no longer worth it. This week sees Mars meet Uranus in your 1st. This could see you showing others just where you stand on this. Especially if you have been putting up with something that simply goes against the grain for far too long. This is not a week to hold things inside.

Sudden shifts around your career could occur one way or another. As in an unexpected promotion or opportunity. However, this is one of those weeks where if you are on the wrong path, you will now realise you can no longer walk it. Or pretend it is okay when it’s not. Remember, when we do not make the decisions we need to, in the end, the universe makes them for us. And in ways we may not initially like even if they do turn out to be to our benefit down the line.

So, as Mars squares with Jupiter on the 23rd, do what needs to be done be it committing to the path you are on and expanding it. Or breaking out and setting off down a new one. You deserve recognition and rewards, Taurus. So, if they are not offered this week, take action to get them.

In a nutshell: Rewards could be on offer for your dedication and long-term efforts, Taurus. But if you are not getting what you know you deserve, it could be time to strike out in a fresh direction.



Discover the truth

Blocks to progress vanish

Move into Now Age freedom!

When it comes to Mars in Taurus and your 12th, one thing that comes to mind is ‘Red rag to a bull’. If you have been putting up with something or someone’s behaviour for a while but not saying anything, this could be the week where you can no longer stay silent. Especially as Mars bumps into Uranus in here on the 20th.

Should you discover someone has been lying or misleading you in any way, your reaction is likely to be the same. Sudden blow ups could occur if you discover things are not how you have been led to believe.

Step into Fresh Possibilities

Take it that this week will free you of anything that is holding you back. And if so, there is a good reason for this happening. Both Uranus and Jupiter are planets which want your freedom. And there is nothing wrong with Mars energy so keep this in mind. Mars rules boundaries along with Saturn which is also aspected this week. But Mars in particular shows people where they have crossed them.

This week sees the Sun arrive in your Now Age 9th joining ruler Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn in here. This is Jupiter’s ruling house and the square it makes to Mars in your 12th on the 23rd could close one door but at the same time, open a new one wide. If there is an ending now, a better, bigger, brighter new beginning will follow. The Sun meets Saturn in your 9th on the 24th. Saturn rules time as well as karma. Time therefore to move past whatever holds you back. And don’t be surprised if this turns out to be you, Gemini.

In a nutshell: Time to step into a fresh cycle of opportunities, solutions and freedom as the Sun arrives in your 9th of the Now Age. Before you do however, you may need to confront something that has been holding you back.



Cut your fears down to size

Make an effort to reach out

Plug into Soul Empowerment!

Hungry for a change and/or an opportunity to zazz up a lacklustre social life, Cancer? This week could just answer those needs if this is what you have been wishing for.

On the 19th the Sun lands in your 8th shining on Now Age transformational opportunities. This is your house of shared assets and resources, soul empowerment and yes – ah-hem – sex! It’s also very much about confidence and seeing barriers for what they actually are as opposed to what you think they are. And the truth around this is probably no biggie. So, expect to cut something down to size as part of this process. You may amaze yourself with your capacity to tackle things in a fearless manner now.

You won’t be afraid to state your terms or shy away from raising something you may have thought ‘difficult’ either. If you do, you’ll soon discover the thought of it was more scary that actually doing it. And doing it isn’t scary at all. Leaving you wondering why you didn’t act sooner. The 24th and the meeting between the Sun and Saturn in here cements your result.

The Power of Connectivity

If Covid restrictions or shyness have taken their toll on your social life, I’ve got good news there too, Cancer. You’ll think outside the box when it comes to new ways to connect even under lockdown. You’ll also realise that we all face the same issues and not speaking for a while doesn’t mean we aren’t still connected. As Mars meets Uranus in Uranus’s ruling 11th you’ll also use that new found empowerment to reconnect. There’s also no such thing as a narky, snarky Jupiter transit. Mars will square Jupiter on the 23rd perhaps reviving something that had cooled down. Make the first move if you have to.

In a nutshell: Time to make your move, Cancer. And to cut those confidence blocking issues down to size. Chances are when you look closely, you’ll see mountains crumble into molehills. Leapfrog back into empowerment this week!



Get a little Now Age togetherness

Don’t be afraid to change direction

It’s ALL about the love!

It’s all about partnerships, twosomes and duos of all descriptions now ruler the Sun arrives in your 7th. This is all about love for the Now Age. Or any kind of relationship which involves you and one other soul. So, close working relationships, business partners, activity partners, collaborators, your bestie and even that rival, opponent or person you simply cannot stand. All are agents sent to show you how love works on a key level.

You may be thinking: ‘How can my ghastly ex/boss/Angie from accounts who makes my job a misery/my so-called bestie who stole my boo, possibly be showing me how love works? They’re heinous!’ I’m not saying they’re not. But there’s a saying ‘Bless my enemy for s/he is the agent of my transformation’. Very often when people act negatively towards us, they push us to act with more self-love. And self-love is where all other kinds of love stem from. The real, lasting kind we’re all seeking.

You’ll know if love is real or not this week as the Sun meets Saturn in your 7th. It will meet Jupiter next week. Potential partners could arrive circled with long term promise. Others could decide to take their connection to the next stage – whatever that is. You are in or out for the long term. One particular connection will come into focus between now and next week.

Love Matters for the Now Age

For many, this could even involve a working or professional relationship. Right now you have the confidence and desire to push forward with any career plans as Mars and Uranus meet in your status defining 10th on the 20th. Mars will also make a tight aspect to Jupiter in your 7th on the 23rd. remember, there’s no such thing as a ‘bad’ Jupiter aspect. Even if it is pushing us a little.

You are being asked to look for relationships you can take pride in. Be they working ones or heart-centered. If something is not giving you that, you will now have the impetus to do something about it. For some of you this could even involve a fresh career direction if Covid has knocked you off course. Just remember – it’s all love in the Now Age, Leo.

In a nutshell: Love in the Now Age wants you to know that no matter the form of the connection – it’s ALL love. One particular connection – past, present or potential, will be in focus. It has so much to show you, Leo.



Small shifts lead to larger changes

Ditch that habit

Charge up your energy to attract!

Keep at the back of your mind that ruler Mercury is now in retroshadow in its ruling 6th. You of all signs know the drill. Time to be focussing on changes you can make to that routine, your habits, diet, wellness practice and your day job be it paid or unpaid. Especially as the Sun arrives in here on the 19th highlighting for you all those Virgo attributes and talents.

Anything you initiate now, is likely to stick, Virgo. All down to the Sun’s cementing conjunction with Saturn on the 24th. Doorways to long term benefits could swing wide as a result – as early as next week.

Shhhh . . . the Secret to Your Success!

A question that I’m asked a lot is: If like attracts like then how do I change my energy to attract something different? Fun fact: It’s easier than you ever imagined. You start with the small stuff by making a different choice. And you don’t need a New Year’s Resolution to do it either.

For you Virgo this means focussing on your superpower. The details and things you do every day. You don’t have to even go all in all at once. You just need to mix it up in small doses. For instance, for one meal a week choose something different to what you would normally eat. Do you walk, cycle or jog? Pick a different route or do your usual one but in reverse. Get your news from a different source.

If you usually shop somewhere specific again, try a different shop even if it is only to buy the ingredients for one meal. If you still commute to work, can you take a different route? Get off a stop early and walk instead? Have a specific time when you check your social media feed and then leave it alone? Drink green tea instead of your usual coffee?

By making a different choice, even a tiny one, we change our energy. We let the universe know we are ready for something different. And that ‘difference’ usually amounts to freedom from something keeping us stuck. Don’t forget, Uranus in your 9th wants that. This week sees it meets Mars in here on the 20th, while Mars squares Jupiter ruler of your 9th, in your Now Age sector on the 23rd. Yes, you may meet resistance. But activating a new ability to attract what you need – oh so worth it, Virgo.

In a nutshell: This week wants to reveal how you can harness the power of attraction in new ways, Virgo. The secret is so simple it may surprise you. Like attracts like. So if you want do attract something new, make that shift.



Feed your creativity

Stars shine brighter when the sky is darkest

Shantay – you stay!

Shantay – you make an entrance and you get to stay in the spotlight this week! RuPaul has defined ‘Shantay’ as ‘To weave a bewitching spell’. It’s that unstoppable and breath-taking combination of fierce and beautifully unique. Hint: That’s YOU, Libra.

Or it should be now the Sun lands in your Now Age 5th on the 19th. Yes, this is your house of children, babies, young people, teenagers. But don’t forget this is also a house of attraction, romance, creative self-expression, indulgences and what it is about you that allows you to stand out and be noticed. In other words – dare I say it, shine like a drag queen.

Get Your Glamazon On!

What do you need to do to express all of this? Has lockdown dulled that lustre, Libra? Do you need to Fab Five yourself? Dress up and feel like a star even if you are staying home? The red carpet is wherever you find yourself this week. And you can share you, your experience and the end result even from the comfort of your lounge room.

So, ditch any self-neglect. Act and feel like you are ready for your close-up. Seeking love? A creative platform? Put yourself out there in any way you can especially on line. There’s the promise of radical and much needed change attached to this. Self-transformation is the key as Mars and Uranus offer the potential for a re-birth as they meet in your 8th on the 20th. Mars then says go big or go home as it angles to Jupiter also in your 5th on the 23rd. You’ve the confidence and the charisma to get this done.

Taking your need to shine, to express yourself, to receive love, recognition, adoration, applause and pleasure seriously is NOT indulgence or self-absorption. It’s good for your soul. And hey, as you radiate it out there, good for those whose lives you touch too. So, don’t be selfish, Shantay. Share yourself.

In a nutshell: Are you ready to stand out, be noticed and shine? All the world’s a stage and you’re the star now, Libra. Even if the ‘stage’ is your lounge room. Nobody puts Libra in the corner this week!



Give your heart some living room

Upgrade that lifestyle

Create a home for your future to begin

This week sees you focussing on home, lifestyle, living arrangements and family now the Sun lands in your Now Age 4th. Joint decisions around living arrangements especially with partners or someone you share your home with may feature.

Shifts around your relationship status or even your career, may have the ripple effect on your lifestyle now. Some of you could be looking at moving in with a partner, changing up your home, upgrading to a larger space or simply a different dynamic. You have Uranus as a long-term resident in your 7th of partnerships of all kinds. This week it will meet Mars in here pointing you in the direction of anything that makes you feel more alive.

Live it Large!

For some, this may involve a literal moving experience. The heart needs space to grow after all. Mars will square Jupiter in your 4th on the 23rd. Jupiter always wants to offer solutions and likes to live it large in every way. If your present home or lifestyle feels cramped or confining, this could act as the trigger which frees you.

At the heart of all this is a desire for security and something lasting and long term. So, think about how you want to be living in the future – or even where and with who, as the Sun and Saturn meet on the 24th. Time to establish something for the long term. Even if it’s not four walls, make it a lifestyle you can love, Scorpio.

In a nutshell: Is it time to be really living, Scorpio? Changes to your lifestyle, home, family dynamic or even your career, could be set to see your space expand in some way. Make changes for the long term now.



Discover how far your ideas can fly

Promises are made to be kept

Words are your superpower

Remember, Mercury is slowing down in preparation for retrograde in your Now Age 3rd which it rules. During this time, it is going to meet your ruler Jupiter twice more. The Sun’s arrival in here on the 19th puts the focus very much on your ideas and what you say and communicate. Writing, speaking, teaching, studying, publishing and the internet in particular.

Say it Anyway

If you have something to say this week, say it and take a fearless approach. Shifts may also occur around your day job (paid or unpaid) or your routine as Mars and Uranus collide in your 6th on the 20th. It’s time now to take action to innovate, escape any ruts you may have fallen into and especially not to put off sending anything out there or having that talk. The Mars angle to ruler Jupiter on the 24th sees you unafraid to tackle any subject. Or push those ideas forward, applying for that new job or sending that website live.

Take it that what you say or do or even put your signature to this week, will have lasting implications as the Sun and Saturn meet in your 3rd on the 24th. Some of you could begin a long-term project, accept a job offer or enter into an arrangement which goes the distance. Business plans have longevity now. Your words have weight so choose them carefully. The promises you make or papers you sign will be binding now. And that’s a good thing, Sag.

In a nutshell: Those ideas or plans have legs that can take you far now, Sag. What you say, share or send out, will have a long-term impact on your future. You’ve far to go – and promises to keep this week.



Set your sights on abundance

Ditch lingering doubts

Reconnect to the feelgood factor!

The Sun leaves your sign this week landing in your 2nd on the 19th. It is going to meet ruler Saturn in here on the 24th for the first time in almost 30 years. This can be a defining moment when it comes to those financial goals. So, time to look at exactly what these are, Capricorn.

This can also be a time where you can attend to matters of self-worth. There’s no doubt you’ve faced challenges over the past few years. Have these left you doubting yourself and/or your abilities on some level? Or even your sexiness and desirability? If you’re feeling lacking or lacklustre in these areas this week could begin to deliver the turn-around for you.

What you love is food for your soul

Mars in your 5th reignites passion for you or shows you just where it might be missing. It’s reminding you that fun, pleasure, play, enjoyment and yes, love, are important facets of being alive. You can’t afford to ignore them. Or to think they are not as important to you as air, food and drink. They are food for your soul.

Unexpected ways to reconnect to all this if needed could appear when Mars and Uranus entangle in here on the 20th. Or simply highlight for you what you need to bring back into your life. The solution or opportunity to do just that isn’t far behind. Mars angles to Jupiter in your 2nd on the 23rd asking you if you are ready to simply accept MORE for yourself. More love, more self-worth, more abundance, more ability to attract what you want in the long term. It’s my guess your answer is ‘Yes’ to all of that, Capricorn. This week says – don’t be afraid to go after it. And above all, give it the priority you know it deserves.

In a nutshell: Passion, joy, romance, fun. No, these are not indulgencies. They are food for your soul, Capricorn. As the Sun leaves your sign for your self-worth 2nd, time to focus on how much more you truly deserve.



Time to be the best version of you

Take those dreams seriously

Happy Now Age Birthday!

Take it there are just two signs of the zodiac right now. Aquarians – and those who wish they were Aquarians! The Sun lands in your 1st this week and it’s your birthday season for the Now Age.

Time to focus on you, your image, appearance, style, brand, message, look and what makes you totally and wonderfully YOU. You are your own currency for this cycle. If you need to make adjustments, then do so now. You can reinvent yourself if you want. Make a small change or simply go for an extreme makeover or witness protection worthy identity swap. How far you take this is totally up to you.

Set Your Intentions for the Coming Year

It is also time to make new promises to yourself when it comes to your goals. To look at what steps you need to take to make those dreams reality. And above all, to take what you want seriously. Committing to this is part of your Now Age process. You’re prepared to do what is takes now. The same goes for any changes you make to how you look or come across. Chances are you’re adopting them for keeps as the Sun and Saturn meet in your 1st on the 24th.

If this day is your birthday, look forward to making serious inroads towards some major goal you’ve set yourself over the next 12 months.

This week also sees ruler Uranus meet with Mars in your 4th on the 20th. While Mars will nudge at Jupiter in your 1st on the 23rd. There is no such thing as a narky Jupiter aspect. So, bear this in mind. What your ruler combined with Jupiter this week wants to gift you for your birthday, is the opportunity to own your own path from here on in. To make it yours and also to offer solutions to anything that prevents you from doing just that.

Yes, you may have to reach for this. And in doing so, you may upset a few people along the way. But with a birthday cycle with your name on it, you have to live up to living it exactly the way that feels right.

In a nutshell: Happy birthday to all Now-Agers! It’s the cycle with your name on it, Aquarius. So, ensure you meet it best face forward. Time to set your intentions for the coming year. Game on – and celebrate!



Ask your angels

Start that soul home edit!

The truth is liberating

Get ready for illumination, Pisces. The Sun’s arrival in your 12th hands you incredible gifts of enhanced intuition, psychic abilities and insight. You won’t rest now until you get answers to outstanding questions or mysteries.

The arrival of the Sun in here is always the time that marks your annual soul house edit. The period just prior to your birthday where you tie up loose ends, see to any unfinished business and settle things for yourself – one way or another. You’re wanting to see things as they truly are now. Not how they may be portrayed or how you may want them to be. The unvarnished truth is preferable.

Get ready to meet the truth

At the heart of this is the need to know what or who comes forward with you into your new cycle and what you need to let go of. Mars meets Uranus in your 3rd of communication on the 20th. You won’t shy away from asking those questions to get to the heart of the matter. Or in initiating that fact-finding talk. Especially as Mars squares Jupiter in your 12th on the 23rd. There’s a need to know happening now. And what is more, you are confident you can handle the answers no matter what they are.

The 24th sees the Sun and Saturn meet in here. Saturn rules karma, time and in your 12th, grounds you down to reality. Something could come full circle now and require a decision from you. What I can tell you is that Saturn in here can act as your guardian angel. It can deliver powerful insights and answers. The Sun fires up your incredible Pisces gifts of feeling the truth in every atom of your being. If you are truly open to receiving your answers, you’ll get them this week, Pisces.

In a nutshell: The Sun in your 12th sees you on a fact-finding mission, Pisces. As usual, your infallible insight is your guide. You’ve an angel helping you too this week. If you are prepared for answers – ask away!



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